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Quote from ajp71 :Why are you too lazy to visit RSC, let me half the work for you, a link:

thanks for missing the point. love that kind of posts although around here they tend to become a bit too common.
you do understand that websites are temporary things. some more than others. history things that belong to you shouldnt be kept "safe" in a 3rd party house that can, without trace vanish from the face of the net.
welcome back to the thread.
S3 licensed
correct if im wrong but i dont think anything was lost.
S3 licensed
Quote from vrooom :
Live For Birthday

S3 licensed
vic any update on possibilities of even frozen read only archive of past forum history being integrated here?
S3 licensed
Quote from al heeley :Chill out Senna, I won't bite.
At least the post is less offensive than some wierd pic of monkey porn.

its not less offensive, coz its not offensive at all. its a "subtle" mockery with a useful background aim. if u prefer me to say "kill all this stupid bday threads" i will. yet, i prefer to be constructive and inject some humour inbetween. not for your approval, humour needs proper audience. if you dont get it, its not my fault, its the fault of who put you in a place where you're interpretation is a deciding factor for the fun of others. where unrequested vacuum based comments become the law.

it was not monkey porn it was a monkey. monkeys are animals. they do weird things. its called nature. it was a funny pic. heres another relaxing monkey

porn is something else. sorry no links.
S3 licensed
this should be in offtopic indeed, i agree. next to the critically acclaimed mod-unfriendly blackhole of birthday threads, which was recently moved in discriminating fashion, in spite of all its uncluttering good-will.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from al heeley :good grief.

at least this time it wasnt a yawn eh? .

why did u move this general thread that tries to keep clutter to a minimum while leaving the other more specific one, in... general section?

Quote from Frankmd :Yes, let's regulate something spontanious.

at least youre in the mood
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
Happy Birthday * !
S3 licensed
if this is your birthday, * , this universally acclaimed thread, is here to greet you. rejoice!
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greets to ocrana racing division, in the person of its main driving force, vykos but extensible to everyone in the russian-ho team, limiter, sebastian etc.
rawk on.
S3 licensed
hehehe stunt is cool. stuntcar racer is still in my top 10
best stuff madcowie ever did was the stuntcar track for n2003. that was a huuuuge blast.
S3 licensed
Quote from Slartibartfast :I had to go with Online Racing Simulator and only that.

hehehe coming from you its preety funny
S3 licensed
look man, thats not what happened.
u said that in pm after 4 posts or whatever they were in the thread that got deleted. and dat was for 1st work/slogan u used without asking.
you said that u would stop using it, and yet you still opened a new thread with another slogan/work by me.
again i pointed ya and proved, just like in first thread, (in the first post of each) that it was work by someone else (me) and that i would thank u if u didnt use it. and yet you had to play the thick one for posts and posts pretending u didnt understand when u had done the exact same in the previous thread. meanwhile u repeatidly got ya 2 or 3 buddies to ask for ban along with yourself.
also in one of the threads u act like u own the fukin place and interrupt a conversation that wasnt even meant for you.

i hope he forgives me pasting his nice words, but here is the dude that "got laid", like me and so many others that dont mind a joke:

what is going on around here?


In a way I wanted to reply to the crap going on in there, but that thread really isn't the place, and you certainly don't need me going to bat for you. Plus, I feel I was out of place going off topic in a thread that didn't really have "the feel", you know?

Just for the record, and here's more opinion from me, there were a LOT of poeple out of line in that thread. You were one of the few who were NOT.

Ban KiDCoDEa. Yeah... there's an award winning idea. More opinion still: Without your contribution the informative content in the forum would drop by 30%.

he even aknowledged that in the thread. in fact he said something pertinent in his post about a motto and i could understand his valid point. other people got it. u and tristan didnt.
look man you can cook it as you want. u can drag and drag and rewrite the temporal events as u wish, so it suits you and your selfproclaimed hacking buddy from your team. your teamshop will open without using unauthorized free work, and that will only make it look better.
doing the right thing shouldnt have been so hard for you.
bottom line we arrive at a point where u say youll do what i requested so long ago. im done then.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
late is better than never.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
page 6 and your still using "if"

i dunno man, i dunno how else i can get the point across a bit better.
and dont play the angel since you are mocking and mocking consistently over 2 threads and artificially prolonging something that should be settled by the first post.
dont get the mods pm me, i dont need that. i have no need for that. i dont care how much boredom this issue generates.
S3 licensed
Quote from snewham :Like I said in the other thread, stop posting in my topics.

It took 1 pm to remove your suggestion and you wouldn't have any legs to stand on if I did put it in the store as you haven't copyrighted it but I respected your wish first time you asked.

End of story, end of conversation.

Quote from tristancliffe :LOL!

