i guess if u want the real deal you shall have to wait for scawen's version of the idea to be finalized somewhere in the future, since it was semidone a few versions ago...
after all, thats where this program idea comes from
without lfs i would still be playing n2003 actively (i just rarely do nowadays) and rfactor wouldnt exist coz it would have no rolemodel to copy upon and produce some substandard copy.
without lfs , i doubt nk wouldnt turn "pro" either.
you see, followers need leaders to exist.
yay for the tri-monthly ISI engine reash game!
the skin changes the crap underneath doesnt.
i thought nsr was the ubber pinaccle of isi engines as bob stanley and rsc put it. yeah im just being ironic there. no wonder he got out of papy, wtf was that hype build to nsr? wtf?
gtl,rf,gtr2002,gtr,nsr,nascarthunder2004,f1c,f2002 etc etc. the list goes on and on. they dont pump out a dif sim every 3 months out of alien efficiency...
generally speaking, if u find a bug in one of those u can be sure it happens in the next...
no wonder FF is equal in all dat crap. so are the canned physics. they did improve some car data inputed to the same good old physics engine but other than that it show its limitations in every disguise it might take.
gtl is obviously a rushed out product and cut in half. and blimey still has to make gtr2 a simbin product while knowing the fame will go to simbin. how disgusted they are... they just wanna rush it out like they did gtl and move on to what next gen they wanna do. simbin does know how to rape a good copyright under the table but they do disguise them preety well. Some talent existed in that art team indeed but what good is a pearl in a bucket of shit? still smells.
now they left for blimey.
all i can say is blimey, i hope nkpro is better competition than all that isi crapload including that LFS meets RACER project which is rcraptor.
oh and good effort by isi by providing a first day mod to their substandard lfs-meets-racer project, named f3, skipping any copyrights or licenses. still havent lost that wonderful under the table touch eh? (f12002>gtr) at least they requested a n2003 guy to "make" it. besides being best effort on isi engine, it was done officially in 1 day without any "interest" whatsoever by isi team. right?
yeah right...
1) time dirt lasts on tyres is obviously way too much. should clear faster. also exponentially (inverted) and that was added per request. but overall it should be a faster process. simple rolling should clean a bit more also.
2) effect dirt has on griploss is also a bit too much. no need to increase grip too much coz the shortned life the dirt will have in tyre after proper tweak (1), will also give the impression u have more grip. important is the exponential drop of the dirt amount.
3) both 1 and 2 were reported several times. its easier to write than to have devs actually implementing the changes. several reasons can assist for this slow process. there is no fault or blame involved.
4) i always find kinda funny experience to be "denied or ignored" on something behind closed doors and when something goes out in public the exact same complains popup from general public. in a way its a complement coz thats one component of testing something, is to represent the general reaction to something. On the other hand its very frustrating to have something obviously flawed pass thru while being listed as tester (filter). this is not my game and i aint even the only tester, much less nowadays. also please note many things are added with the clear conscience they still need a lot work and finetuning. thats the idea behind wip dev and constant patches.
yeah but while they are open if u send more light into them, then u counter that effect. dats why i said what i said.
and yes, if u stretch vertically ya monitor you will get higher brightness.
i do this technique for 3 years now, else i wouldnt tip ya.
you do as you please.
i would use that crt tube at 1600x900 or 1280x768 at 120hz
thats how i normally play lfs on my sony21"F520r
just make the custom res.
u also get higher brightness since u gonna get the scanlines closer when memorizing the squashed res/sync in the monitor to maintain the proper aspect ratio.
activate that color bright thingy in nv drivers to counter that washed out effect also (maybe that helps you)
have fun.