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S3 licensed
thats a bit old. you should see the version 2 of the gixxerkart so insane it can barely powerdown.
btw i bet your kidney is worth a lot more than a s2 license.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :Yup, but talking like you think you know the facts when you dont is worse

are u trolling?
i've had enuff of this crap.
once we post anything worthwhile here come the xperts.
what facts am i "thinking i know" mr perfect?
which ones?
the ones i have contradicted your opinions with? sad isnt it? getting owned? we dont know everything, but very few of us when corrected get back trolling and acusing others of talking bull.
if u cant distinguish between opinons and facts then go upgrade your interpretation skills somewhere else.
im not your ideal partner for that.
S3 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :Actually I think its more like A) Yes, quite often and B) no, almost never.

yes you think. u also think that "Neither nvidia or ati make the cards themselves so it is propably mostly up to the card manufacturers."

thinking is good. but knowing the facts is better. please stop spreading useless erroneous info in a thread about a specific product which has little to do with oem cards from nvidia or ati which you obviously never saw, since they "dont even make them".
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :Reference cards are designed by nvidia/ati, yes, but its up to the card manufacturers to choose a) if they use the reference design at all and b) if they use the same components in it.

to which the answer a) and b) is big majority of times, YES.
and its not just components quality, its how they are used.
just the fact u have a final dac box outside a gigantic box of interferences patterns is already beneficial. if it identifies patterned noise signals then it can filter. there is much enhancement that can be done. no magic will occur, only work and love for quality. indeed in nv and ati wanted i believe they would also reach matrox signal quality, thing is, they never did, and thats the target for this product.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rob76 :KiDCoDEa,

Is VGA or DVI better for smooth gameplay, where smoothness at the expense of picture clarity may be preferable?

hmm lets see... if u ever played a consistent frame per sec game synced to monitor refresh/update u know that is smooth. at consisten 60fps the prefered choice is lcd (anything under 16ms should be fine). but then, very few pcs have the horse power to pump consisntent sync on 60fps. and the ones that do, rarely is a game and/or system, as optimized as a console enviroment. so in the end, you might have a pc with wasted horsepower. meaning less eficient for the bucks u pay for it. dvi only allows max 60fps framerate.
dvi has better image quality , visible for example in a totally black page. it has no noise whatsoever. flawless. same lcd via vga cable gets visible noise.
so if u want high fps visible (for example i can do 150hz or 200hz on my monitor at certain res) nothing beats a vga crt for fluidness.
if your aim is 60fps (which is surely enuff for most games) then a dvi lcd is nice.
i have both, which is the optimal solution
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Kegetys :No need to try to start a debate about it, wait until the device is available and we'll see.

i could say the exact same to you , couldnt i?
i didnt start the "omg its analog, the signal will get less quality"

Quote from Kegetys :
Neither nvidia or ati make the cards themselves so it is propably mostly up to the card manufacturers.

excuse me? 2 words "reference card"
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
actually i have used a lot of databox switches. mostly linked to sgis and highend pcs. in fact i used several brands (yes they differ quality a lot and some eat signal like i eat cereals) and yes im familiar with signal losses from cables since the time i soldered my own (mostly for amiga geekness). u take my sentence as you wish, i know what i said. what goes on inside triplehead is not a simple matter of bridging between A and C or B and C, you are comparing apples to bananas. why the switch example here ? to illustrate what u want to say. not to illustrate what i said.
signal processing is not a simple matter, if it was nvdia and ati would have reached matrox quality output long ago on analog signal.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
kegetys that issue doesnt exist in lcd land. which is what they are mostly aiming at. pixels and images just get updated vs drawn on screen by a refreshing blasting cannon
but i agree, for crt land, more than 75hz would be welcomed.
btw, affecting quality could mean it improves or remains equal. which given matrox legendary signal treatment quality i wouldnt be surprised...
dvi version needs GIGANTIC bandwith, which would need dualdvi link out of card, which in effect would limit the target of users to much. not many have such a card. maybe in future a dvi version comes out, they said its possible but only for a limited number of users...
blame dvi design...
this is the perfect product considering its target imho. i just would love more hz support for crt land. and thats what i asked about in their forum. other than that, seems spot on.
Quote from Kegetys :I also wonder if it is possible to disable the triple monitor thing from it and just pass through the vga signal to one monitor. This would allow using the desktop with a higher resolution on one monitor, and play games with three monitors without too much hassle...

