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S2 licensed
Quote from VTiRoj :I didnt mention handling now did I? Handling wise the RA can be compared to this:

Handling is erm, yeah, erm. Just as plastic too
Will it understeer? Will it oversteer? Find out at the next corner!

That's almost correct. It's missing the saab turbo engine

Quote from Kevin. :Neither. Its just gonna spin out on the straight

S2 licensed
Quote from VTiRoj :I was gonna scream out THE RAC IS REAL YOU NOOB! But then the picture of the RAC loaded in your post

I think its like an MR-S, lightweight, mid engined, but it has a Saab Turbo engine instead

It's nothing like a MR2. It's unbalanced, stance is too narrow, massive turbo lag, need I go on?

My brother owned a 96 mr2 for a long time and that car was nothing but pure control and fun on track. Drove like on rails, even though it's mid engined. Extremly balanced, very wide and quite low. It was an amazing car back in the day.
That can't be said about the RA.
It really is a plastic car with a saab engine.
S2 licensed
I just tried the corvette, nord 2.0 and it's all nice and dandy but the whole thing is missing something. I really can't put my finger on it though.

The feel is fine, even better with real-feel (a must-have IMO), the car is amazing and the tracks if very close to being accurate.
I think it's just the whole rF "feel" that doesnt sit well with me.
I'm still for playing more then one sim and in that regard rF is as good as any (with the right mods that is)
I just can't shake LFS as my favorite, even with so many shortcomings (very very very many shortcomings)
S2 licensed
Wow Nordschleife looks amazing. By far the mosr realistic I've seen so far.
Also, the GTR2 mod amazing IMO. A lot of detail in suspension work and physics.
It just looks like tires have a tad too much grip but I can't really be sure without trying it myself.

See it's things like that that make me worry about LFS.
While a year ago there were no worries, competition has arrived. Even if it's only in terms of mods. Just a tad more time and I have a feeling official titles are gonna hit the stores with LFS like physics and more/better content.
S2 licensed
Quote from 96 GTS :Having just driven a manual transmission BMW 335i, there is most definitely lag, it certianly not a huge amount but it's definitely there. Driving along in 4th, and then standing on it, there's definitely a half second hesitation before the turbos hit. It's not like a N/A car, but it's the least laggy turbo car I've ever driven.

Let me correct my point above a bit. Turbos can be made vey unnoticable. I guess that's what i was trying to say .

Truth is that a regular person not looking for the lag will not notice it in the 335. Also, stepping on it in 4th generally requires you to already go quite fast in order to get the RPM high enough not to notice the spool time.
Try it again in 2nd doing 40-45 and report back. Im sure you will not feel a thing (given that you didn't have your clutch in, rolling at that speed).
Also, even from stand still, a 3.5litre engine can launch you fairly well before turbos kick in so it's a non issue with a car like that, and that was a point I was trying to make with larger engines.
BTW I completly agree, turbos can never be as responsive as N/A engines all things equal so a difference is always going to exist (I presume).
S2 licensed
Great idea IMO. Truth is, your eyes will almost always stay level with the horizon (at least perceptually) so the current head movement is quite counter intuitive (hence why the majority turns it off)
I too believe it would be usefull in "feeling" a bit more realistic and putting the driver on the track a bit better.
I hope this gets considered by devs (or just added as a function as inverted head view thingy whatchamacallit)

People would still retain the option to turn it off, as they are now.
Needless to say +1
S2 licensed
While the visual model is deceiving, the FZ5 is most likely a RR vehicle due to weight dist.
(as mentioned somewhere above). Another reason why people associate it with a Porsche is the flat 6 (aka boxer engine).
The look itself would also suggest a Porsche wanna-be, although rather a korean copy of it (sorry to all the korean people here).
The problem with the model is that the back is too low and flat to suggest RR (the long hood doesn't help either).

RB4 is a celica 4x4 almost spot on, and if I remember correctly, it used to have a bigger wing as well in the past making it a celica even moreso.

XRT looks and feels a bit like the Mk2 supras, yet a bit "heavier" (just feel wise).

LX's are seven.

UF1 is a morris or cooper or another car from that era.

All the other cars look simply as generic versions of their class without particulary focusing on one vehicle alone.

This all is obviously just my opinion as only Scavier know what they were thinking when they were making these.

who in their right mind calls subies a "scooby", other than the moronic (pre)teenage boys and old farts driving nothing but american? I woudn't be cought dead calling a RS, a WRX or a STI anything but just that. To each his own, I guess
S2 licensed
Quote from BlackEye :So we can go on a road trip and spread the word?

My bags are packed
S2 licensed
Quote from Mithras :lol a few of them are spelt wrong..

But just to point out one in particular, you spelt Philippines

Lol, as an American, you should be able to spell "spelled".
Especially when complaining about spelling mistakes.

