Tracks in LFS are really not challanging nor logical, especially considering the beautiful physics we have. There are too many flat out curves, not enough corners and the streights are way too long.
BL rev is one of my fav tracks ingame, along with ASclub, and all Fernbay. However, they are all to short (FE Black is nice and long and I love it with passion).
Also, I prefer all these tracks in non GTR cars as they seem to be made for non GTR. WE has potential to be a great GTR track but it lacks quantity of curves and corners. (GTR track are meant to be high speed, just not as simple and easy as AS)
Ever since I started playing LFS, I hoped for an editor so I could convert the dirt part of BL into tarmac, even it out a bit and connect it to the rest of the track by taking out the long streight. Now imagine the LX, FOX or anything on it for that matter.