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yday i tried 5 laps in gti around bw and did three high 1.32's in a row. so its not that hard. i hadnt run lfs in a while
unrusting for the physics buildup

ps: should be about same difficulty as running 1.29s on toban long with f3.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Rumiko :Wrong.

The original dE thread you are refering to was about stecky mobile, not dE shop.

Quote from Rumiko :If you want to take a complain against dE shop, why don't you do it in the appropriate thread, rather than abuse other topic, which wasn't started with this intention?

I'm also responsible for running a certain public forum, so I can understand why moderator made this decision (I would do the same). Don't force your opinions on others like it's a general fact. It's not.

the same stecki mobile that was presented inside dE shop as marketing bait for lfs customers along with the lfs merchandise?
its like saying your posts arent part of lfsforum.
i can only wish, but that, doesnt make it true.
i agree with looney. please stop saying, expressing an opinion is enforcing it on others. leave looney alone. hes from hull , give him a break.
it was you, who complained about that thread to the mod and the mod did what you asked him to do. talk about enforcing opinions?
after that "mistake" day, he has been doing a fab job. he's non existing and thats how mods should be.
common sense never needs them, till it does.
on my part, ill keep replying to threads and not your posts.
this was an exception.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :It's wider. It's a side effect of something else and i decided to leave it because it seemed to be more readable.

Because the letters needed to be squashed a little vertically, to fit in the accents, so they were then made larger on the buttons and user messages, to compensate. And that left them the same height as the old ones but slightly wider.

I decided that looked better than the old thin ones, so i wouldn't go trying to adjust all the widths again... but everyone else's opinions are welcome, of course.

imho, what original font mostly suffered from, was of being fat. Making it fatter even on 4:3 (just imagine on the more and more often used 16:9 or 16:10 resolutions) is not the best option. Although if its an unfixable sideeffect of something else, its bearable...
lfs looks plain bad now on 16:9 and worse than it looked imho in 4:3
tested now in photoshop and 4:3 allows a horizontal reduction to 75% of current font width. that will improve 4:3 look and help 16:9 readability.
when u have something thats not brilliant or very preety u should try and make it as small and thin as you can. just like if you have a ugly scar somewhere in your face you usually try to disguise it and not enhance it. quite basic principle, but of coz u can freely contradict it, with just your taste.
the time spent on this, makes me wonder if it wouldnt be possible to use some truetype source code and use one or loads of the bazillion free fonts out there. In fact that would open door to text font and button font not being the same...
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
hey... he's chuck norris!

pull the lever, conan!
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :If the shost car was solid I wouldn't object to it half as much.

hey youve struck gold! no one has ever thought of that!
just kidding mate. if u ever hotlapped vs ya ghostcar you would know that ghost cant be solid coz you are most of the time redoing ya own line and as u cross finishline u are usually INSIDE your ghost....
i fully support ghost car perf being coded inside lfs for years. but there are technical probs in those beyond the patent quirks issues or non issues..
gt4 is a reference in ghost coding and perf loading.
S3 licensed
seeing race koala, the original poster, understood what i said and even replied apropriatly , i fail to see why you would not understand what i said. but hey, have fun.
S3 licensed
Please dont ask for detailed physics here. you wont get it, since there are competitor products and this is a public forum.

however from what i recall, selfaligning torque from contact patch slip angle is not modeled yet in the FF. Its in dev queue as basically anything thats missing is part of it.
S3 licensed
theres loads of threads and posts on this matter.

bottomline: ghostcar is patented by an atari engineer that worked in the team of harddriving (arcade).
if you really want info on this you should just read the endless threads on this matter that already exist.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Tweaker :But I see some profits from it! And happy fans!

and free advertising in a lotta places...
S3 licensed
the tshirt i always wanted was this one:

but all i got was this lousy tshirt

S3 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :That's how Fujitsu Siemens PCs look like nowadays in the big stores throughout germany

sry for quality, just a bad mobile-phone cam

welldone fave germ. thats the spirit!
S3 licensed
Quote from noob4ever :well i guess thay "souped" up the GTR's just like it was back in highschool..
Rims, bodykit, muffler and an intake, maybe a chip too. theres your 20 extra mph

Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
tip: before ANY banning or kicking, press CTL+SHIFT to see the REAL LICENSED NAMES instead of the nicks.
S3 licensed
Quote from colcob :I always thought the person who designed the logo was the winner of a competition called Nicholas Grignon.

i know the competition well, i suggested it and wrote a few guidelines at the time for it, if i recall correctly. A few months before, i had replaced the karafonts original lfs logo (marble look) that scawen or vic had done at the time with some of my work (some might recall a placeholder logo. this was for the liveforspeed website i was working on. but it was a bit hmmm "abusive" of me to force a logo to be used ingame just coz i was redoing it along with a webpage design. 0.1 or 0.2 launch i cant recall. late 2002. so i suggested the devs for them to do a competition to keep people involved between patches etc.
after vote, nicolas gif won, and i was *STUCK* with it, and had to implement it in website and game...
actually, in game, publically, all logos used from 0.2 on (or was it 0.1 i cant recall) came out of my photoshop coz as u can see the gif didnt have enuff resolution and i always hated this logo so along with the redoing of it, i could resist one or two shape retouches and heavy redo of its looks. just as u can dress up one ugly lady... at least i tried.
i tried to make it as cool as i could, had to maintain its filename which i had to keep and so did i have to keep the overall shape etc etc. so yeah its his original logo but there isnt a single pixel thats from that original gif on lfs versions. which by now this should be like the 3rd gen rlsed version of this logo.
try to save original gif in jpg and watch it rescale in your lfs
im sure youll spot the difference

ps: sorry i dont have any hosted logo image without a black bg.
S3 licensed
Quote from nikimere :i thought drivers emporium have/had the sole rights to publish the LFS logo on anything? I know they are gone now but the people that bought them out surely have some say in the matter?

considering i pixeled the logo i guess i can be safe to say there wouldnt be a chance in a million of that being true.
hmm lemme rephrase that, for my part, for 3 years now, i give out my work. a gift is a gift, i dont take it back later. its given to lfs. ppl who run lfs decide what u can or not do with it.

others sell 1 week texture work for a fantasy track. and are entitled to do so. i aint that kind of guy. i aint "pro" enuff. i aint tailored for sucess in this lovely society. and i dont mind, its just a fact. ,feedback:

just be glad stuff like ... ;page=1&highlight=res being just a very small contribution (with don) and just a very small part of the work i did for lfs, is indeed free for lfs and free it will remain forever. just like you can play lfs permanently online for 3 years using just a demo. many things in life are still free. free doesnt always mean good. but in this case... i guess it does

the fact lfs didnt use cafeshop or similar stuff for its merchandise and choose to offload to a bunch of guys i dont like and never trusted was sad moment for me. its like u give something to someone that smiles receiving it then throws it in the "trash" or keeps it in the closet. Some things in lfs is/were like that and it was all a matter of me grasping better who i give stuff to, why and when. no beef, just clearer vision from me. espcially since i believed in a lot of stuff i dont any more.
lfs has many advantages driven from current dev format and status quo, but sometimes people that know how things operate inside, just wish some stuff was a lot swifter, including devs themselves
nothing unsolvable though...
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Chaos ::iagree:, patience is the keyword here...

actually the key is "-"

S3 licensed
dual screen doesnt mean, dual view 3d hardware accelerated views...
S3 licensed
Quote from Gabkicks :it seems popular nowadays in europe to hate america.

i wonder why... ... ew&id=718&Itemid=

and btw, its not just in europe.
generally speaking the usa has no culture imports and basically just exports.
selfsuficience is the worse caracteristic that a culture can have. especially when theres a neocon agenda to propagate themselves everywhere, enforcing with ignorance and by any means, a certain colonialistic game, most really developed nations stoped playing 500 or 400 years ago.
Many good things in usa and some really bright people, but totally constrained by the majority that sports the true nature on which that country stands on...
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
well, there's a student version floating around...
S3 licensed
wow you're HOT
S3 licensed
thats not sarcasm though, but im sure a moderator will try hard to enlighten you further on the matter.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
very cool and important. mostly for asian market is gonna be great. keep it up.
S3 licensed
its been done...

shame the archive isnt here yet.
S3 licensed
just browse the popular car choice online at lfsw.