yes it is. and its automatic. upto 1600x1200 on center screen from what i recall (aint sure)

edit: yep, my mem served me well:
Supported Display Modes
Resolution Refresh rate
1920 x 480 (triple 640) 60Hz
2400 x 600 (triple 800) 60Hz
3072 x 768 (triple 1024) 75Hz
3840 x 1024 (triple 1280) 60Hz
Regular VESA-compatible single screen modes at up to 1600x1200 on center display
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Vizzini :This looks interesting

not really... much better exists, with a lot thinner bezels and much better specs.
but this aint a thread about monitors, multi or not
S3 licensed
took 5 seconds here
as i said, i already ran WAY WAY higher res here...

ps: btw this even shows up in my f520R because this beast eats it all
my usual windows desktop is 4:3_1440x1080 (hdv format default coincidently but for 16:9) because i like seeing pixels on a 21". my usual gaming res are 1600x900 (memorized vertical stretch to match pixelratio, monitor creates the black bars) or 1280x720 using same technique. i also output native 16:10_1280x768 to the tv_lcd (75cm diagonal) i have here which i use mostly for divx viewing.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
correcto. tentei "abrasileirar" e "me dei mal".
demasiada novela a ouvir pontapés na gramática.
"eu amo tu, porcina..."
keep it up!

ps: the only projectors worth it are imho 16:9 projectors. hdtv gave a boost of these. u can get a 1280x720 projector or a 1920x1080 projector. shame they are still so expensive. especially when compared with the solution that this thread presents
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Speed Soro :what is DIY?

"faz você mesmo"
S3 licensed
wow, the broad interest of this thread and the sheer scope of its content and relevance towards the rest of the users in this forum is astounding.
thanks for letting me practice my english.
S3 licensed
crazy harry i like your avatar , you should post more often
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :all lcds run at 60 hz ... so its the res to go for with a lcd (its also apparent that this res was intended for use with lcd since for some weird reason all 1280 lcds are 5:4 and therefore have a vertical res of 1024)

if u ever made gfx for tvs and consoles or early home computers like c64 or amiga, you would know why.
but then u also have to understand common (too common in fact) misconceptions about screen sizes and pixel ratios. in fact when u hear someone explain the whole plethora of resolutions with the term "screen aspect ratio" with no further explanations u just know one thing:
he doesnt understand jackshit.
i'll wont go into why pixel ratios are more important than screen dimension relationships here, since its not the target crowd either. i could say dig the web, but its so filled with crap, misconceptions or incomplete info that its gonna be a tuff ride for anyone that didnt live the events (creation of vga etc).
basically , to put it simple, the answer to your question/doubt would be "different technological background". one comes from a square pixel (1.0) background the other from a 0.8 pixel background (tv).
how bout that for an answer ?

ps: if u have problem understanding, and have a crt monitor look at it. its prolly of a 4 by 3 screen dimension (1,33(3) relation). u can output 1024x768 (1,33(3) relation) to it and the pixel size on screen with be square 1.0.
then select 1280x1024 (1,25 relation) on ya card and output to exact same screen (as u can see the monitor itself didnt grow or contract, its exact same size and thats good, coz it means your monitor isnt a living thing that will eat you) then that res assumes a 0.8 pixel ratio for that exact screen.
if u load amiga graphics, for example, then you'll see them properly...or tv signal direct feed onto screen. etc etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I normally race in 2400 x 600 to keep the frame rate up, any higher isn't good enough for racing.

thats where any modern card (hell even a quite old one) blasts away a parhelia. as i said, in lfs, even a gf4 will do.
btw scawen u have the ideal setup for a seamless fresnel lens set, kind of like these
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
here a bit more info on triplehead:
"Matrox says a DVI version of the TripleHead2Go is possible, but such a product would have very high bandwidth demands and therefore require a card with a dual-link DVI output. Matrox also points out that the software doesn't support daisy-chaining multiple TripleHead2Go units, so users looking for six-monitor setups will have to bide their time."
S3 licensed
wow misterx u totally missed the point. which is strange on such a detailed and linked thread...
lfs is deved on parhelia for 3 years or more... that wont impress anyone here.
this is not about 3 monitor gaming. this is about 3 monitor gaming for everyone using nonmatrox cards. dx9 cards etc etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I guess the user needs to install a driver for the device, and that would be a driver for a "monitor" as this device would appear to the computer as basically a monitor?

not even that is needed. the tripledevice informs windows a 3840 monitor is connected...

