Indeed it wasn't political correct, knowing all cameras catch every emotion or action you take, but i have to say that i'd rather see someone expressing his thoughts, than act as if nothing happend. I'm sure they both regret things they have done this weekend.
And i'd actually say from the POV of the Team, facing very quick Mclarens closing in, i say 70/30 with Webber at fault.
Sorry, i can't blame Vettel for being able to actually managed to get alongside and put his nose infront. The racing was tough and fun to watch, but it needs 2 (btw) to cause an accident.
PS: huh, where was vettel on the grass? Webber had the whole rest of the track to still make it hard for Vettel.
Im just dissapointed and predict Webber will never be World Champion.
In all fairness, richo, i'm just saying that Webber is at fault too and that's for the most part.
He should, with his age and experience, use the whole right part of the track (how much was there?) to start his counter attack, or for that matter, defend his position.
Well, seeing as the real rival coming up behind them, it makes perfectly sence to let the faster teammate pass. I'm not saying that Webber is at fault entirely, but he should have read the race and think about the team (the one thats lets him play with those fast cars and pay him good money )
I am just dissapointed of him, because he wasn't as smart and wise as i expected/thought of him.
And no, i would spam " mirrors mirrors" :P
Seriously, like i already said. Last lap, last corner - alright.. defend, but it wasn't over yet by far and the mclaren showed how to defend there in a fair manner, especially against your mate. I can fully understand why Vettel did what he did as a Racedriver.
What you guys seem to not realise is that the Mclaren are faster on the straight with their duct.
Forcing your teammate to the side, where only his car can barely fit in and not thinking about the "real" rival that will take advantage of them both going way slower through the corners as they could, when both turn into that corner coming from the actual right side of the track..
Im not saying Vettel is unguilty, but Webber was too narrow minded to read the race. I assume you guys don't have a team (anymore)? I wouldn't wonder...
There was a rival with the name Hamilon coming up real fast and going right to take the shortly coming left turn in a reasonable speed.
Webber acted as if this was last lap, last corner...
IDK if you watch F1 for 1st time, but getting alongside someone means you done something right and thats not what you can say about Webber. Again... it wasn't last lap. He could have defend his position still from the right side (example: mclaren guys)
He did wrong by screwing his team. He should have been aware of the fact that 2 faster cars come. One of them being a teammate. This wasn't the time to get the elbows out.
And of course it was already his(Vettels) turn. What do you expect to happen? Webber geting suddenly, completely out of nowhere, a boost in speed? They dont use KERS, do they?
absolutly right. Looking at the link from above it looks like it was last lap, last corner, but hamilton is right there. He's even in the picture already and there was no time to loose whatsoever for RBR. Webber wasn't really a teamplayer here, unfortunately.
E: Agreed, devildare. Thats what i was saying before, Webber could have kept outside and still being able to defend his position. He worked for Mclaren in this race.
Well, fact is, Vettel was alongside Webber. As much as i like him and reallly enjoyed seeing him winning in the last races and felt with im with his poor performance at australia, where the nerves didn't played for him. This incident could have been avoided by him - Vettel was faster. I see him apologiese in the near future to the team. He could have defend his position still by using the outline. He's the dickhead in this case and fully understandable that Vettel is disapointed by his friend/teammate.
E: exactly lionclaw23
E2: take into account Vettel was on the 'bumpy/dirty' side. I rather enjoy drivers racing, then blocking and have the usually boring F1 races. Webber with his experience should be aware of this fact that Vettel will have it extremely difficult anyways by trying.
Indeed 5tag, and thats why i had to reply to Rayfighter again, after the quote.
It made me wonder a little bit and I want in no way encourage this.
I should have kept quiete and let this handled by the creator himself aka c40z - It was already enough said. (edit: i assume c40z got pm's or something xD)
PS: At least the subject gets attention, although the 'usual robber' might not even happen to see this or cant be bothered to read 2 sentences :/
It is wrong to do it, but... he made it public, gives proper credit and he didn't totally screw it up. I wouldn't say it goes great together, but it kinda blends in.
How many J. edit skins massively and claim it as their own!? That's a shame!
On a side note, i find the name hilarious.. there are at least Absolute no skinning skills, if they have to adit public skins :P
On the edit, Rayfighter, the lights look good, but maybe to bright for the enviroment lighting. Or have some of the little mirrors still visible.
I was trying to be sarcastic, but it failed i guess. I mean whats the difference between an "LFS" skin/paint-job/livery and a real car that has been painted.
Or like 5tag said, using a 1024px skin, print it out and slap on a real car?