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hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.
hmm seems like its fine on firefox.
hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.v
hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.v
hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.v
hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.hmm seems like its fine on firefox.
this is a test under FIREFOX. maybe this wont crash...
basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,
basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,
basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,v
basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,basically typing same crap over and over, editing a bit, waiting a bit then pressing submit..,
will this crash?
oldmcdonaldhad a farm
will this crash?
oldmcdonaldhad a farmwill this crash?
oldmcdonaldhad a farmwill this crash?
oldmcdonaldhad a farmwill this crash?
oldmcdonaldhad a farmwill this crash?
oldmcdonaldhad a farm
yesterday i did 2 times a very long post (took me 30 mins each). 2 times i pressed submit it froze and i lost my post. 1st time i had wysiwyg editor then changed to standard and it still froze (i wasnt expecting it so i didnt copy text). i was so pissed. lost 1 hour, didnt actually reply , and it was quite an important post. i'll wont do it again, i prefer to waste my time on my bike, which doesnt freeze.
1.0 was the real release with correct car names and a whole field of realworld paints. 1.1 was the forced revision by first/iracing that bought the n2003 code from sierra and waited for mod to be finished (took around a year) to take action... ill wont go into that now. history and facts are in forums all around except the deleted stuff off rsc. not that they have anything to do with iracing...
that corner is one of my faves at watkins glen (long cfg).
so if u blend 1.0 content with 1.1 frontend etc u should be ok.
ot: here's a request to anyone that reads this. when doing a thread, try to name it with words that relate to the content. makes search easier and helps general readbility of forum.
GTP for papy n2003 done by redlinedev. Best mod ever imo, but im suspicious
also prolly the hardest to dev since it required much reverse engineering and emplyed quite a few coders... also includes updated adapted vroc online app. a gem of the sim world , shadowed by the ludicrous and unqualifiable behaviour of first-racing/iracing against mods. 1.0 rls with 1.1 frontend/physics is the best combo u can have...
Here's a few pics i did at dev/testing time (i had a blast testing the 23764 physics builds with the rest of the chimps )