"TripleHead2Go does is add support for three displays to your existing card. Once everything’s hooked up to your PC, TripleHead2Go looks like one really big 3840x1024 monitor to your PC, no custom graphics driver is needed to get it to work. Matrox uses the EDID standard to report the resolution to Windows (both Windows XP and Windows 2000 are supported), from there the TripleHead2Go module outputs the data from the GPU to the displays. Up to four resolutions are supported: 3840x1024@60Hz (giving you three 1280x1024 displays), 3072x768@75Hz (three 1024x768 displays), 2400x600@60Hz (three 800x600 displays), and finally, 1920x480@ 60Hz (three 640x480 displays)."

more info ... p?goto=newpost&t=5504
S3 licensed
yes it will display properly. i've tested and matrox also. u can see lfs listed as supported games in their site. not that it was needed to be there. in fact lfs is much more modern than most of those on the list since it adapts to dif screen sizes very well. no stretched 2d ui unlike many other games...
all vector baby.
even bg images are constrained ratio
btw i have ran lfs at higher res than that of the triplehead max can display
btw u can also run lfs on origami and oqo. (not that i tested that one)

aditional scawen info:
Quote from Scawen :Ah, I'd better mention what most people probably don't know...

If you select any 16:3 ratio screen mode (same as 3 normal 4:3 monitors) then LFS goes into a special "parhelia" mode, and the text / laptimes / etc - all 2d display things, are confined to the central screen, plus a couple of other layout improvements.

Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
i already ran my old gf4 on resolution at 3840px wide and it didnt suffer much. with any modern card u can even enable low AA and AF.
totally playable lfs. trick is dat it isnt drawing much vertical res (usually 768 or 1024 max).
so yes, on a gf4 u can play lfs at those res. anything better will only improve the experience further.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :the not so beautiful bit about those systems is that your desktop isnt two seperate monitors but a single one so any programm you run maximised (and videos in full screen) spans across all three monitors and you have big gaps between parts of the picture ... or even words when you surf the net

watching the pics and reading the website helps. thats where powerdesk software comes in

Financial and Enterprise

Creative Professionals ... o/products/th2go/home.cfm

CAD and GIS ... triplehead2go/release.cfm

Security and Process Control ... triplehead2go/release.cfm

@vain: math is simple for me. In new condition, u can get 3x 1280x1024 lcd monitors for 600 euros, so thats 900 euros for a 3840x1024 realestate. where can u buy such a monitor at that price? nowhere. not even close.
If u go for used monitors, then it becomes even more atractive. u can even add 13x 9" fresnel lens and get seamless connections! all for 500 to 600 euros!!
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
Triple Monitor Gaming for EVERYONE (who has 3 monitors)
S3 licensed
ITS HERE! ... triple_head_2_go_preview/

after many requests... well at least mine , seems like the chaps at matrox have delivered.
if u dont have 3 monitors, why not start looking for 3 good 17" or 19" used and cheap 4:3 monitors, coupled with this baby (non dvi) it will rule all sims and apps!
Its a dream come true for many, shame price is a bit steep 299$, but its A LOT cheaper than a curved display lcd at that res
The dualhead was useless, but this is GOLD!
More details here (max refresh75hz)
and specifically gaming

have fun

ps: i know a coder who has no excuse now for not grabbing a dx9 or dx10 card from ati or nv for coding on his triplehead enviro
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I think if we don't see anything by June the entire Brazilian LFS community will be turning up at Gatwick holding signs saying "SCAWENS HOUSE"

brazilians at gatwick? lets hope they wearing the famous "im a brazilian. please dont shoot me" tshirt, else the police might get jumpy.
S3 licensed