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S3 licensed
suggest making polls for the several categories.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Share Dat Cake Oldman!
S3 licensed
The dx9 doesnt work on all puters even if they have dx9 cards. beware, its simbin code, aka noobs fresh out of school exploited overseas.
Good luck finding a computer where it can run (i have 2 here and none worked, even thought one managed to get to menus and get a corrupted frame every 3secs, like so many report in rsc).
Sim niche market doesnt need this corporate mediocrity saturating the small market every 3 or 4 months with the latest isi based regurgitated crap. thanks for nothing mr roos.
S3 licensed
good stuff tx.
S3 licensed
extra preview pics:
LFS default Hires Skies Add-ons - KiD and Don
S3 licensed
this community had it for free, for years.
Others had to pay for similar stuff... and later. Im fine with both.
What i'm not fine with is morons stealing work and reposting it uncredited somewhere else, or worse getting the credit and praise for something they did not make, while mocking original makers. Even worse, all of it, part of LFS copyright.
Its funny watching people rave on rfactor and gtr forums about how cool the skies are ( "best i've seen on any sim" ), when they are either ripped from LFS default instalation zip or from 3 threads of Sky addons for LFS, however even that becomes boring after a couple of posts.
Skies were done overtime (check original locked threads for more info), with real effort from physically getting to locations to countless editing hours. Recently the lfs only usage of these skies was abused, corrupted and people were mislead by a few noob twats, that defy the concept that cheating people are usually smart. These arent, and the fact this few appear on rfactor and gtr forums at rsc is most probably just a coincidence.
RSC action took a lot of effort... from don's part. Somehow the evil doer played the angel and the non-banned author had to prove himself over and over to people who were clearly just buying time, trying to make him look bad in the process.
Can't stop to wonder if this was gtr2 copyrighted material being used in RACER for example, if action would have been swifter.
Also as a sidenote, no commercial advantages should be taken from free community contributed work, me, don or others do, i leave that for a couple of rsc head honchos. RSC mods however, even though late, did the right thing in conclusion of this small episode. However the episode sparked in don a will to repack the addons in one single pack to make it easier for people to find the hires addons in one single thread. So here it is, with added bonus of LFS DEFAULT skins by Huru-Aito, Tweak and G30RGE also in high resolution, enjoy.

password for rar: liveforspeedonly

direct link:

Nuno Maia (KiDCoDEa) & Ondrej Zeman (DoN)

FYI, RSC threads:

FYI, Original, now-locked threads at lfsforum: ... =8852&highlight=skies
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed

love it
S3 licensed
Quote from Don ::lfs:

both pics represent the best that can be seen here. extremelly good stuff.
S3 licensed
lost? i prefer dr house.
S3 licensed
why via batch file, starting csr doesnt read the last used parameter (user files thingie) but when clicking it via icon on windows it does? man i wish this thing supported command args. nice app would become more usable. i could have a hotlap loader batch with it included... alt tabbing everytime is not desirable.
S3 licensed
Hello guys, i had a different problem.
My G25 sings the titanic song by the awesome celine dion when steering to the right, and the greatest by cat power when steering to the left.
I have now joined RIW league in order to solve this problem.
S3 licensed
have mine for 2 or 3 weeks. lfs usage only in that time. lx and gti mostly. overall nice, yet takes a little to get used to coming from momored. i dont find jump in quality as big as some ppl state here.
center of rotation is a bit dead FFwise im almost sure its on purpose so dat u can countersteer faster.
i got mine at a very nice price, else, imho, coming from a momored its not worth 300euros (paid a lot less).

wheel has some bad design decisions and you're left with a flavour that with some proper testing , in a feedbacky dev enviroment, it could have been , with exact same price tag, a whole lot better. better design/layout/ideas dont take more money. just a better team.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
lfs cures cancer
S3 licensed
anyone here raced u30 with g25 on vista?
with everything same driverwise and configuration as in xp, under vista, u30 only produces a very simplified ff. almost like centering spring only. no holes, bumps etc.
rc2 with latest logitech driver for g25.
i have no idea if its lfs fault or the logitech driver...
S3 licensed
As i said before in the thread, people with audigys can't really expect lfs to cure their card when not even creative can. its been a well known issue for years. Thats not to say that these cant be 2 separate issues. Just that reports from audigys should be taken with a huge grain of salt. ... cial&client=firefox-a
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
a forum?
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :(e.g. Windows Media Player which sucks btw):

u could be a tad more specific. the media player classic DOES NOT suck. the modern ones i agree.
S3 licensed
BOB, perspective center shift for proper dualview experience has been suggested for year or more now...did it privately. better luck to u.
S3 licensed
Quote from Blaeza : Just don't expect Driving force pro force feedback to work on Vista until the 1st of NEVER. ******** ******* Logitech lazy bunch of ******* who won't update to Vista drivers. ****!

my momored from logi worked nice in vista. in fact it worked just as expected after installing logi profiler software. so no idea why dfp wouldnt work...
S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :...but thats not possible is it?

its possible. just not implemented.
S3 licensed
insert correct realworld data values into notepad.exe and it won't turn into a realistic simulator.
rfactor is only better than lfs in one thing, it solved lag totally, in the turbo.
S3 licensed
i have his 4:3 brother king of crt dotpitch then.

i had my tube replaced once in its life. they dont last forever unfortunately.
f520r and fw900 for the win!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Some people like to take the driver's eye view and move a little higher, back or forward.

yeah thats because they dont have a much longer requested feature, adjustable seats like in real life...

