I'd like to release the S2 manual after the x-mas holidays. So let's say you have time until x-mas so we can make a public voting for about a week, ok? If you need more time, just tell me so we can set the due date to the end of 2005.
It's his work so he can decide where and how big to put his name. Instead of moaning around you could create your own cover and make it better. Nothing against critics, but repeating the same thing all the time together with smilies like illepall are not fair in my opinion.
You're right, but Scawen already made the decision to include codepage support first, so there's no need to argue about it anyway now that it's finished.
It would be much easier to be able to map these keys inside LFS. Not everybody has the controller software running in the background and it's easier to explain a newbie how to set it in LFS then to explain how it is done with the controller software for wheel x from manufacturer y.
In my opinion the pit instructions (F9 - F12 + arrow keys) are even more important than the chat messages. Usually you don't need to chat during a race, but you need to change your pit strategy quite often.
Edit: My suggestion is to add the arrow keys to the "Buttons 1" page and replace "Ctrl + F9 - F12" by "F9 - F12" on the "Buttons 2" page. That would be enough to make all us serious racers happy
Thanks, I've waited for this feature for nearly 3 years
Would it be possible to map the F9 to F12 and arrow keys to buttons as well? This would ease the use of the pit instructions a lot, so you don't need to type on the keyboard while driving.
P.s. You forgot to add a translation string for the "CTRL + Fx" labels, it would be nice to see "Strg + Fx" in german
What about adding all that stuff to the LFS Wiki? There we already have a guide of most of the options and your work would be a valueable contribution.
Here are the original files of the key charts placed in the \docs directory.
To create a pdf in your language:
1. Download and install OpenOffice www.openoffice.org
2. Open the file and start translating
3. Create the pdf file: 'File' -> 'Export as PDF' and save as keys_yourlanguage.pdf
In the export window, choose the following settings:
- Pages: 1
- JPEG compression, 75 % quality
- uncheck "reduce resolution"
It's not the bug you are looking for (doesn't happen here), but I just noticed that you cannot create a username with a Yen symbol using the Japanese codepage:
- Create a new player
- Switch to Japanese (Ctrl + Msg)
- Type \ it will show up correctly as a Yen ¥
- But when clicking on Ok LFS shows a \ (default codepage) instead of the Yen (Japanese codepage). Looking at the filename it just forgets to add the ^J prefix.
- Workaround: Change the filename from ^d.ply to ^J^d.ply manually.