Quote from Wikipedia :
Spelt (Triticum spelta) is a hexaploid species of wheat. Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times; it now survives as a relict crop in Central Europe and has found a new market as a health food. Spelt is sometimes considered a subspecies of the closely related species common wheat (T. aestivum), in which case its botanical name is considered to be Triticum aestivum subsp. spelta

@OP, gj listing the majority of the LFS users countries. Even mine
However, at this point it might be easier to list countries where LFS hasn't spread to. Would be a hell of a shorter list that that
Last edited by gohfeld23, .
S2 licensed
The car itself, from a tech point, it amazing. It also looks very low key and very good IMO.
I just have issues with that much power and the need for a supercomputer to kepe it in check.
I'm a bit oldschool in terms of cars (the less computer gadgets the better for me...easier to tweak, work on)
Also, Audi has developed the BMW issue of completly removing the driver from the road. You don't feel anything but g-forces. I also dislike DSG. Not because it doesn't work. I just like my 3 peddals and a stick.
Amazing car, but not my cup of tea.
S2 licensed
Quote from mikey_G :Looks like this is a sdether sample app? In that case what you are seeing is a Visual Studio project, and you can find the application in bin>debug or bin>release

Lol thanks. I guess I didn't go deep enough into the file structure to even see it. Well I've found it now.

Thanks again.
S2 licensed
The core of your problem is that the FOX is extremly forgiving. This allows you to make mistakes that you might not even consider mistakes which in turn slow you down.
Here's what helped me.
Take a car thats a bitch to drive yet not that fast. For example, use the LX's. (start with LX6, yes 6!)
Take the set from inferno as it's going to be even more of a hassle to control. Now head to your favorite hard track and get to it. Try doing as many laps in practice as your tires will allow and run 50% gas (so you can race for a while without pitting) and hit Shift+F (no lap times or splits).
LX6 will teach you recovery control, trottle and braking and the importance of balance.
It will be very hard at first but after a while you're going to get into it and love it.
Once finished you will be able to "feel" tracks much better which in turn will allow you to race door to door with someone. It will also improve your skill with RWD's quite a bit. Fox is going to feel like on rails after this as well.
As an added bonus, you're gonna fall in love with the LX's, which is the best thing you can do in LFS IMO.

Good luck and have fun.

P.S. Don't be afraid to take a day off as well. You'll come back faster then you think.
S2 licensed
As everyone pointed out, you are very wrong about the turbo lag in LFS. Since day one, there has been way too much in terms of realism.

Another point I'd like to make. Not all tubo cars have turbo lag.
Multiple turbines can greatly reduce lag, even to the point where it's unnoticable.
Also, mainly small engines with large turbos suffer from so called turbo lag, or rather spool time, due to a insufficient amount of exhaust gases they make at low RPM's.
If you ever step into a 6 cylinder turbo that doen't make an enourmous amount of power (around 100-120 HP per litre) there will be no lag, given that the turbo itself is suitable for that particular engine.

But ever 4bangers aren't that bad.
Last year I had a 2.0T audi A4 that made close to 200 HP. So a 2.0 litre engine, a car thats neither too heavy nor too light and a small turbo. Absolutly 0 lag, regardless how you drive it.
Picking subaru (STI I presume) or mitsu turbo cars is rather a bad choice for comparisson as these try to get as much power as they can from the smallest, most compact engines they can. This results in a 2.0 making well over 270BHP with a very large turbo. (thus the lag)
S2 licensed
Quote from shadow2kx :Easy to get it working:
Launch LFS, type /insim=30000 (or another port number).
Then go back under windows, and launch TimeMonitor and fill the fields correctly.
Press connect.

To see the time monitor, you must complete at least 1 sector.

That's it

Lol I guess my download went sour as I didn't have anything to launch. It was just a series of unknown files, etc.
I'll re-download and run it again (btw I know how to connect insim, just didn't realize that it comes with a launch file and mine didn't)

OK, I did it again and this is what I have in the folder. Nothing to launch, unless I'm missing something.
Thanks for your help.
Last edited by gohfeld23, .
S2 licensed
Quote from anik360 :thats great too but is gonna drive up the price on when buying as single instead of wholesale like 12/20 no one would buy a keychain that cost 3.80 or4.00 dollars would they?

$4.00 ain't bad IMO as long as it's made decently.
Go to your local car shop and see if you can get a decent one any guess it no.
S2 licensed
Well the horn is useful if you know how to use it.
I always beep it once when I'm side by side with someone as I might be in a dead spot.
So it's just to let them know where I am. However, people sitting on it are getting more annoying every day.
S2 licensed
If you were racing last night around 2am eastern (I'm in NYC), I know exactly what you mean.
Something happened last night that really made me recheck what server I had joined as there were about 14+ people on yet about half were crashers.
I was pushed off the road intentionally while passing them, brakechecked for following close, used as a brake, etc.

