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S2 licensed
Try to unpack the archive again, this time including the directory structure.
S2 licensed
I'm also getting an unexpected packet size error when trying to connect to the Redline Racing server (S2, U).

Edit: After connecting to another server (on another track) it works fine. I'm trying to reproduce this.

Edit 2: Couldn't reproduce it yet. Looks like it wasn't a bug, just a one-off.
Last edited by GP4Flo, .
S2 licensed
An easy solution would be to remove the S2 license of every user who cheats. Thanks to the replays it should be easy to have an evidence.

We do have such a paragraph in the License Agreement, so why not use it?

Quote :Extreme disruptive or offensive behaviour by a user, towards the developers or members of the community, may result in temporary or permanent suspension of the user's Live for Speed license.
S2 licensed
n3o, you are an ****!

(sorry mods)
S2 licensed
I remember that at the time without hardware vertex shading (early S1), the car reflections had a huge impact on FPS. Thanks to hvs it's not that much anymore, but maybe they still cost a lot of CPU power. The tracks don't have many reflections (only windows and the lakes), so it's not that noticeable there.
S2 licensed
It's always the same. Someone programs a new cheat and says he just wants to help the devs to fix security holes. Then the cheat spreads around in the internet until nearly every demo racer has it and Scawen needs to spend a lot of time to fix the problem.

Btw, there was another user wanting to help the devs to find security holes. Now he's banned.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :or i'll fully migrate to OSX and keeping XP just for LFS

I've already done that and I'm really happy with Mac OSX.
S2 licensed
Because it's not necessary.
S2 licensed
Quote from St4Lk3R :Good Joke Flo, Haha.

So we have no new lfs content? Yes, of course.
  • It's no new content that collision detection was improved a lot in some T-Testpatch (now known as Patch U).
  • It's no new content that the track selection screen has been heavily improved.
  • It's no new content that the minimap is now better visible and you can actually see the driving-direction of cars.
  • It's no new content that LfS now already has a nice-featured scripting systen.
  • It's no new content that LfS has now an even better autocross editor with marshal objects, restricted areas and hidden checkpoints.
  • It's no new content that Victor recently coded a SMS Live-Alert system so I was informed at once when patch S came out. The Hoster of the SMS-Server will "of course" let ScaViEr use their service for free.
I did not even take the patch S improvements into account, and you say we need more content? These developers named Scawen, Victor and Eric are doing so much for us. They are actually reading nearly all of our suggestions and try to put as much as possible of it into the game and the websites. The least thing they need are users that are bitchin around the forums, revealing PM correspondation to the public or even using 12GB of the traffic the devs pay for for just showing us a simple chart containing the count of demo-racers and s1 and s2 licensed racers. Please people, think about your behaviour on this forums.

With a big "thankyou" and greetins from school,

I don't say we need more content, I just say that all that bitching would probably stop if the kids have something new to play.

And yes, these things you mentioned are NOT new content. These are some minor features, but nothing new. Don't tell me you sit there and watch the super new track selection screen for hours.

Don't understand me wrong, my post was not meant to criticise the devs. I'm happy with the cars and tracks I have and I totally agree with the rest of your post. This was just my explanation why there were so many ugly posts in the last weeks.

P.s. The last change of the collision detection was over a year ago when we tested the pre-alpha demo.
S2 licensed
All we need is some new LFS content, so the people have better things to do then to bitch around.
S2 licensed
Quote from Crazy Harry :848 446,17 € :banana:

5.952 € minus vat and server costs per month isn't much for a top-class game developer. So let's go demo-racers, buy some licenses.
3 more chars for 3g_ob_marsh
S2 licensed
Scawen, can you please add three more characters to the string 3g_ob_marsh ? I just noticed that it's not long enough for the word Streckenposten.