Quote from Scawen : Others like to be able to return to 0,0,0 with one click.

why would u wanna do that as often to justify a button... and if u wanna do that how would that person desire justify a button for something they can do already in not 1 but 3 clicks? is there gonna be a button in lfs for everything that currently takes 3 clicks?

Quote from Scawen : It's a long requested feature and one that was easy to implement and simple to understand. I can't see a problem with it.

its beyond per se. its what it represents. the bigger annoying problem is seeing useful and valuable contructive suggestions getting the bin over "easy" to do stuff, that although easy manytimes adds nothing to the full net aim. its a random thread spasm that wont connect anywhere and if lfs ever goes to a quality step above what it is today this will obviously be axed. This past year is basically the implementation of the easy to do over the actual stuff that matters. sometimes worse, the futile over the infrastructural.
this is not a boss talking, its a caring supporter. With proper producing, this sim would be miles miles away from what it is today, for the better. lack of quality criteria for domains u dont dominate is a recipe for lackluster production. You code like the wind, dats what u do great. we love seeing u being great at that. i dont recognize same amount of talent in other decisions beyond the code of code.

Quote from Scawen : Your argument is like saying, why is there a HOME and END key on the keyboard, it's just predetermined crap in a text editor where one should be able to write text in any position.

i understand how you interpret. if u understood what i meant, there would be no need for me to understand you. but i do.
Scared of real coding challenges. LFS is a pussy nowadays. I want the punk back.
iracing product could be a spark if lfs cared about competition. but i bet even dat wont make it break the numbness.
LFS lost focus over these past 2 years. I'm quite disapointed with lfs, especially because i know where it could have been by now. The wait and patience devoted to LFS, is returned with a not fully satisfying product evolution.
"dude wtf is happening with lfs ? is it dead? devwise?"- is the question i get over and over
"u havent been following testpatch section? supreme vital shit has been added!"- i reply
"are we going to see gtp etc and new gfx?"- i get asked
-only map being drawn on each side of screen and flowers and more flowers. i stopped complaining now i just "tease" in heathy mode.
so much attention to random reqs on forum, especially selecting the easy ones...getting ahead of obvious better stuff waiting in an growing queue of quality reqs over the years. really old stuff that would be cutting edge to this day...
surrounded by an artificial world that worships the established, and is happy with the average, its this "okayness" thats bothering me. This is not what made LFS grow to the product we have nowadays. just an example:
some dude requested virtual mirror and real mirrors all at once...
some dude asked for better ai...
LFS , added the mirrors thing instantly and ignored the ai thread.
Everyone is free to say or request whatever they want, (i aknowledge that scawen patience is even beyond his understanding, and since he understands a lot its same as saying he is close to saintwood) sad thing is... when LFS , repeatedly over the last year and half, takes the easy route almost looking scared of coding challenging stuff. Can't be lack of confidence with a full forum backing him and worshiping the smallest flower. is it over-confyness? Or maybe already fully happy with what's achieved?. Doubt that, yet i fail to see the healthy ambition. Even understanding the obvious real-life constraints (at least one of them is a blessing not a constraint surely). It also drains away any will to help and enhance quality. Quality notices where its welcomed. If whats welcomed is the established the evolution stops.
AI, gyroscopic, ik players allowing karts and adjustable seats, umbra+penumbra shadows, more complex aero, and a lot lot of other private stuff, planned or constructevly suggested ideas get the constant kick ahead into the future, aka delay, to make room for these terciary branches that sometimes dont even fit the main tree, of core joy.
Please dont view happy customers as men who want to produce a better product. they aren't.
If stalling is enough for them its not enough for LFS. Not for the LFS i support since sep2002 with all my freetime and goodwill.
LFS is losing focus. If ppl knew how much LFS progressed from sep2002 to 0.1 or from 0.1 to 0.3(S1) or even someparts of the road to S2... So much at such a nice pace. I dont see how people with knowledge of the inside can share dif opinion.
is "Scawen" a coder just trying to maintain everyone ok with it or is he a men with a mission?
flowers added almost over 2 years TAKE TIME also. You could have taken the ballsy route.
Imho, at the root, its not a time problem, its not a pace problem, its not even a workforce problem, those are after-symptoms, imho and at a distance, its a vision and focus problem.
lfs could have been by now much more cutting edge and more important in the realm of videogames and simulations than it is.
iracing cant really win in some areas over 4 years of daily feebacked wip deved polishing (alpha/beta/forum), but it can win in its focused approach.
overall, they know what matters, better than scawen knows.
prioritizing things in order to serve the big branch.
iracing will prolly be more unpolished in the overall broad sense of paying attention to every need and hardware and special usage from each player, however i doubt that will make their product worse in the main focus of immersion at the racing arena.
my posts do jackshit, maybe iracing will be the carrot lfs needs.

i had this diagonally mangled inside. prolly came out garbled and spiky but its my own limitation of reason output blended over emotion.
Disagree at will, just dont u dare saying i dont care.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from tomylee :I can't see any difference but maybe cause I never really made a deep check.
Wha is your experience?

of course u can? u can even feel it. the whole car behaviour and balance is affected. sets suits better a certain type of fuel load.
practice a bit more...