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S2 licensed
IMO antialiasing and anisotropic filtering are among the few of those "fancy effects" that actually improve gameplay, because they reveal information about the track that would otherwise be unclear. But this is already available by tinkering with your graphics driver outisde of LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :There isn't a wheel that costs more than 2000£, or even close to that. Was that a typo?

And that BRD wheel has been "soon to be released" for years, has it finally been released? Or is you brother, moose, beta tester for them?

As to other wheels, there are few:
- Ecci, high quality, no FF
- VPP, high quality, poor driver support. Also the wheel is said to have the internals of some cheapo wheel
- Adventage1 non-FF atm. but an ff version is to be released sometime soonish
- Thomas enterprises, high quality, no FF
- then there is the frex wheel coming too

There really isn't any good ffb wheels in the price range between 300€ and 1000€.

My choise would probably be Ecci wheel, CST pedals and frex H-shifter... Combined price of 2000€+

Thanks for the list!

I know some of the full-motion simulators come with special FFB wheels included. The reason I wrote 2000£ max was to not include the full simulators.

The not-yet-released FREX wheel does look very promising indeed from what I've seen of it. I wonder what the price tag will be on that one.. I imagine it will be quite astronomical, especially with the hydraulic pedals too.
S2 licensed
Why not upgrade to Patch Y? This smells funny..
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :This is my brothers. I'm jealous Feels bloody great.

Waah! That looks awesome.

Kind of off topic, but here we go: what is the next "step up" from G25/911? Is there any retail wheels in the [250,2000]£ price range? Not that I could ever afford one, but I'd like to know.
S2 licensed
Sorry for sounding like an ass, but what exactly does the mod do? Is it simply a way of attaching a different wheel to the old wheel mechanism? Or does it also change the FFB and general wheel behaviour?
S2 licensed
I don't know the consumer rights in your country, but in Norway you're not supposed to pay for shipping or anything as long as you have the receit or warranty for the purchase. If I were you I'd check that out and give the retailer (not Logitech, but the store you bought it at) a call and explain the situation.
S2 licensed
I got it to work! The LED reading lamp from my brother did the trick. And I definitely understand what you mean.. it will take a long time to get used to. It gets hard to figure out where your car is pointing when you're not looking straight ahead, since in a simulator you don't feel the forces on your body.

I'll play around with it and see. At any rate it's a pretty impressive little thing.
S2 licensed
Why would you like to avoid buying it online? I don't know how the consumer rights are in the UK, but I'd imagine it's just as "safe" as buying it from a store. (as long as you're using a UK registered webstore) I think you'll have trouble finding it that cheap in a regular store, although what do I know -- you could get lucky.

Whichever way you end up buying it -- you won't regret it!
S2 licensed
Glad you found it useful! As you say, the good thing is that it's easy to adjust it as you progress. I think I learnt quite a lot about which parameters affect speed/handling through this method.
S2 licensed
Troy is Swiss, isn't he? If so, and he joins, get ready to get your asses kicked! (If his LFS driving is anything to go by)

Sounds like a lot of fun, events like this. Actually I've never tried karting myself. Gotta do something about that some day.
S2 licensed
I can't answer that of course, but I've found it pretty useful to download a setup from Setupfield or elsewhere, and then tweak it to be somewhere around half way between that and Bob's setup. If you play around with it you might get a pretty decent one.
S2 licensed
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :Well compared to 6 months ago there are many more racers than before. When patch y came out LFS hit a new record of 1800 people online at once, small when compared to MMO's but for any type of racing game I don't think you will ever find a larger number.

For comparison, how are the figures for rFactor? Do they have a smaller or larger online community?
S2 licensed
Quote from March Hare :Well I for one am going to go increase the amount of online racers.
Want to join me on CTRA Race 2?

Sure! Smile I'll be there in about three hours. Got some stuff that needs doing first. Thumbs up

On topic: as a n00b, I can't see myself getting tired of the content of the game as it is now for at least a couple of years. There are so many cars to learn, so many tracks.. but I can defnitely see that for the veterans, a new track would be nice. However, I think that if the devs have to choose between new tracks and physics improvements, I think they should definitely go with the latter, because it will benefit everyone in the community. The veterans will have to learn the game again (kind of), bringing it extra longevity for them, and the n00bs will find the game even more appealing than it already is.
S2 licensed
That looks amazing! It's pretty impressive that it can be as good as that with only 1 LED. I mean, three I can understand, but only 1?

