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S2 licensed
Good job with the broadcast! I popped by from time to time and saw some exciting action while I was there. Grats to the winners!
S2 licensed
Quote :Seems with some tweaking in input values, LFS can easily compete/surpass iRacing in terms of physics experience.

Indeed! I have the same feeling. For that to happen, they just need a) better (snappier) transition from grip to sliding and b) more detailed track surfaces and the way bumps are transferred through the FFB. The LFS tracks feel extremely sterile compared to the iRacing tracks. But you don't need laser scanning to make somthing similar! Surely it can't be that hard to make some random bumps and cracks in the tarmac..?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mattesa :So after about about hour of iRacing, I gave LFS a spin, then gave NKPro a spin. It's the first time I've played the 3 back-to-back-to-back.

I can't tell you which one's better, or which one's more realistic. In fact I'm more confused than ever.

I can say that NKP feels really weird, and by feel, feels the least believable handling. Not sure why that is. I swear I had it as the best a few months ago. Oh well.

"Perception"... Bah... If perception was any good we wouldn't need rulers or thermometers. From this point on I will only judge a SIM by the telemetry it puts out. Or something.

I've also tried running all three in quick succession. For me, nKP is the one which stands out as being clearly different from the other two. I can't put my finger on it, but something just makes close racing very very difficult in that one. I feel like I could do 200 laps on a circuit and still not be confident enough to run two wide through the whole thing! Also the sound just doesn't give me enough feedback.

iRacing and LFS are more similar IMO. It's very hard to compare them, because I think it's hard to tell how much of the difference is simply down to the track surface detail. iRacing's FFB is very good indeed at conveying those bumps and cracks. In LFS, the bumps at South City for example just "kill" the force feedback alltogether for an instance (like you're airborne). It doesn't jerk your wheel around like iRacing, it's just "FFB on or off".

On the other hand, LFS is better at telling you where your front wheels are pointing (you get a very strong "self correction force feedback" which I like very much). In iRacing this tends to get overshadowed by all the bumps which jerk your wheel all over the place. Particularly in the Skip Barber car. I have to turn down FFB to not have the bumps rip my arms off, and then there's hardly any self correcting FFB left.

The big difference, though, is in the tire model. I'm getting more and more convinced that iRacing's tire model is way more realistic. Yesterday I was trying out the FZ5 at Westhill Rev., and that thing feels like an elephant on ice.. I very much doubt that a real world Porsche will slide around like that in real life. In iRacing the cars have more grip, and this feels a lot more realistic intuitively. (to someone who's never raced a real race car, mind you).
S2 licensed
Grats on your new video card! That's a lot better than the 9600GT you considered. According to Tom's Hardware it's on average 36% better at 1680x1050. I'd say that justifies the price gap!

Now you've got to get some other games and see what your card can do..
S2 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :Hehehe Good idea. Maybe we'll make a post here next time we are going to do some missions and a few people can join us

Yes, please do! What time of day do you normally play? (approx)
S2 licensed
Any old webcam will do, basically, as long as it has at least 30FPS. If you're going to try FreeTrack there's a list of supported webcams at their site. Mine isn't on the list, though, and it works flawlessly, but if you want to be 100% certain get one from the list!

Or, if you perchance have a Wii, you can hook up the Wii controller and get 120FPS of tracking!
S2 licensed
Hehe.. well, your motions are exaggerated. So when you turn your head a few degrees to the right the "virutal head" will turn much more than that. So you don't have to look out the corner of your eye! It sounds counterintuitive, I know, but after a little while you completely forget that you're using headtracking.. it becomes very natural.

Try it for yourself! Download FreeTrack or Cachya and give it a go. With Cachya you only have to print out a sheet of paper with a special pattern on it, and for FreeTrack you only need 1 LED light in the most basic configuration. That way you'll get an idea what it's all about.
S2 licensed
Quote from TAYLOR-MANIA :hey, i'm just wondering if there's a reason for you believing that? Or are you like me and just expecting it to sooner or later? Has something been said about it somewhere?

I'm holding out and holding out...been thinking about taking my desk apart & getting a car seat to build a custom cockpit myself, but it will be such a hassle that i'd much rather avoid...

Nothing concrete yet I'm afraid.. they're still looking for dealers in Europe. Here's a quote from January 12th:

Quote :shipping to Europe is still an issue. The box is rather large and the air shipping rates are HUGE....appx US$450 shipping charges from Beijing to EU. Even from our US inventory, the shipping charges would be over US$300 to France.