Thankfully, that happens very rarely but I guess it was one of those nights.
Us US players have to deal with things a bit more often as most of the admins are sleeping during the time we play, but I expected that from day one.

If you just started playing, join servers that are not packed. You are going to have a much easier time racing there and learning the tracks and tricks.
If you run into me, feel free to ask for a set or advice (I only race the XFG on CTRA) and I'll be more the willing to help, as I'm sure would most of the forum-ers here. My ingame name is Phreak23.

Hope your experience improves very soon. However, If you can, spend another $25 in the future as S2 will give you much more options in terms of racing variety.
S2 licensed
The only downfall of the keyring is the fact that it's extremly easy to make yourself.
All you need is a blank plastic holder (or whatever your choice is) and a printer.
S2 licensed
Quote from BruTaLysT :I dont have a widescreen, but i use a widescreen resolution with black bars on 21" Trinitron. 1600x900 resolution because it gives u more information left/right. And I use fov 105, but this will position you very far from the stearing wheel which seems very weird, so i repositioned the custom view to look more natural. under fov 90 there's no way i can play, lower than that gives u way too less information and feel of speed, as if you look thru your camera with the lens fully expanded that just scary to drive with. Also fov 90 is the default angle in which u play much FPS games like quake. 90 degrees seems to be very natural point of view, everything below is like a telelens and evenything higher seems distorted. But i played quake at fov 130, so you figure :P
But then again, wide angle lenses are often used to give more awareness of a room. Well, that is what you want in a game like this so a higher fov, to ME seems very logical.

To some who just can't stand wide angles because it seems weird, that is just because you are used to something different. Everything seems weird to what you are used to. But if you play like a day on fov 100 when used to 70, you can't go back to 70 anymore. You will feel like someone trapped in a box with one little hole in it.

this is what it looks like:

Worked like a bloody charm. Thanks for the tip.
Widescreen improves my FPS as well as the GFX has to draw less (unimportant) information.
Also, everything looks much more realistic now. Better feels for speed, I see more yet distortion is at minimum (I settled for 92 FOV over 104 as it looks better for me)

Thanks again.
S2 licensed
I'm sure a lot more poeple would buy a keychain then a cap or something like that.
From my experience, people are much better at buying small things such as keychains, coffee mugs, coasters, etc (I work in a pre-press/design shop in NYC and as summer is out downtime, we produce this stuff during that time....and make as much money as we do with ads in out on time)
S2 licensed
Quote from ans7812 :I hate South City.

Get a wheel and SO will become you favorite tracks, along with BL rev and FE green....Happened to me. I wen't from hating those to really loving them.
Same goes for the LX's.
They are my favorite cars and I'll pass a good packed server to race the LX with a handfull of peole any day.
However, I do prefer then on "slow" tight and hard tracks. To me the LX don't do anything for me on AS or KY for example as they become boring quickly. SO with LX rocks though....any SO.

BTW, I'm working on hosting a full time LX and maybe RAC server with a track rotation but I can't make any promisses yet.
if everything goes right, it should be up in a few weeks.
S2 licensed
I'm between 55 and 70 FOV on my 22" 16:10 and it feels good. I will never understand anyone racing with 90 or more as 70 already feels too "fishy". (On my 19" 4:3 I used around 60 on most of the cars and never went much above as I would lose perspective)
S2 licensed
Great as always, even though the X-cam did cut out at some great moments but thats only to be expected from an AI system.

I do have a small suggestion however.
Would it be possible to reflect somehow who the system is currently following. Maybe a little dot next the the name on the car panel to the left.
While you do a good job commenting whats going on in the shot, I think it would make it easier for us to see who the other people are right before and after the action.
As i said it's a small and not rather important suggestion, but it think it would make the whole race/view a bit more informative.

Keep up the good work.
S2 licensed
The GT dev team has wanted to include and develop damage for models for a very long time (like they initially did) but the contract between car makers and the dev house restricts it. However, rumors are that the contract was up for renewal this fall and they are fighting to get damage included in future versions. Whether it makes it into GT5 is still unclear.

I'll see if I can find the link to the article about this and edit the post. (I think it was somewhere on GameSpot but I'm not sure)

Also keep in mind that the game is planned to be realeased as a free download.
It's hard to bitch about something thats this good (as a game not a sim, of course) when it's free.
Last edited by gohfeld23, .
S2 licensed
Quote from shadow2kx :I only use Time Monitor (a test example of what can do) because it's allowing me to see all my data of the race even when Shift+F. I have so a clear and wide view of the track ahead me with my split time, difference to last lap etc. Realy easy to use !

The Link & A preview image (not done by me offcourse).

That thing is exactly what I have been looking for since the death of GhostMod (all I ever needed from that mod were splits comparison...never the ghost)

Sorry for offtopic though, but how do you use/run it?

On topic.
EK's high res textures, reflection mod and a custom selfmade light here and there.
Last edited by gohfeld23, .