I can somewhat understand that it's hard to get the directional stability of the car right when using FreeTrack. But are you sure that it's not just a steep learning curve, and that once you've practiced enough with it you'll get comfortable? Sounds to me that given enough practice it can be a pretty useful tool.

I'm going to visit my brother later this week, and I'll ask if I can borrow his 1-LED reading lamp thingy. Will report back here when I've tried it.
S2 licensed
What are MHR benchmarks?
S2 licensed
I love your cap!

I'll see what I can find. I think my brother might have one of those LED reading lamp thingies laying around. I'll ask him.

S2 licensed
Yep, I meant shift!

Any luck, Racerjon?
S2 licensed
Process lines? Do you mean the Windows bar with the Start-menu icon on it? If so, your window is probably not maximized. Try pressing Alt+F4 or Alt+4 in LFS. (can't remember which... I hope it's correct)

If it doesn't work, post again.
S2 licensed
Hm.. I see. It would be very nice to try it out, though, and see for myself.

What LED system did you use? I'm having trouble getting my bike lamp to work, even though I've followed the manual. Maybe my webcam has an IR filter..
S2 licensed
Yet another reason to play LFS instead of GTR2!
S2 licensed
Quote from [RF]-art555 :It works with one LED just fine for me. One LED might be even more accurate at measuring basic movements as the site says.

Now real question: Who really finds it usefull in LFS. To me its too hard to get used to. I use around 80* FOV and I was going to use it just for glances on the mirrors, but its too difficult to get used for me

Does your 1 LED setup work such that when you look to the side and then look straight ahead again, you're looking straight ahead in the car again? The problem for me was that it wouldn't keep up with my head movement.

Can you explain why you find it difficult to use? I guess it might be difficult to put into words, but it would be nice..
S2 licensed
Wow, this program sounds promising!! I downlaoded it and tried it. However...

Quote from Takumi_lfs :I'm having problems with 1 led.

I can see it moving but the head of the program also in game doesnt move the way i want.


Any suggestions?

... I have the same problem. I'm using an old bike lamp. I've covered all but one of the LEDs with black tape, so that shouldn't be a problem. I've also installed the setup file above. However, in game, It only partially works.. for instance, if I look to the left it will work, but then when I look straight ahead again it doesn't align properly. Quite annoying.

I'm thinking it might be because I'm only using 1 LED? Unfortunately I don't have a soldering iron.. I guess I need to be creative and figure out a way.
S2 licensed
Two things I can think of:

1) are you using AA and AF? These can lower performance quite a bit. Try adjusting them a little.
2) as for the 1-2 second stuttering: might want to increase the priority of LFS in task manager, in case it's some other process that's using a lot of processor cycles every now and then.
S2 licensed
Quote from atlantian :wait, do you stop your front wheels or rear wheels in trail braking?

Hm.. maybe I used the term wrong.. anyway, I do the following when approaching hairpins/acute turns at high speed:
  • Approach a corner and apply full brakes while following a straight line
  • Ease off brakes a little as I approach apex, but still braking quite a lot. This causes more vertical loading on the front wheels, which gives better traction and hence I can turn more/faster. The rear wheels will be slipping slightly (but not spinning out), as the rear end of the car wants to keep going along the straight line.
  • Once the front of the car is pointing where I want, I countersteer (straighten up the car) while gently applying throttle.
In the XFG/XRT this works pretty well. I normally use 66-69% brake bias to get this effect.

I don't know, but it feels like I can go faster with this technique as I can approach a turn at higher speed and exit with the same speed, or maybe also faster.
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :
Speed is important, but speed without consistency won't get you anywhere but a gravel trap.

In the tight corners, I like to use trail braking, with quite a lot of braking force on my rear wheels. This makes it easier to point the car in the direction I want to go early, so I can come back to full throttle earlier. (I'm using this in the XRG/XRT)