the view mode should be only one. like originally proposed. u later added view2 coz u said someone couldnt see properly. also didnt remove wheels view. listening too much creates disformity in your creation. options of options without a clear aim, creates blur, characterless.
Its the options TAKEN that define your art. flexibility, is not a whore for everyone.
the customview mode should imo be one (i said mode). if u want to, why not add a toggle option for "invisible car/invisible at glance/always visible" (HC mode sensitive), im fine with that. Please refer to my ancient, proposal for that ui, since its still far ahead of current lfs (which i understand, and understanding is not always great).
same concern wasnt put at clr sky modes, and imho, it was handy to have a full scr for blue screening etc. i never used ellipsoid btw but far from me to req a flower this year. ill never be an excuse for the easy. sucess is relative, competition is a hard thing. i bite the easy i stand by the fighters.
i like the edge i like the punk. i spit at the fearful.
**** the established, long live the lfs i believed in.
hope to see it next year, focused, streamlined and taming the hard challenges.
hope iracing will be the producer this game doesnt have. even though i know thats not the carrot that makes u move. but i can hope for a light. and dont worry i like carrots too.