What about adding all that stuff to the LFS Wiki? There we already have a guide of most of the options and your work would be a valueable contribution.
Here are the original files of the key charts placed in the \docs directory.
To create a pdf in your language:
1. Download and install OpenOffice www.openoffice.org
2. Open the file and start translating
3. Create the pdf file: 'File' -> 'Export as PDF' and save as keys_yourlanguage.pdf
In the export window, choose the following settings:
- Pages: 1
- JPEG compression, 75 % quality
- uncheck "reduce resolution"
It's not the bug you are looking for (doesn't happen here), but I just noticed that you cannot create a username with a Yen symbol using the Japanese codepage:
- Create a new player
- Switch to Japanese (Ctrl + Msg)
- Type \ it will show up correctly as a Yen ¥
- But when clicking on Ok LFS shows a \ (default codepage) instead of the Yen (Japanese codepage). Looking at the filename it just forgets to add the ^J prefix.
- Workaround: Change the filename from ^d.ply to ^J^d.ply manually.
According to my calculations these are 2.77 miles. If you take a bicycle and ride with an average of 15 mph (not that fast) you only need about 11 minutes - for free without polluting the environment and including a free workout
I don't think that someone who plays LFS for over 3 years since the 0.04 demo test versions can be called a noob. André has always been a well respected member of the community, so I can't imagine what all this fuss is about. You don't have to play on his server if you don't accept his rules, there are hundrets of other servers available.
I've received a reply now. They want to express that the resolution needs to be 300 DPI or higher. So the resolution should be 300 DPI and not 305 DPI.
I don't think a TV director mode would be too hard to program. A part of the system is already there in form of yellow flags. The virtual LFS director could just detect a yellow flag area and switch to the involved cars.
For the normal race action, variables like the distance between to cars and their position could be used to calculate the "TV priority" of each car and always switch to the car with the highes priority. Then there could be special events, like the start (wide view of the front group showing a lot of cars), pitstops and the last lap (showing the leader). With the right balancing between the different events it shouldn't differ too much from a human director. Although LFS lacks intuition and instinct it has the advantage to see all cars advance, so you would never miss an important scene.