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S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Welcome!

It took a long time but in the end you saw the light.

.. and went straight on a drift server.
S2 licensed
Quote from STROBE :Ummm... you seem to have overlooked the little issue of tax (business & personal), the overheads of running, LFSW and the master server, and the fact that the profit from S2 isn't steady and guaranteed each month like a regular salaried job would be. Even though none of this is any of our business anyway.

That's why I divided by 2.
S2 licensed
Interesting numbers! I'm slightly worried at the declining growth rate in the recent past, but I guess that will improve.

Just an experiment: if, as we assume, 1/4 of the 200,000 racers actually bought a licence, that means 50,000 licences have been sold. Seems from the graphs that ~ 1/3 of these were bought in the S1 days. Assuming that half of these again upgraded to S2, the LFS team should have gotten about 1,1£ in total income. Let's say 1 million, then. So in the 5 years since the first release, each of the three developers should have had an average annual income of somewhere around 70,000£. Not too shabby. But of course they have to pay for all kinds of development related stuff. So I guess we could safely cut that figure in half.
S2 licensed
How nice! She looks very cute.
S2 licensed
There is leather on my G25 because it provides better grip. My pedals are made of metal because that makes them more solid and durable. Which give an advantage when driving.

I can understand why people spend money on stuff like 3D goggles, TrackIR, a bigger wide screen monitor or a ButtKicker because it can be argued that they give you an edge in competition by providing information that is not available if you don't use them. That's just not the case with GIs the way I see it. Which makes me curious as to why people spend money on it.

No offence meant, I'm just curious, that's all.
S2 licensed
About gear indicators: sorry for sounding like an idiot, but what's the point?

1) It says on the screen which gear you're in
2) Why would you even need to see it written somewhere? Personally I always know what gear I'm in (I'm using manual transmission) If I should forget, all I need to do is place my hand on the gear knob.

Sure, it might look cool and all, but other than that, what advantage does it give?
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :Since S2 is Alpha, I would guess that S3 is the Beta. Then when S3 is done, you have LFS Final. That's just my guess though.

That's an interesting angle. Maybe you're right!
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Yeah there's a super secret S3 Beta test that's awesome.

Sssshhh, that was supposed to be our secret!

*Gnomie pops off to drive his Miata around Hockenheimring in a tornado at night on ice*
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :No, I don't use names above cars, because it's distracting. I watch at list of positions when I need to know who I'm fighting with.

Same with me. Actually I'm a little surprised at the poll results. I'd have thought more people raced without the names.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :(...) because I know I'm not a complete tit.


Anyway.. I hope I'll have a chance to race a real car someday. I'm interested in finding out whether feeling the forces on your body simply provides more input or if it's a determining factor that changes the whole experience of driving, so to speak.. I think this is something you can only answer once you've tried.
S2 licensed
An MX-5 style car gets a huge +1 from me. I've always wanted one. Everytime I see one I turn my head and look. Sadly though I'm pretty tall, so I'm afraid a simulator will be as close as I'll ever get to driving one.

Personally I think there won't be any more "normal" cars added to LFS for a while. I have a feeling that the next big upgrade will be a rally expansion, with 4x4 rally cars. That, or some old vintage racing cars. Either way that would definitely bring something new to the game!
S2 licensed
You could always try downloading my config file and see if it works. I have configured it so that pitspotter is the only thing that runs. (except 0-100 acceleration, but that shouldn't bother you too much)
S2 licensed
Quote from Gekkibi :I reinstalled windows and now it works. Mysterious are the ways of Bill Gates...

I don't know if I am too stupid or something, but I don't find a way to disable digital speedometer and 0..100 acceleration message. Only thing I need is that talking guy (Helps alot when using one monitor and 90 FOV). Do I have to compile it again to disable all other options? If yes, could someone do it for me, as I don't have a compiler software for windows, and don't want to install ANYTHING on this computer (Only additional softwares installed are related to LFS. )

Edit: I think I found a bug. It changes outgauge port to 28999 after I connect to an online server (Works offline,'tho). If I configure gi.exe (outgauge program) to port 28999 and restart LFSrelax, it gives me bunch of errors (Multiple software using the same port). Or am I so dumb that I have missed something critical..?

