your s2 license is the natural progression of s1.
if u are 20 y old u once were 10y old and u cant be that anymore.
if u have 2 different licenses, then its another story.
gunn plz close this thread, this will be pm handled. original poster, soper, can msg mods if he aint happy with pms outcome and unlock this thread.
nothing to be gained from external opinions without any knowledge on this matter.
lowspeed burnouts overperformance. in other words, the longitudinal grip at high longitudinal slipangles is too high (not enuff performance loss, both on power and braking, but especially on power).
also during this state (high longitudinal slipangle) the lateral grip should be a tad more.
these are adjustments, slight tweaks, nothing radical.
then there are other more "core" stuff and a few things to implement but im not gonna talk about them
i vote for 1 car soccer arena. rectangular field. with sidewalls. speedball style.
one huge ball (about 3 cars height). flexy and bouncy but not too much. resistance stops it rolling.
10 cars each side and BRAWL BEGINS!
thats a preety freakin briliant idea if u ask me.
avoids the "money pit" scenario, gives us tristan-free forum time for like a week, and frees up scawo to work on the juicy things. :eclipseeh
a win/win deal.
you kidding right? last time it was the "i was at the beach" excuse.
warn me when u aint in the beach, so freedom of speech and truth becomes a welcomed thing.
till then i see no dif between your powermongers or rsc ones.
the little activity u got, was due to the contribution of a few. that dont contribute anymore.
nothing sader than that lcd unfriendly layout filed with 0 comments, that archaic fixed width forum, and having homepage animated smilies that take 80% of the cpu of IE lame animgifcode.
feel free to be delusional alone, just dont come advertising here, what u dont deliver, as if u did.
ah, good old balkan bait.
thanks for the award but we should share it, after all, what good would my modeling skillz be if i hadnt got you as reference?