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S3 licensed
Quote from SlamDunk :Well, I think LFS tries to replicate the sound you hear when you are wearing ear plugs and a helmet. It still needs to be coded to switch to non-helmet (non-muted) sound simulation when using other views than in-car.

u think wrong. and its already been stated its not so.
S3 licensed is much closer to real life than lfs output. and i dont see anyone complaining OMG ITS CLIPPING.

Quote from filur :I think you've managed to slightly improve the LFS sound with to some added distortion.

Just "open the window" a bit and it should sound something like this (without the using-a-mic-to-record-speakers @ 8khz effect)

Very good example, thanks. dats what i've been saying all along to a (...); posted this somewhere else but i'll paste here also (about complains on clipping bla bla):

so it should be, as far as my knowledge goes.
i am getting very tired of this clipping complex.
its all a matter of generated range being greater than the displayable audio range. dbwise, im not even talking freqwise.
if u wanted the absolute highest generated sound in lfs not to clip (lets say a 20 car pile up at same time all revving at max revs, pilling up against some SO rail all at same time and screeching tyres all at once), then the normal idle sound of a solo car in blackwood or the change gear would be generated at such a low sound u couldnt possibly hear it on ya speakers, even if u maxxed them.
the order of magnitude would be too greatly different.
any normalization/volume compression technique, i am against. sux. doesnt happen irl so it shouldn't happen in lfs.
what u should do is make the softest and quieter sound generated from lfs be barely heard in a normal volume system (100% windows sound of coz), and work the scale from there.
no compression plz, and if it clips, it clips. clipping is part of almost ALL racing vids we see. when u see (hear) someone chatting in pitbox, an then enter lemans proto and go around lemans with 700hp screaming u cant possibly ask for the recording method and the displaying medium to capture and rerender that 100% accurately as irl.
just let it clip, your ears will clip it also anyway.
work the scale (spectrum) of generated plethora of sounds but nevermind the big crash clips etc.
lowering bf1 wind is not accurate. if anything it should be even louder. both engine scream and wind turbulence should make anything else impossible to hear. yet in lfs u can still hear the skid of the slipangle at +300kmh
as if each sound/sample generated/played by lfs has its own db scale in reference to overall db spectrum. as if they werent all together in the same world. making the end result sound very abnormal and unreal. very ethereal. incredibly synth in the bad meaning of the word. defying immersion instead of helping it. as u know a blank space is filled by our imagination, but if a dreadful drawing is there , our imagination cant fill it with beauty. get my drift?
anything magical u wanna introduce me to, be my guest. im all ears.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
i dont want requesters in autoupdate process, if possible. thanks.
S3 licensed
Quote from axus :*joins Tristan in Kid's corner*
(Tristan went to Kid's corner after the netKar 1.0.2 patch)

it's not my corner, its the truth corner (for lack of a better word). i try to stay in it as a design of life. a reference for me and thankfully many others.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
u can expect patch V to update the lfs webpage with a news entry!!!!
S3 licensed
galego? ehhe my neightbours!
ogrove seafood festival hurrah! (i always get sick...those oysters are a bitch)
nice, hope to see vigo, coruna, sanxenxo, compostela etc freaks on the track
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :In my version, if you are actually outside the bounds of the car's rectangle as viewed from above (I had this calculation already for a shadow cpu saver) then it is external. Within the rectangle it is internal, regardess of if you are actually outside or inside the cockpit at that point. So a car wheel camera has external sound.

nice nice. best of both worlds, pleases everyone and avoids another option.
S3 licensed
Quote from Chaos :but for making movies (camera on the door, showing the front wheel) this is not good...

that cam at its current state was not introduced for making movies. also u can grab the sound from any other view that you want anyway.
i wont suggest make lfs worse for driving so it becomes easier for movies.
also current implementation is extremely incomplete from original proposal that was sent 2 or 3 years ago. so for now its as it should be. in future you wont have reasons to complain , i hope
S3 licensed
Quote from dev :But when I set my view to costum, I allways hear the sound as if I was inside the car, even if I place the costum camera outside of the car. Could you make an ability to select whitch sound is generated when in costum view?

that's on purpose. that's how it should be in current system. custom cam is used for driving positions where even if on hood or roof (for whatever reason of preference), your "spirit" is in the driving. for now that won't change (as far as my opinion counts on that).
S3 licensed
Quote from kart38 :LFS is not "years ahead" of the other games, it merely have features that the others do not. One feature that LFS doesn't have that I'd like is driver swapping.