It would be great is someone in Europe would like to distribute these for us since we can then send container shipments to them which brings shipping costs down to the neighbourhood of US$30-90 per cockpit. Of course this would entail purchasing 50 or more cockpits, but so far I've received just as much interest from Europeans sim racers as in the US, so 50 cockpits would sell rather quickly.

This is another thing the Rinoseat guys have done right: they've thought about storage/shipping all the way through the design process. The whole thing folds into a cardboard box 80x15x40 cm or something like that, which was a major thing for me. The Obutto guys seem to have designed the whole thing first and then they went "oh hell, we have to ship this bloody thing too! How are we going to do that..?" as a bit of an afterthought.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bawbag :Is there anywhere to find the best hotlaps for certain tracks?

I got 1.46.8 in qualifying with the soltice at laguna seca, but I can't say it felt to fast and considering it was my first go at changing the setup there must be faster somewhere....

And I thought I was fast! I'm the guy in 6th. (Einar)

Good going!
S2 licensed
Quote from Crady :Well... still waiting for Leo´s Brake adapter... Will test it then.

I recognized that I slowly get used to it but it still feels like just braking on about 2 cm instead of the whole pedal way...

Yes, that sounds about right. The range of motion is dramatically reduced. I love how it feels, but I agree with you that the range is reduced too much. It becomes hard to maintain constant brake pressure during heel&toe for instance. That's the only reason why I consider getting the Clubsports. Other than that I love the G25 pedals!
S2 licensed
Quote from aimbottle :I'm seriously considering to get me one of those rinoseats, but I've got a little problem: I've tried to contact the producer of the seats via three different e-mail adresses, but I don't get an answer. It seems like other ppl in another forum experience the same problem.
Does anyone of you know what's up with the buisness? Did anyone of you have contact to the manufacturer recently? It would be a shame if the seat wasn't available any more...
I'd appreciate any information about this.



Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him post anywhere for the past couple of months.. last autumn he answered e-mails pretty quickly. But I do know that they had lots of problems with shipping. For example a whole shipment of ~ 60 seats got lost in transit due to a problem with Croatian customs (if I understood him correctly). A small company like this can't afford too many such mishaps..

I say be patient a little longer, and hope for the best. If you don't have patience, I believe the Obutto seat is going to be available in Europe quite soon. That looks like a good alternative also!
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :
By these graphics preview, we can assume that the physics and other thing will not suffer big updates...

I prefer to be optimistic and think that the team has been focusing on the "under the hood" stuff such as physics instead of graphics. I can put up with really bad graphics if the physics are good!
S2 licensed
Quote from Sueycide_FD :

:jawdrop:i went berserk for 30 seconds trying to figure what the hell game was this.

Is that rFactor?? That looked pretty impressive really..! A little too much bloom for my liking, but the reflections were pretty well done.
S2 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :I think that would be great if there was a standardization group to approve the mods, and a tool for automatic update.

A tool for this is something ridiculously simple to make.

The standardization group would demands more work, but I'm sure there will be no lack of candidates for it.

But it shouldn't need a standardization or "approval", though. I imagine the following:

1) Somebody makes a mod and uploads it to the offical site
2) A host setting up a server decides to apply this mod to his server.
3) A player goes online, looking for a server to join. When he clicks "join" a little script will check whether he has the necessary mod installed. If not, it will automatically be downloaded and applied.

This wouldn't require any "governing body", it could be completely automated. If someone makes a crappy mod chances are not many people will apply it on their servers. It will all adjust itself over time.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Thing is Chris, I don't like the idea of having to download a mod to play online. That's why LFS is so good, no faffing about, it's truely a 1 click join, no hassle. No "mod not found" BS.

Personally I've never played rFactor, but I understand that this is one of the biggest gripes people have with it. Hopefully rFactor 2 will integrate the mods more seamlessly into its design. How hard can it be? Here's what I'm imaginin:

What if when you're looking at the server list there's a button next to each server saying "download necessary content". Click it, and the mods get installed (like, cars/tracks/whatever). So when you join a server it automatically selects the mods you need.

Other mods (like FFB tweaks, graphics mods etc) can of course be turned on or off permanently if you so choose.

