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S3 licensed
Quote from PartyBoyU ::bandit:

So u say u think a lot how big is my dick?

i see your interpretation skills equal if not surpass the bug reporting quality
S3 licensed
a happy tale is always welcomed here.
S3 licensed
let's stretch our imagination and envision u had a small weenie. would that be a bug or a feature?

This post features Interchangeable Words(tm). IW 2006 Powering a more interactive future.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Cue-Ball :I got up to "live for" and Live for Speed was the first suggestion.

u remind me of baldrick
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
Google suggest and live for speed
S3 licensed
write "live for speed" and be amused.

i dont blame google. they getting sued by some companies but gimme a break. it is what it is.

more info here
S3 licensed
yeah, im glad its called soft ware.
S3 licensed
im just glad isi are doing all they can to stay away from their own fame-built label of substandard photocopy of lfs.

keep following, we know who is leading.
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Why would a demo racer be making BF1 skins?

he's a well known hacker. his group is also a bunch of haxxors!

ps: just kidding
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
lfs doesnt fix pedals.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :The LFS deal is between Intel and Scavier. The rF deal is between Sauber and ISI. LFS does not have a connection to Sauber.

That simple. No one is cheating on another.

that would be simple indeed. if it was true
S3 licensed
Quote from spsamsp :Do you have a high-res monitor?

S3 licensed
Quote from axus :They don't really need a license for that.

i doubt thats true. it would be very easy to prove rf is directly benefiting from using that track on the f1 show. In fact they are only there due to it. So they must have some kind of licensing, otherwise they are sue material.
S3 licensed
tyre deflection was tweaked at bf1 patch time, (...) the contact patch does move around more (requested). In future this value will probably be tweaked. Also dif tyre types are gonna be considered.
I said that 2 threads ago. I dunno what else people want to debate.

slip curves did not change due to this request. this was a graphical feedback request that involved tyre deflection code, coz the anim of flex is based on the physics. no one in the team, bases their physics suggestions on how 7 polys look. clearly thats not the case in this forum. and thats why this is the public forum. where the public can write whatever they want.
S3 licensed
I see many people judging lfs physics, based almost solely on a lowpoly visual feedback interpretation of tyrecode (not refering just to this exact thread). Imagine doing the exact same for all other sims... rock solid sims those are.

sometimes i wonder if its really nice to implement cutting edge crap, to be honest and "debuggy", providing analysis tools ingame, or if solid frozen cylinders like everyone else does without any kind of diagrams or force feedback vectors and bla bla would be better. kinda like, its a ferrari badge, now imagine all the rest. " we used real data and our sim is used by nasa". hide all debuggy stuff, call it hardcore mode and instant belief factor increases...

With this i dont mean the flex anim cant be tweaked, in fact it was tweaked by request for the bf1patch, and it obviously worked since many ppl only now noticed lfs had visually flexible tyres (which it had for so long already).

judge the visual feedback freely and contructively suggest with pics and vids how it can improve, but please, dont waste everyones (i guess) time, by typing physics essays based on how 7 polys (2+3+2) bend over and look.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
owned! delete
New Google service - Trends
S3 licensed
well if its too late for this version, they can always pump out a "deluxe" version of it, like dat mockup with lcd (same lcd as in g15 keyboard but instead of ambar, cyan), and maybe FF shifter [hint]
S3 licensed
1) Dear Logitech. I will buy this wheel. But i would buy it even happier if u could have 5 buttons on wheel, instead of just 2.
A programmable lcd (alla g15) center of wheel would be nice also. Or just have the placeholder for that "upgrade extension", on the wheel. LFS can use it very well and surely other sims to follow.

thanks for a kickass product basically everyone was waiting for. midrange perfectness.

2) here is my revised proposal mockup. Hope you understand the 5th button important also for "next feature" lcd navigation (therefore its linked color). It could also be a dial (twist) for analogue "more or less" and pressable for "ok/next".
I dont mind paying extra X dolars or so to have these additional features.
Wish u good luck, and hope u enjoy this quick mockup:

more pics ... eels-and-g-series-inputs/
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
good work as usual.
S3 licensed
beautiful. spot on. just wanna see the pedals.
why limited edition?
S3 licensed
Quote from colcob :Kid, you're obviously not capable of contributing in a productive way to an in-depth discussion about tyre physics, so why dont you just can it and go and troll elsewhere.

I dont think anyone in this thread is interested in petty inter-sim rivalry, we're just interested in tyre models. And NKPro uses the full pacejka calculated in realtime rather than from look-up tables, so is an interesting point of reference.

take a hike dude.
as if u know what i know or not about tyre models. as if u have a clue of what i test or not. see my name in gtp and lfs testing? chill please.
You seem to enjoy the magneto-rail technology invented by fisherprice in the late 70s and how its built in nk, so be it. praise it at will.
just dont tell other ppl to shut it, invoking dillemas u clearly have, disguised under some fascizoid moralistic attitude.
it wasnt me that brought nkp to the discussion. in fact i thought the discussion was around dat theme.
and if u believe everything kunos writes, then how do u explain the nkp fiasco and the history of lies he has behind him (and no i dont mean the un-met schedules).
let ppl express their opinions freely and please dont talk for everyone else on matters that are clearly subjective to each own.
have a nice day, bully.

ps: discussing tyre model of nk, is like discussing if blue is the new yellow while there's a nuclear war going on.
nk doesnt even need tyres. u can drive cars without tyres. on air. or even flip it over and drive upsidedown. yeah its a "bug", dat was supposed to be cleaned and done 3 years ago. he even mocked ppl who reported it, saying the "no brainer" was squashed. Oh the delight. Funny its still here, just like the rest of the game. funny indeed. we do have fun with it. and we dont even need to play it. thanks nk.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz : If you want to see the full dynamic pacejka in operation try NetKar Pro.

Like if u want to see the full dynamic Professional Online racing code try NetKar Pro...
S3 licensed
dreadful as usual.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
lfs downloads porn
S3 licensed
what language is that?