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S3 licensed
orange is great coz it has loads of vitamin C
S3 licensed
burnzoire can u please choose something else as sig?
S3 licensed
rude peephole makes me horny
S3 licensed
Couldn't resist an edit.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
the ai would tend to use set B with the knowledge adquired in A. So yes he will drive B using optimal knowledge from A. He is not set aware, so he will always use whatever set to best of his knowledge. So in short term he will indeed learn new things. Its mostly trial and error learning. They are also not fuel aware yet and dats why if u teach an AI on lowfuel, he will go well overthe limit on hi fuel. Also not aware of car/tyres condition. Its like a dumb tamagotchi.
Your control of what AI does, his performance, is totally set dependant. If u see lockups lower the brake force, if u see he is timid out of corners u can do sets that are a lot more unstable, oversteery with higher tyre pressures etc. i try to counter the performance deficiencies via feeding him sets that counter his knowledge bad tendencies.
Doing it well and with patience u can so an AI for a specific track and condition that would win 90%+ of lfs racers.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Ok, understood, so i ask, when u or anyone else ban someone here, please add a short line stating its not just because of that thread (if thats the case obviously). Else everyone reading this will think its caused by this thread only, which if it was would look a tad rushed and a vulgar display of power.
Thanks for listening
S3 licensed
please dont ban him, he was our second virgin for the vulcano.

i dont like seeing banning and he wasnt insistently insultive at a personal level. he ranted based on an opinion of the game not on an opinion of a user here.
please let him be the **** he wants to. freely. everyone can make up his own mind.
please unban him.

Quote from Scawen :OK one month ban for the idiot.

please calm down, you are better than that.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
we have a new virgin for the lfs volcano.
S3 licensed
-good res pick.
-bad grab. not consistent etc. low frames per sec.
-nice vignette effect and very nice usage of troubling lfs logo. just as it should be used. i wouldnt do it better i would prolly do it equal.
-no real hi speed grabbing slomotion only delayed presentation of same frames as realtime. this is not same as me or don uses.
-some mblur plug usage is bad and only delayed the refresh of the same frames (doesnt blend blur any more information than the previous/after frames display). removes detail from wheere it should be.
-extremely tacky music. evanescense is bad even for a teen.

hope u improve.
S3 licensed
so if i do a set, make it default in lfs, where u can warm up tyres and understeer like u see in tv (even without brake balancing), then lfs physics become perfect?
no they wont, they will just counter much ignorance.
also if lfs physics were 100% spot on and perfect, these exact same threads would pop up over and over.

findings that aero is not complete when its stated it is not complete from the start, and discovering that it needs undertray angle / height and yaw affecting the produced df etc, when that exact same line is listed over and over in the TODO list... wow what a great feedback.
what next will people find, that the AI DOESNT PIT?
and omg lfs calls itself 0.5v and its not complete!!!!
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
if u know how to setup a car and drive it, u can do those warm up moves. thats not saying the reaction of lfs to low load/high longitudinal slipangle/grip output is 100% spot on.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :i doesnt sound better because clipping is realistic ... the reason why it sounds better is because it introduces noise which lfs completely lacks in its engine sounds atm
but limitation noise isnt the correct form of noise to get the desired effect

thanks for awesome valuable input man. next time we need input on sound i'll either msg phil spector or you.
the reason it sounds better is you.
you are the chosen one.
check latest time issue.
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
try reading what he said
S3 licensed
Quote from alland44 :How many people, know the sounds the racers really hears, wearing a helmet

how many people are gonna keep repeating sounds in lfs , try to simulate what u hear when wearing a helmet? sound in lfs are helmet-free.
u want helmet sensation? wear one irl.
S3 licensed
Quote from pie :I think the sounds are too clean. For example, most engine sounds are so loud, the human ear will register it with a distortion-like effect.
Specially sitting in the car would blow your ears and can never have such a nice and clean sound.

I've made a quick F1 engine-sound test using some simple 'soft clipping' wich IMHO sounds way better already.

Judge for yourselves:

This should be easy to implement... you can get the C++ sourcecode for this effect from me!


thanks for demonstrating in files, what i have been saying all along. U could even go for harsher amounts, but thats good enuff.
S3 licensed
do i smell fresh meat?
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :Awww and I had so much respect for you before now. I mean, who else could manage to go through both puberty and menopause at the same time? Remarkable.

Look BigBen why dont you stick your unrequested opinions on users, to RSC? Who knows maybe you get some promotion there.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I just tested with LX4, recorded the same lap with fraps with U36 and these new test sounds, and it is definately better now!! It is more vroarrrrrr than vooooooooo as it was before.. and it screams more on higher revs now!!! Deffinately a better LX4 now!! Great work Scawen, great work, hope these new sounds end up in Patch V...

you nailed it. good feedback.
S3 licensed
ya enjoy the holidays, dan and silentwar. +50 health boost for yall.
S3 licensed
if i was mitsufumi i would post something like "i want the 32 and the 20 please."

if was ludwig i would post something like "your brain should adapt to the new reality"

but if u really want an answer beyond the lag explanation i once gave in a thread that got deleted, its like china and taiwan. one car wanna penetrate the other and sometimes forgets borders. why? because when they check borders they already crossed them! then fight begins. whoever reaches the sky wins.
S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :but I don't speak on their behalf, this is just my observation.

sure? could have fooled me.

Quote from Gunn :It probably would have petered out on page one if you hadn't have stirred the pot.

i can almost feel the tears from here.
shame no violin nearby.
i guess you can only make erasing mistakes on threads that do matter.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
xaotik u didnt understand what i said
a compressor is a scaler.
nothing more to add though.
S3 licensed
i'm just amazed thread wasn't closed on page 6, not that im pro closing threads (quite the contrary) its just that i see threads that are more alive sometimes being closed, and this one died there.
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :Clipping definately is NOT a natural fenomenon. It's a mostly digital thing.

You ears compress loud sounds, but they do not clip.

he didnt say it was a natural phenomenon. he and i said it would happen irl also. not everything that happens irl is natural. ill skip the fag joke here.
what currently compresses (and abnormally at that) is lfs. so scared it is of clipping. thats part of why it sounds tiny. bee scale tiny.
as far as clipping being a digital phenomenon... maybe this will help reconsider