lol... the game your talking about did copy lfs original idea. the whole game itself is a substandard copy of lfs based on ,regurgitated over and over, ancient engine with the added "feature" of having no-content and relying on users to make it or rape it from other games. they call that modding.
LFS has driver swapping for ages, and as far as i can tell it was the first sim to have it.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :To be fair it had just been cracked by a member of this community

ahahaha. if u mean myself, no matter how many times u spin that lie it wont become true. a legal rename of a file suffix you have on your hd is not a crack. also it wasnt me that discovered it and let it out in the open first. hell not even second or third. but hey if u really want to innacurately blame me for the whole nkp fiasco and disaster, be my guest. it wont make it true though
it was just another screw up by the mussolini, among sooooooo many others over the years. you could build an accurate mathematical pattern of disaster just based on the whole nk story.
S3 licensed
Quote from GP4Flo :Edit: To be clear, I like the loud wind at high speeds, but in the BF1 it's just too much for LFS to handle, resulting in clipping which also affects the engine. So this is a bug which should be fixed

since when is clipping a bug? clipping happens irl also. clipping per se is not a bug.
Happy Xmas
S3 licensed ... 2north+korea%22&hl=en

is happyness a conscience-compatible thing or just a momentary lapse of reason, a small glitch in the contrast of emotions.
S3 licensed
Quote from aimbottle :I think a car with such a strong engine shouldn't have a humming sound, even if you've got a helmet on.

just a bit of info to say all sounds in lfs are meant to be the "replica" of the sound prior to helmet. so if u wanna u use helmet while playing to get the helmet effect. sounds are done "without helmet".
S3 licensed
do not stress the coder, we dont have a spare one.
S3 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :I think that's exactly right, the LFS community still seems to be unable to acknowledge the fact that other sims exist. At the same time the rest of the sim world (GPL, N2003, rF, GTR, GTL etc) don't wish to come over to LFS not because they don't like the physics or the range of cars and tracks or because of the wreckers on demo servers but because they perceive the community has an attitude problem because their exposure to LFS is mainly certain individuals who just have to go to other forums and mindlessly bash other sims with completely unjustified (true or not) claims that people don't believe.

take ya bullshit and drop it elsewhere.
this sim was breed, tested and feedbacked on mostly veterans of simracing. just coz this sim attracts new users and others dont its maybe because this sim offers something others dont.
i always said there is another sim on the market, n2003. other people will say something else. No one here is the elitist dinossaur as in gpl. People moved on.
rest doesnt qualify for my own quality criteria.
Bring me a new kickass real SIM and you'll see me playing it.
No dogma.
S3 licensed
tell me these are copyright free and ill try to make them default

well, to me they are my default anyway
S3 licensed
Quote from Hoellsen :Okay, guys, let's drop the "I can get it for free elsewhere" crap. There is a lot of virtual racing series that charge money in some form for participation, even in LFS.

yet, they don't advertise themselves as offering something to everyone.

maybe, tim forum could explain to you better why this "service" appears and why now. he seems to not like his past. can you find the forum?
when selfproclaimed kings of virtual authority come offering something based on a product that is a substandard copy of stuff we have in lfs for years and years, it's really hard to entice people who have gotten used to superior product and their services for free.
chargin for services lfs provides built in the exe is just a funny cherry on top of the cake.
S3 licensed
todd u are well known for taking every oportunity to showcase your work and point us to the commercial website. im fine with that since obviously the mods never noticed thats what u do in this forum for years.
but taking the test patch and showcasing your synth engine... man... doesnt really matter what deaf axus begs you to do. its nowhere near the quality of lfs and just killed off my ears with fatality move.
stop hyping what u never did and please stop hyping yaaself and leading a few clown to post everywhere about you. its not cool and makes u look less talented than what u may be. its been 3 years with avis that look worse than racer. feel free to post cool stuff on the offtopic section if u really care.
and please stop acting as mr bridgestone who is married to mrs yokohama.
BHMS awards 2006 leaves LFS out
S3 licensed

with those candidates its really hard to vote for anything. i just voted for best addon CSR for LFS S2.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
i think it already served a purpose.
maybe just to point out that lately no proper fun can be had on a forum where sad people hunt whatever gets posted, even stuff they dont care about or understand, in order to post the usual negativity aiming for the high post quantity that can give them the respect their post quality history lacks.

im glad i can surf negativity with a smile though
S3 licensed
Quote from the_angry_angel :IRC quotes.

Basically kid wants to increase his e-penis.

hehehe actually many are taken from early lfsforum days.
my e-penis doesnt increase by posting a txt archive of golden quotes from ol'times kept fortunately by someone else.
good effort though maybe dat oneliner enters next volume
post me monica belluci pics and you might see my e-penis from the uk.
The official and pointless thread of the REAL LFS HISTORY (early years)
S3 licensed