You can use this nifty little program to modify the config file! Just place it in the LFSRelax/Bin folder and run it. Pretty nice.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :(...) But thankfully every dialect of every language ever invented since human speech first occurred can share that experience!

Personally I think the Asian translations were a great idea. If LFS is to be able to keep growing, they need as large a user base as possible. Since the % of the population that are interested in a serious driving sim is naturally low, that means the devs have to try to reach out to everyone. And Asia is a huge (and growing) market for computer games. So in the long run, the translations might generate the income which will fuel future expansions.

[/off topic, again]

I agree on the suggestion to try using the H-shifter, and also 720 degrees of rotation (if you're not doing that already). Adds a LOT to the experience. In addition, it might be worth trying out FreeTrack or similar software for head tracking. I've tried it, and I can tell you it will most definitely take some practice getting used to it. Certainly a challenge!
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I sure hope so, but i think that it's been said that HL's are dependant on the cokcpits unfortunately

I never understood why people are so over the moon about new cockpits. Isn't it just a graphical update of the interior of the cars? There are plenty of user-made nice ones already.. am I missing something?

Anyway, I think driving weird combos, learning cars you never liked (RAC seems to be commonly mentioned) or having a go at drifting might be a good idea.
S2 licensed
What if you in quick succession engage/disengage/engage etc the handbrake? Wouldn't that be kind of like "pump braking", meaning you'd get some braking done before/after the wheels lock up? (Dynamic friction > static friction..) Never tried it though..
S2 licensed
So.. does this work now?
S2 licensed
Quote from HVS5b :There was a group of MHR sets released by Csimpok, one of which was an RAC set. I've been using this as a base then tweaking it for the different tracks. It's a fast and stable set, worth trying to find it

Ah, it's ok, here it is

Nice, thank you!
S2 licensed
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :

You're all missing out on a fantastic opportunity! The last winners of the International ETM series won a trip to watch the monaco GP for the weekend with Hotel! There was also some Wii's that were given away Last season, who knows what happens for this season =)

Sadly the dates coincide with the ones of the Belgium Sim Racing league, where I'm racing. Otherwise I'd definitely try to join this, or at least have a go and see if I'd be able to compete. But I guess you can't have it all.
S2 licensed
Quote from March Hare :A way to add to your own predictability in the eyes of the other racers is:
using the turn signals or indicators to tell them of your intentions.

The only problem is that they are interpreted differently by different people.

I asked this once somewhere and mostly people regard that you indicate to the direction you want to go. But atleast the Germans indicate to where they want the other driver go.

How do I map the signals to buttons on my wheel? I haven't figured that out.. I'd like to know either way.
S2 licensed
Tonight there were more than 1700 racers online! And, what's more, more than half of them were licenced racers!

Unless my memory serves me wrong, didn't the fraction of demo racers use to be higher than this prior to patch y? Seems to be around half and half on good days. Are we seeing a positive trend both in terms of total number of racers and the amount of licenced users?
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :I found a video on Youtube for you: Banger Racing...

Ouch.. who in their right mind would ever volunteer to compete in a race like that? Some of those crashes looked pretty seriuos..

Therefore I think the best definition of bangers would be "crazy people who are in dire need of money/attention".
S2 licensed
I got one today from Taper (who in turn got it from Pallu from what I gathered). Thanks again! I hope it's OK that I share here too, because it's definitely the best set I've found so far. I think I'll stick with this one!

Here it is.
S2 licensed
Sorry for the bump, but does anyone have any Patch Y compatible RAC setups? I'd like to use this car in CTRA, but so far I haven't found any good setups. Main priority is stability, not über-super-fast alien setups.