Edit: Another request: There are reports in the german forum of start lags since the addition of the script system. I think this could be caused by harddisk access when LFS searches for the script files. Would it be possible to add a switch to enable/disable the system so we can test if this is the cause for the lags?
Last edited by GP4Flo, .
S2 licensed
I'm now trying again to contact the guy who owns the server. I hope he will reply to my (snail) mail or I'll have to drive to Berlin to ask him what's going on.
one bug and two requests
S2 licensed
Back from holiday I finally had the time to test the patch. I really like the new track menu and trackmaps. Looks a lot better now.

One bug: In the lobby screen the noun order is wrong when set to na.

One requests: For my translation I need more chars for the following strings (number of chars):
3a_hli_wron (1)
3g_cfg_reve (2)
S2 licensed
I have to correct you Tristan, Victor has been with LFS for some time before the first demo was released. Here is an interesting read from early 2002:

Quote from Victor :Right after this, I got a mail from Alex Evans (We-all-love-him-Statix who now works at Lionhead and he said two ex-colleagues were doing a very nice racing game now and that they were searching for someone to do music and sound for it. So YEAH OF COURSE! That's cool! Made contact with the chaps, gave them all my music and fortunately they liked it! So that's my main occupation now. For all you interested, In March there will be a demoversion available for all you peeps to check! But get a wheel, it's MUCH nicer that way Though, still no money... yet. I'm not on a payroll with the game since they don't have any money either.. That's why I still work at the bakery. Money will (hopefully in showers be coming only when the game is sold. There is a risk of course.. it may not sell at all and 'waste' a year on that...but well.. we'll see what happens later! It's a cool game.. I promise.. Alex has done some very nice things for it too

(whole text attached)
S2 licensed
Is it possible to let more cars on the track at once? I think the current time interval is too big.
S2 licensed
I just did some test runs and it works really well.

About the attempts counter: Does it count the attempts overall or only the attempts you did with the current laptime? In my case the counter got reset to one when I did my current pb (2:08.110).

Maybe you can try the autox layout Tweaker did for the MRT5? It's in the lessons directory (AU1_MRT_AutoX_1.lyt).
S2 licensed
I doubt very much that this will be a physic update. A compatible patch is more likely because it's still "U".
S2 licensed
Quote from 510N3D :very nice hope you have some fun on autox beside your dev stuff with victor

Maybe they are just building "tracks" like this one.
S2 licensed
I'd suggest to use F1PerfView, this tool has everything you need about telemetry:
S2 licensed
It's no conversion.

Quote :It is scratch built by myself but still represents Blackwood.
S2 licensed
Quote from thd :Whats that supposed to mean? LFS news are posted on RSC just like news of any other sim (by Simbin or not). Lack of any posts lately are probably due to lack of any real news in the LFS world...

Sorry, I should have posted the following link: ... ew&id=61&Itemid=2

This post was by no means intended against RSC. What I wanted to say is, that the reason why e.g. GTR is more popular in those leagues is, that it get's a lot of promotion by the publisher. Just read the news, prices with a value of 10.000 euro, spent by 10Tacle. No wonder this league will get more coverage in the FILSCA magazines than most of the LFS leagues which are "just for fun".

Just like you wrote in your post. There is also a lack of news in the LFS world. Simbin gives out press releases about every little detail which will be added to a new game, Scavier does not.
S2 licensed
Just read the latest news over at and you know why LFS isn't covered like the other (Simbin) games.
S2 licensed
Edit: The server has been locked (for whatever reason) and I have no way to backup the data. Unfortunately the domain name hasn't been registered to my name, but to Ronny. So unless I get a reply from Ronny I can do nothing but wait.

I do have a backup of the LFS Wiki, but it's several months old. Frown
Last edited by GP4Flo, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Phlos :But thoses reactions make me feel so's like everything I do is in the "wrong way"...

What you are doing now is by no means "wrong way". You just have to keep in mind, that we don't forget what you've done in the past. That's why me and many other people are so suspicious about the password thing.

Just keep the good things going and your reputation will get better in the future.