Tsunami: turbos + online + idiots = carnage.
Tsunami: Theres no proof that he's cheating just because his gear change is lower.
Tsunami: Stop being girls and complain and just drive faster.
Tsunami: morons
st0rm: isnt this the downshift light tsunami?
Sweet: The result is that because of their competetiveness they start all over again trying to close that lap.
Buzz_Leonhardt: So to clarify things...there WAS a cheat?
Sweet: And Tsunami, please be quiet for a moment. You sound like a bad LP record of the seventies that is stuck in the same groove.
MRomao: Just to complement it with my gaiward graph core clock @ 405 and mem @ 842 fps can be as high as the attached pict on the long straight fps almost reaches 900
MRomao: what I mean is that for sure I download a faulty LFS, and as I improved the Pc at the same time though the performance increase was coming from it
Carfreak: why don't download the full version of LFS on you know that site right!!!! I got the full version for free on it isn't illegal cuz it's p2p (peer-to-peer)
tsunami: God you people are a cynicle mob.
Seamus: <smallprint>The above is my personal opinion and is not representative of the thoughts of the entire RSC team.
tsunami: I really couldnt give a toss about this topic "so why are you posting in it" blow me.
Carfreak: Ups wrong ramp!
Carfreak: what's advance?????????????? Gameboy advance!!!!!!!!!!!
Carfreak: It's easy! jst press the "calibrate botton" in the opitions menu!
Carfreak: I have a microsoft force feedback wheel! : D What about you ah!
Carfreak: Hey are you from finland cuz i'm not i've just written that i'mfrom finland, i'm from usa, New York..... hmm
Carfreak: same here! I got the very same problem here!! but i'll live
Carfreak: No i'm not a bad driver!! I have drived go-kart since I was 7 and now I'm 13... so no not at all!!!
Carfreak: yes I moved to danmark!... lol... you know that right! they talks a very strange langauge like: "hej med dig" translatet to english: hello how are you doing"
Carfreak: wired!! I have never noticed that bug!!
Carfreak: I got the sound blaster, and I will try what you said!
Carfreak: Ups!!! my fault.. Think I gonna close this thread now!
Carfreak: I only got the small car. there is two other sports cars. help!
Bathrone: How about at the end of the race, the AI vehicles do a close down lap, to cool their vehicle and head back to the pits, instead of just stopping? It might add a bit more realism
Bathrone: Ahhh, full screen anti aliasing at 6x, and anisotropic filtering at 16 tap does require good graphics card grunt
Bathrone: When the drivers head is in a certain position, and the vehicle is moving in a certain way a "hole" in the roof appears.
Bathrone: The image display for the power lines has errors.
Bathrone: Cant say Im gealous, imagine Scawen having to do stuff in assembly for optimizing it Eeeek.
Fonnybone: For those that do not know yet, life doesn't obey physic 'laws'.
Bathrone: Currently Im running 13.5 inch wide this season and its going well.
Bathrone: If you think Im waffling, then YOU dont understand the issues.
Bathrone: Maybe your miffed cos your bubble has been burst....hmmm?
Bathrone: Your making up things Ive never said dude.
Tsunami: Everything would be solved in my mind if the tracks were just bitumen and then grass. no run off area thats also concrete or whatever. It would solve everything.
jfbsplit: sory i dont made a car a just make a paint
jfbsplit: eille farme donc ta yeule ma parler la LANGUE KE JE VX FAKE VA DONC CHIER TOI TABARNAK
Turboholic-senn: elitist snobs. the frankenstein setups can't beat you, so what are u worried about?
RB26DETT: Take a look at this MPR replay and tell me what you think could of made my GTI go to 189km/h all of a sudded. Could it be the horn?
Niels_at_home: everything's fine as long as we don't se a half naked Scawen with 'thanks guys' printed on his buttocks...
paul broere: I`m a real race fanatic, and race almost every day for at least 10 minutes
Hielke: it's not THAT funny
* KiDCoDEa was kicked by ChanServ (Sir KiDCoDEa , You repeated 3 times, slow down!. Welcome back after 2 mins (timedban). - Only in their dreams can men be truly free. (vari))
kidcodea: this was about birds, but they are absent. they are no where to be found. not in this text nor in blackwood.
nosispower: Spectators that get lost and wander onto the track! ROFLMAO!
Hielke: NO, not only the horn dude, you have to raise your left arm as well
RB26DETT: Top page ??? Where!!!!!!!!
nosispower: I only care about interaction with man, computer, electrons and machine.
Fonnybone: Deug..degedeug..degedeug..degedeug..degeDEUG__DEUG_DEUG_DEUG_ (bis) Whatcha talkin' 'bout mOn ? It's got a groove !
KiDCoDEa: vic ya hihats still sound like a casiotone from the 80s [20:09] * LFS_Tech Quit
<+Cubits> qoute! <+Cubits> .. <Seamus> haha <Seamus> idiot!
nosispower, Bronze Member: Noob doesn't mean wrecker. By your logic, everyone is a logic because every was a noob at one time....


more attached, due to request of many families.

ps: thanks to vari for keeping golden archive somewhere safe all this time. golden quotes from around sep2002 onwards
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from DaveWS :This skid sound pack uses various skid sounds posted from previous people. I have edited and adjusted them to sound as good as I can make them.

been using these for a couple months. just wanted to say thanks. especially since i saw u had no reply to almost 400 downloads...
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .