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S3 licensed
Postcards for MPHexpo:

S3 licensed
oh yeah. sorry for my parkinson. im a bit loaded... friday night...dam
maybe its same prob with thread creator

if u can edit that quote out i can be a bit less OWNED
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Warper :Me wants physic updates - netkar Pro is on the road...

yes but who said nk has had any real improvement physicswise over 0.99 where u could drive the wr with your car upside down? not to mention the fake arbs and cambers? the fact the 2 physics betatesters left over half a year ago doesnt add any confidence nkpro will behave any better. of coz for the harcore fans its enuff if it moves like 0.99
S3 licensed
if you die, plz make sure "lfs" and its url gets on the papers. thx in advance
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :Because LFS is Skinable, and there is plenty of artists in, including your good self, thought it would be nice to have some nice skins on show, instead of the plan colours

i meant why not show regular skins? with commercial logos etc. of coz lfs looks better skinned
S3 licensed
stupid suggestions.
S3 licensed
errr it starts today, till 20...
S3 licensed
knowing that many many people play lfs in brasil and argentina i find a bit weird only you guys in there
S3 licensed
get S2 its worth it. how was university work?
S3 licensed
im also waiting on m2 and fx60 and its freakin delayed.
512mb 7800gtx is a blast, as expected, and came out yday.
good taste for hw anyway
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :This can be done now with insim, by making your own start lights. But it is rather confusing as there isn't a way to get rid of the normal start lights by the game. Like this.

thanks for all your lfs work.
S3 licensed
why dont u just play lfs using regular skins?
you are just a fan inside a booth for cyberseat. they use this game to show their seat. you can use ya game as you wish.
S3 licensed
actually i end up as if the devs were named viagra.
S3 licensed
if you really want that poll, you have one in previous forum.

unfortunately it needs updating as the 3 dudes over 99 years old and the 94 y old dude have died last year.
S3 licensed
i cant do more. if u cant connect please ask someone who can.
im hosting these files since the forum doesnt allow big attachments.
S3 licensed
as u have some difficulty i pasted them into 300dpi A4 paper, 4 per paper, ready to print out. bmps inside rars.

A4 , 300dpi , landscape orientation, color flys:

A4 , 300dpi , landscape orientation, black & white flys:

if you wanna do differently please ask someone else or try something else, i have other stuff to do now, sorry. i also edited the years. assuming those thumbs are just small scale previews, your publisher efforts would also work out good (even though 2 per page is huge for small flyers).
if u go to any professional solution just hand them the original pics, and let them do the composition after u explain them your aim.
both my version and the original pics still have to be dot-gained before printing. you remind them of that.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
no dont squash please. thats the most newbish thing u could do and im glad you didnt do it

respect the aspect ratio of pics. so when i say fit them in a or b, its like drop them inside a4 and resize (according to dpi of a4 u should prolly upscale) maintaining aspect ratio.

for example:

new A4 landscape orientation 150 dpi or 300 dpi
load 4 flyers. ctrl-a each, copy paste each into A4 layers.
pics should be smaller than a4...
resize (upscale) each flyer inside a4 using shift key so u maintain aspect ratio till u maximize paper space.

or use any other techniques that exist to do the exact same.
if u really prefer 2 per paper then nevermind what i just said.

ps: a 4 flyer in a4 landscape would look like your 2 attachements side by side and btw, your attachments are of a lower res than even my original files? those are just previews, not the full scale A4s right?

pps: a way faster way of doing the same would be to use acdsee multiple pics printing. the prog helps u a lot by doing all the tasks for you. direct download link to trial here (no idea if trial prints)
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
hmm 2 in a A4 is prolly too big, but u try and see what suits u best.

either try to fit 3 on a portrait A4, or 4 on a landscape A4, would be my option, but its your call.
well done editing the 04 to 05
S3 licensed
Fordman and people attending, feel free to use this material for the expo weekend.
You can use this for flyers (as cheap b&w or color photocopies, with 3 flyers per A4 page) and/or small posters to help in promoting lfs:

for a nice wall background or high banner/flag this pano is very nice imho:

Please use things as-is and for promoting lfs as aim, or, dont use them at all. both are fine.

have fun guys!
S3 licensed
Quote from L(Oo)ney :I dont think they are rich one bit. Scawens haircut just goes to prove this. ;P

you are a genius. you said it all.
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Note that the section on Darth Vader is longer than the section on Beethoven.

hehe that cracks me up... geeeeeeeeks.
reminds me of conan o'brien.
S3 licensed
Quote from Delerue :I'm doing what the fans don't do: tell the problems, without fear or something like that. Thanks for you cooperation, and don't lose your mind, man. You have an image to be uphold.

look u worthless piece of troll shit:
who da **** are u to think u know how the devs react to critics? you aint a critic. a critic supposedly understands (almost to an empirical level) the medium u are critical about. at the very most u represent an opinion. and crap one at that.
this info wont enter your narrow autistic mind, but i can inform you loads of the names in credits screen are from people that spend their time pinpointing to much deeper degree of what your limited knowledge allows, the "whats wrong", " whats incomplete" etc, trying to understand why it is wrong and constructively and resource-fully trying to construct a critic. and i can tell you its a headache many times. and its an invisible work. if u cant feel it in the game progression over the years then u should do a lobotomy.
lfs was born on critical fluid. lfs itself is a garage coding statement against stupid gaming corp establishments. its community deved also to a certain degree. feedbacked to the max. who da **** are u, little monkey shithead, to come here and insult everyone, including the ones that most care and do for this game.
i dont have fear to say ANYTHING. nor should you. you are an **** and you havent been banned coz this game is different. i dont have mod rights but i hope they dont ban you. we allow ****s here. look at me. im spending my time speaking to one so that makes me one also. see? its great.
this game has for over 3 years been built inside the community and is a reflection of its community also.
this game has a to-do list just comin from me, that we could ALL except devs go to bahamas for 3 years and come back in 2010 and scawen would still be coding. now imagine other internal testers, own devs to-dos and community to-dos and bug/improvement reports.
**** off
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed

always thought the other thread should be moved to general anyway.
can any mod plz do that? thanks in advance.

besides making more sense, im sure we can get more ppl to notice it , as this thread clearly proves it in the most funny way possible Wink
S3 licensed
vykos once sent me his ex gf pic