Yes, that's how I've planned to do it, although I've thought more about
With the current 79 pages the price would be 5 euro. The book would get an ISBN number and would be available on Amazon and all other book stores. Are there similar book on demand services available in the UK?
Don't forget, that most parts of the manual were written by other people, listed in the credits. What I did was just putting all the stuff from various sources into one single document
Sorry, I found those pics on my HD and didn't really know where I got them from.
I couldn't figure out how to do this in Open Office. Does anybody know how to change the footer for the first page only?
I'm really sorry that the german manual isn't out yet. It's lying ready on my HD to be printed. The problem is, that there will be changes until the full S2 release, so the printed maunal would be outdated before S2 is even released. Be sure that it will be shipped as soon as S2 is ready.
The LFS Wiki is an unofficial online manual for Live for Speed. It works similar to Wikipedia, meaning that you, or anyone, can edit almost any article right now by clicking on the edit link that appears at the top of the page. Don't be afraid to edit, you can't break the LFS Wiki. Anything can be fixed or improved later. So go ahead, edit an article and help to improve the LFS Wiki!
It gives me a strange feeling as I have seen him in action just some weeks before at the Rallye Deutschland. When you see the modern rallye car and the safety standards of today's rallye (like in Germany) you think it's safe, but apparently motorsport is dangerous and will always remain dangerous.
I guess changing track conditions (rain, oil, mud, ect.) are planned for S3, but you can already have thicker smoke right now by using the smoke mod:
The content of the manual would be identical with the LFS Wiki, only some minor changes to fit in a book layout.
I 100% agree with your points ColeusRattus. A game manual should be more then just a description of the features, it should also contain background infos about racing in general as well as some "fiction" like the track and car descriptions. A very good example how to do a manual was Grand Prix 2. It's manual had 154 colored pages with detailed two-page track descriptions, a setup guide, a driving guide and a lot of background info about Formula One in general and the 1994 saison. In terms of packaging, manual and overall "atmosphere" I think GP2 was the best F1 game ever. This is what LFS is missing and I'd like to compensate this by making at least a good manual
If you want to contribute to the S2 manual, just go to the Wiki, click on "Edit" and start writing!
Now that we already have a lot of content in the S2 manual wiki, I'm thinking about a printed version of the (unofficial) S2 manual. Who would be interested to buy such a manual for a price of about 5 euro for 88 pages?
Nice list, but why did you list twice and wrote it has a "very large amount of members"? 279 doesn't look that large to me compared to the 3422 registered users @
The driving tests are already there, so the question is whether they should be used to unlock the faster cars for multiplayer.
My opinion is: definatively yes!
The faster cars are hard to drive and we have seen what happens when a newbie tries to drive them on a 20-player host. With these driving tests people would still be able to drive them offline without a need to unlock each car, but driving online would need to pass a driving test, like e.g. the overtaking lessons, first. For an experienced driver such a test wouldn't take long, around 1-5 mins for each car so I can't see any point against it.
Scawen, now that you are relaxing from LFS and have more free time, you should do some sports. Looking at the pics you could really need some exercise, like going biking (the one where you have to pedal by yourself).