Couldn't this work..?
S2 licensed
Before I got my Rinoseat I simply mounted the wheel on some pieces of wood. Worked a treat!
S2 licensed
Quote from (SaM) :If this title has been posted before, see it as acknowledgment that it really is a good film.

Seven Pounds.

Yes, I cried a little.

I was about to post the same thing.. it's a really touching movie.

Even big blokes cry every now and then.
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :(...) announce what I've been working on one week before release.

Yeah, we've seen that this is a recipe for success..

I understand why Eric felt the need to vent a little. He's received so much crap over the past year or so.. looking at the XF/XR interiors I can absolutely understand why they took a lot longer to make than the S1 interiors!
S2 licensed
Quote from Not Sure :I applied for a free trial, never received any email..

Could you tell us a little more about the brakes? How exactly they are better than in LFS?

Also, ISI-like physics and great feel mentioned in the same post, what's up with that??

The fact that it's possible to lock up, combined with the very bumpy and detailed road surfaces, makes braking a whole different ballgame compared to in LFS. Also the sound feedback is very good, always telling you how close you are to locking up the tyres. So you have to constantly be ready to adjust your braking pressure through the corner (entry-->trailbraking).
S2 licensed
Quote from Huru-aito :
iRacing felt more mechanical and somehow more precise, and more difficult when on the limit of adhesion.

Quote from Matrixi :LFS simply feels too bland after experiencing IR. Every lap in LFS feels the same, there is nothing new to discover in the tracks. IR is not perfect, but somehow a bit more raw and life-like than what LFS feedback is. It is very hard to explain like Huru said, you really have to try it yourself to understand.

Quote from titanLS :Personally I love it. The FFB is awesome and the track surface is unrivaled in anything else I've tried (LFS, rFactor, nKp, etc.)

LFS feels very static and dead now that I'm used to iRacing. Of course each has it's merits but in iRacing I feel more connected to the car and subsequently the road than any other sim, bar none. In iRacing the car actually feels like it is on the ground, like it has some weight to it. LFS feels like the car is floating right above the ground.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :Track and vehicle immersion are far ahead of LFS, and the driving experience in general is quite excellent (especially the brakes, which are light years ahead of the mash-it-and-forget-it experience we have here). Still not worth the cost to me, though.

Yep, that's exactly what I think too.

To me, the fun of sim racing is in getting as close to real racing as possible. I've always used heel&toe in the road cars in LFS, and I'm doing the same in iRacing with the Solstice. However in iRacing I almost had to relearn it completely, because the brakes are so much more realistic. You have to be really careful not to lock up during heel&toe motion, and it seems that you need to blip a lot more heavily to prevent a lockup when you're braking near the threshold, due to the inertia in the gear mechanism. When you get it "right" it feels sooooo satisfactory! Much more so than in LFS, where you can get away with almost anything.
S2 licensed
Thanks Darin. Yeah, I noticed in your video that you can move the mount up or down on the pedal arm. Four more holes it seems. I guess that would make it quite a bit stiffer! If you try it out it would be nice if you could tell us how you like it that way.
S2 licensed
Quote from obsolum :That is exactly the impression I got when I first tried nKPro, but it was 1.02 at the time. I don't have this "problem" at all in 1.03, which leads me to believe it had more to do with hardware settings or something rather than the game itself. Really, the sound in 1.03 is great for me. The only thing that changed on my computer hardware wise between me trying 1.02 and 1.03 is I've got a different - and a lot less performant - graphics card

I downloaded Gill's soundpack today, and it's a lot better IMO. But is there a way to change the skid sounds? The skid sounds are very important to me, and I don't like the ones in nKP. They don't seem to provide much info.. and I couldn't find them in the sfx folder
S2 licensed
Quote from DarinSRT :Thanks !

They've assured me that the production wheel will be quieter.. I also noticed that unless you're driving like Shaun.. It's not too bad.. My friend Thierry was over again last night running some open wheel stuff and it wasn't loud at all..

Thierry also doesn't saw the wheel like a mad man..

Hey Darin, I understand that Thierry is "Mr. Heel&Toe". How does he like the Clubsports for heel&toe-ing?

Also, I know you've tested the Nixim mod for the G25 before. How do the Clubsports compare to the G25 with Nixim?

S2 licensed
Crapzors!! 35 people online at 1 PM..! :spin:
S2 licensed
Great news! Good initiative. Should help fill the gap after CTRA.