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S2 licensed
I wasn't trying to be mean when I said fanboys. FFS I'm one of them. I'm just one of those who believe that LFS can be so much more then it is already.

Apologies if I sounded insulting.

And I completely agree with the modding fall-down of rF. But as already mentioned, GPL was really hard to mod that all the mods are quality add-ons that took quite a bit of ingenuity to make. And it really shows.
I'm either hoping for something like this or official expansion of the game. I guess it'll take waiting a few years for S3 to finalize.
S2 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :Mosport.

Track Map
Turn 5
Downright Diabolical in the wet
Headed into Turn2

Obviously not going to happen.. but still.

Westhill is the same style track IMO.
It's a very simple track with no real challenges (compared to other RL competition tracks).
S2 licensed
Quote from Origamiboy :
.....Perhaps if we could get rFactor and LFS to mate, then the resulting offspring would be the zenith of sim racing?! ....

Nah, what we need is GTHD or GT5 to mate with LFS. Mother of all Gods of Sims.

To the OP. All topics regarding mods, tracks, cars or eye candy either fall on deaf ears or get flamed by fanboys convinced that LFS is perfect as it is.
Not much you can do there.
S2 licensed
I clearly understand mods and cars issues when it comes to 3rd party product.
However, tracks don't fall into this category IMO.
Tracks can't brake the physics nor can they alter the game itself to worse.
I just think that we need a few more playgrounds to play on.
Also, I mean this in the least insulting way possible. I know quite a few mappers that can produce tracks that are many times more interesting then what we currently have. Track with all the real stuff such as elevation changes, realistic pits, etc.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I really don't see any draw backs from community tracks (crappy ones simply don't get used by the admins so quality control takes a natural path)

As for those claiming that mods kill games, what's your stand on the CTRA-X system?
That's a mod in my book.
S2 licensed
I've always wished for community cars but more so, TRACKS.
Let's face it, most of the track in LFS are rather plain and boring with no real racing feel. I'm sure there are quite a lot of talented people who could help in this department and make the game even more popular to the rather small sim community.
With physics being as great as they are, it all falls short on the current tracks, IMO.
And with only track mods, there's no fear of a mod exploiting the game, ruining it, etc. Server admins will simply choose what they think is of quality.
Sadly, this topic has been raised ever since I've been a part of LFS and so far, the devs don't seem to give a flying poop about any of it.
S2 licensed
Great simple skin. One suggestion would be to work a bit with shading to get a better effect, especially around the front grille and the air intakes by the back wheels, etc.
S2 licensed
I'm a mid pack racer most of the time so I'd really enjoy something like this.
Also, I believe the LX cars are great for competitive, non hotlap driving so I think one of the city runs should be done with them.
Good luck with this. I hope it turns into a more frequent thing.
S2 licensed
Quote from Electrik Kar :Stupid photo mode. It probably looks ok in motion, but I haven't played this game. The bright areas 'burning' effect I see all the time on cars in the street, if it happens to be a very sunny day. Any highly reflective material will give an appearance like that if the light source is strong enough (ie, the sun), and it's reflecting right back at you. I actually think it looks quite tastefully done on that screenshot, anyway it's leagues away from the mega saturated hdr look of a game like Dirt (which I haven't played either ).

Megghh. Enough talk of graphics. I'm going to go and have some beans.

With GT HD simply being a concept of what's to come in the next GT, which includes real car cockpits for every car (and they are trying to get the license to do damage modeling) as well as their proposed move from arcade-ish play to a pro mode (LFS if not better equivalent in physics, tire wear, engine damage, etc), GT5 will most likely give all other sims a run for their money. If it only was available for PC

For those saying that GT HD looks fake, have you been outside lately?
Sun and light reflect, the road blurs in heat at a distance, cars get dirty, etc. Anyone claiming that LFS looks realistic needs to visit an eye doctor...pronto.
S2 licensed
Get a high res from Electric Kar (sp?) and it'll look even better.

BTW, nice reflection mod :P

If you can get 100+ FPS with everything on, I'd say run with everything on and as much AF and AA as your card can handle.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :^^ Who cares about RL touring cars anyway? The problem with modern touring cars, apart from the ridiculous amounts of contact and appalling driving standards is they are far too highly modified, they should be kept simple and near to the production cars as possible, what advantage do they gain from running slicks, sequential boxes, massive brakes and carbon fibre bodywork apart from incurring costs high enough to put off works teams.

What we already have in LFS is what touring cars should be, the TBO class and the XFR/UFR combo make good fun racing to I don't see the need to add a BTCC car.

You must be joking!
You'd rather race with road cars not meant for racing then race ready touring cars?
That's like saying that one should snowboard with a skate board, to keep it real.
S2 licensed
IMO, if you don't feel like racing, get out of your house a bit and have a cup of joe with someone.
If you feel like chatting, IRC, IM and chat rooms are great.

The only time I join those servers it to outrun cops with FZ5's with my stock UF1.
Also, I know people dislike drifters, for some weird reason, but at least they are doing something that requires skill. To top it off, a drift server doesn't prevent me from grip racing there. Many times, people will join you in the race. You can't do that in InSim cruise servers.
S2 licensed
I've had some luck on my DFP with setting the FF in profiler to 80%-90%.
It took out the notch but you'll need a day or two to get used to the FF as it will feel a tad different. One benefit of this is that it'll allow you to be more precise in setting FF in LFS as the 5% difference is now much smaller.

Good luck.
S2 licensed
IMO, the only thing we need are slicks and a cage on the LX6 and just call it LXR or something in that nature. i don't believe it needs to be in a class other then it's own, although I'd love to see the RAC get race ready as well (maybe they could compete)

IMO, the LX cars are the most fun in the whole game, if raced on a hard track (South City, Fern bay, etc) as they are not meant for high-speed racing but rather maneuverability. Slap some slicks on them and you got an amazing car.
S2 licensed
I've personally never noticed VSync off issues for as long as I remeber, shooters or racing games.
However, whenever I tried to set it on, I have had a major drop in frame rates.
Also, Vsync syncs the FPS to you monitor Mhz. You can do the same thing ingame with cap FPS without all the other issues of Vsync.
S2 licensed
Deggis, I haven't noticed any bluring or "speed" induced things while I played it. It wasn't for a long time but it just looked like racing software should look these days.
And GT5 models look more like renders then a bloody game. Props to the people who are putting their time into it (and getting paid a hell of a lot of money for it)
S2 licensed
For the sake of dreaming I had a chance to play GT HD on PS3 last weekend and all I can say

The look of it is great. No silly blurring, no unrealistic candy....just beautiful.
Now just imagine LFS physics and GTHD gives me grown up feelings
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackmax :i went ingame and tried to set all to max to see what happend and still 50 fps then i took off "full vertical sync" and boing 200+fps and still with all on max so i think ill let it stay there hehe

That's great to hear man. As far as AA and AF, they are:

AA= Anti aliasing (removes jagged edges)
AF= Anisotropic filtering (easiest way to put it is that it smooths out games)

You can set these at the nVidia Control panel under "Manage 3D Settings"---->Program Settings------->LFS (you might need to add it as an application)
If you are getting 200 with standard settings and Vsync off, try setting them ass high as you can leaving Vsync off and see how much better you can make the game look while retaining good FPS.

Glad you found the culprit.
Have fun
S2 licensed
Here's something that you might try. Set everything in LFS to high as possible and check your frames.
Now go to your graphics card settings and force off AA and AF and see if that might be the culprit.
if you see a huge increase in the FPS then you know where to look for tweaking and if not, do exactly the opposite.

With your system, you should be getting constant FPS above 70.
Good luck
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :No, this is a "game" that you chose to purchase under the EUL that they are creating the most realistic racing simulator they can and things will change. If you don't like the direction in realism that the "game" is going, then you should choose a different game. They are developing it so that "as many people can have fun with it" as a racing simulator, not a driving game.

So you don't agree that the community paying servers have anything to do with the popularity of the game?
Also, server ops don't need to purchase the game in order to run a server for it. They do however have to foot the bill for it on a monthly basis.

No servers, no game. it's quite simple.
S2 licensed
Decent elevation changes and blind corners could turn current tracks nto great tracks without the need to add chicanes or tighten corners.

Just IMO.
Also, SO is a GREAT track. Especially SO long rev. Too bad not too many servers are running it. I love the fact that Scavier has set a LX SO course for the LX event. TY guys.
S2 licensed
24 frames is the trashhold for your brain. However, a trashhold is just that. Recomended frames are 36, just to avoid abnormalities (movies, flash, etc). Translated into gaming, this is a whole different animal since 36 FPS in terms of graphical rendering is a bit different. I'd love to get into it but it's too late and I'm goign to bed.
S2 licensed
Not to be a prick but how can Scawen decide what type a server someone should have?
After all, the ops are paying for it, not Scawen. The popularity of this game (or sim, for the anal ones) relies solely on running servers. Since no full time servers are run by Scavier, options like this should be 100% up to admins and ops.

Also, I'm all up for making this as realistic as possible. But you can't have realistic penalties for coalitions with half assed collision detection. Anyone with a high ping can set you flying off the track without even trying.
I believe some "realism" needs to be sacrificed until the proper code is in place to allow for such rules.
Just IMO.
S2 licensed
25 fps will give a quite the headache over a short period of time. Just hope you're not prone to seizures.
As far as LFS needing eye candy, I fully agree. Life is full of eye candy, so should be a sim. By this I don't mean tunnel vision at speed, blur effects and such. I mean balanced lightning, dust, light effects, etc. However, it's not the ver. of DX thats the problem. It's the devs not doing anything about it/with it.
S2 licensed
He probably wanted to quote me.
Well S2 has been alpha for an extremely long time. At $50+ a pop (price changes every day due to the money market) it's the most expensive alpha any of you have ever used.

All of us have paid for a game that we don't have...just a promise for it.
I believe we have the right to make simple small requests as to what we wish to be done with our money.

As for rF, it's not perfect. No sim/game is and neither will be LFS.
To me it's a simple case of logic. You get more quality cars, more quality tracks and constant community additions. Also, while rF is a fully released game, it's still updated, fixed and changed....all of those things available for free (same as the LFS "Alpha" patches).
Now fact is, I'm not going to give up anything I've paid for. I'll just play both.

As for your comment there, I missed your logic by a mile.

Dont forget that RF is a FULLY Released sim...

LFS is 'ALPHA' (Pre Beta?)

Tracks and physics arent finalized (and neither are cars)!

Why leave LFS over that?

In other words, why leave a more expensive alpha game that promises to be something decent sometime between now and forever over a finalized game with more content, realistic tracks and frequent content additions as well as physics changes?

Can you guess where you lost me?
S2 licensed
I have always wished for this before I got my wheel.
My best sollution was setting button rate to 2.7-3
If you're gentle, you got the best of both worlds.
Try might work for you.