I'm gonna get myself a t-shirt printed with NFSU?STFU! on it, and then underneath, in smaller letters "Printed without consent of person who realised that NFSU and STFU go together quite well".

And the great thing is, I can do what I like with it! Hurrah for teh internet...

Quote from snewham ::huepfenic :huepfenic :bananalla

S3 licensed
Quote from snewham :Can you answer a few questions for me:

When have I ever used someone elses work?

Who else has noticed it?

1) in the last thread you created about slogans. you started with 4. one was mine and i politely requested you to remove it. you didnt do it, took me 4 posts of repetitive chitchat and then someone did it for you. thread deleted.
since you seem thick to not recall heres a hint

2) who else has noticed it? i dunno man, and honestly dont care if the world notices it or not. i think its enough for the author to notice it. its not a matter of how many ppl notice it. it wont make your effort any more ethical if only 1 or thousands of people notice it.

and please stop draining useless posts from me. if you wanna act like a thickbrick please do it using your own work.
S3 licensed
its not my fault you cant hint when people are mocking.

Quote from deggis :Live For Speed: The Worst Arcade Game Ever.

Dunno who invented that but it's good.

thats an obvious joke by someone who i guess was in the irc channel at the time... you know its not just me who notices you like to use other people work a little too much and taking 4 posts to respect their will its beggining to get annoying.

lfs: just do it.

now that ive pasted that u can use that also and nm nike.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from snewham :any reason why we shouldn't use it?

yes, the same that got your thread deleted the first time. how many posts will it take now for you to respect other people work/wishes?
make it simple, respect others, and move on.
S3 licensed
dont use this one, thanks

better of those for me are:

Do you Live for Speed?
Live For Speed: Online Racing Simulator
Live For Speed: Racing is Living
Live For Speed: You Race, You Live
Live for Speed: Live the Passion
Driving at the limit has never been so affordable.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from snewham :Well being as you spammed my last thread on here and got it deleted and the fact that you are doing it again on a thread that was meant for suggestions.

I don't give a dam about what you do on the rest of the forum just steer clear of me ok?

1) the previous thread had 3 of my posts because you were thick enough to need them. they all said the same. if you understood what i wanted by the first post there would be no need for more. even by then pms were needed. you even tried to share profits with me. and then the thread got deleted to allow you to restart a shop thread with minimum embarassment. you know its kinda embarassing to start a shop with work done by someone else right? thats why it was deleted. to help you.

2) will do love. but it will make it a lot easier if it wasnt you that adressed me and intervened with "Totally un-called for. Please restrain from such insults." on an almost standard forum joke that wasnt even directed at you. no one was speaking to you. you understand to create a thread is not to own all the posts in them. much less gives you the right to insult and not get a reply. when you say im insulting someone when im just playing with him, as he aknowledge so well, its none of your ****in business and that indeed is insulting or at least teasing. so if you want me out of your way dont impose yourself to cross in mine. simple isnt it? it was your initiative, dont complain now.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
banned on rsc is a merit, on my perspective and experience, its mostly an ethical "stubborness" on freedom of speech as a dude named mikkel could explain to you if he had the will, patience or time. its nothing you know about, so its hardly respectful to use that as something that gives you the right or authority to, speaking in everyones name, to ask for ban or whatever you really want.
you remind me of a jesuit priest but without the knowledge. casuistry is not really welcomed here.
your concern on my history is unhealthy, my thousand posts in rsc are not tristan like vaccum. To this day im proud of most of them, some are even up-to-date, and i can assure you, my history is not your teammember phlos history. since you proclaim to know mine im sure you know his.
who are you to question me, my posts or even attempt to brawl me by threatning? feeble is the word.
you aint no douglas ellison, i can tell u that. he had brains. now go complain to your fave mod about this linear syllogism.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
the dude from 6th sense saw dead people, you see rude people everywhere.
S3 licensed
i have no issues with the shop idea. if you cant see that clearly in previous posts, bringing it back wont make it any clearer for you.
S3 licensed
Quote from Huru-aito :That's KiD's self portrait, nothing wrong with that

i shall grant you that one coz we saw your gf in irc !

Quote from snewham :Grow up, Will be reporting you to admin for posting indecent pictures and repeatedly insulting and flaming people's threads.

ok so according to you, we have:

a joke to someone else other than you = insult
a monkey pic after being told to "lighten up" coz i was rude even though joke was well received by who it was meant for = indecent

i miss the "flaming" part...

can you explain to me why phlos is a member of your 4sight team? nothing like buying stuff from phlos!
if you dont wanna buy stuff from him you can always leech the s2 keygen from your 4sight member

ps: i cant grow anymore, im 31.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Please lighten up a bit

edit: mr mod, nothing obvious about your edit. please explain. never saw a monkey? shame you had to edit. looked better here as img imho.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .