What about Options -> Graphics -> Mip bias (Schärfe in german) -> -4.00
The mip bias option changes the texture sharpness as well as the text sharpness, at least on my laptop.
I like the new text width, it's easier to read especially in low-res. But I think, the "e" shouldn't be too much rounded, it currently looks like it has a different style then the other chars.
Edit: The lesson instructions look a bit strange now, with some lines having the normal font width and other lines squeezed together. You should change the wrapping limit, so the lines don't get so squeezed.
I just took a look at my physics book and it also has a friction coefficient of 0.3 for car tyres on asphalt and 0.15 for a wet surface. There is a note, that this only applies if the car isn't moving.
What I meant is, that there would be an exception for ^ + space so you can easily write a single ^. LFS would replace the ^ + space by an ^^ internally, resulting in a single ^ on screen.
Ahh, really confusing all those ^
I don't think that's really needed. The things I mentioned are only "cosmetical" problems, nothing really serious.
One last question, is it possible to let the ^ stay when I press space afterwards? For example to write ^hello^ I have to type '^ SPACE hello ^ SPACE' in windows, but this doesn't work in LFS because the ^ disappears right after typing the h.
Yep, it's the same if I try to write ^E in other windows apps. But concerning Orion's example, there is a difference when writing several ^^s. In windows I get ^^ when pressing ^ twice, in LFS I only get one ^. Not a big deal, but I wonder why LFS handles this char different then windows.
That works fine. This is what I meant when I wrote "it's still possible to select the codepage, by pressing ^ SPACE E."
I just noticed that I cannot write the § character, I only get an empty box []. Not a new bug, as it didn't work in S1 either.
Edit: You can write this char by typing Alt + 0167
There is a small issue with the codepage selection. When I try to select Central European by typing ^E, LFS writes an Ê. Not a big problem, because it's still possible to select the codepage, by pressing ^ SPACE E.
As far as I know, the force feedback simulates the forces acting on the (virtual) steering column. It is possible to feel changes in the setup (e.g. caster), just like it would be in reality. Try some different settings and you will feel the difference!
According to the guidelines of www.bod.de, where I want to publish the book, the resolution needs to be 305dpi. I'll ask them why they use such an unusual resolution.
The unofficial LFS S2 manual has been well received and I'm planning to make a printed version available at the time of the full S2 release. Now what's still missing is a decent cover image, so why not make a design competition
Now all you artists can have a go and design the best looking cover for the unofficial LFS S2 manual. After the submitting phase, there will be a public voting, then finally the best cover will be used for the book.
What can you win? Not much, but you will of course get all the credits for the cover design and receive a free book for sure!
Some guidelines for your work:
- 300 DPI
- PSD, PSP, TIF or EPS format (should be lossless for quality reasons)
- CMYK colors if possible (else I can convert it)
- 35,72 cm x 23 cm (see coversize.jpg)
The front should show a nice cover image with the Live for Speed S2 logo at the top. On the back there should be a keychart, similar to the keys.pdf in your /docs directory. Don't forget to leave some space on the lower left for the ISBN number.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to ask. I'm looking forward to see your designs!
I'm studying sports and physics at the university in Frankfurt and will probably become a teacher in the future. I'm also doing a mountainbike guide training right now so I will be able to earn some money in the holidays by guiding people through the deep forests of Germany .
That would mean that iRacing now owns the rights of the LFS logo :eek:
Seriously, I doubt it very much that they had any sole rights. As far as I know the devs allow anybody to make t-shirts or merchandising with the LFS logo.
In my area we can get TV over DVB-T, which is the digital version of the old terrestrial transmission. So we don't need a cable nor a satellite dash and can still watch motorsport on Eurosport - for free
This manual is a community project - YOU can contribute if you want to. Nothing against suggestions, about in this case you can change the things right away
Updated version 0.2 of the manual is now available with the following changes:
- Updated setup guide by Bob Smith
- Additional Tools
- LFS S2 artwork gallery
- Programmers' guide
- Minor changes here and there
- Improved image quality