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S3 licensed
who are u adressing when u say "sry rfactor fans" ?
there are only a couple of people that bought that amazing DIY game without DIY tools, and no fans to be found among them.
S3 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :"What does Windows do inside a Mac? A lot more than MacOS ever did."

hehehe good one. to mock apple advertising would be an endless funny task
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :jupp because you stay in the low speed grip problem zone on the entire track

hehehe kinky
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :screenshots before the patch comes out showing off the aero

hmm that screenshot gonna be quite a task
S3 licensed
yep. bootcamp. no need for ports. lfs on mac is now (officially ).
S3 licensed
seems to me you are both right.
but in the end, its how it looks to the end user that matters.
therefore i find mpracer feedback expectable.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Thanks for example sc, you are right, but i can also think of scenarios for using a vibrator during a funeral, for example.
my comment wasnt really, omg this is totally useless (maybe i should have written better), its more omg this will rarely rarely be used by anyone. just my opinion and yes i can understand the cool g33k factor attached to it, but nothing customized rss wouldnt add aswell while actually being useful for a greater number of people.
Am i being too argumentative? Smile
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
yeah i really dont get the purpose of sms since when u need anything lfs related u should be near a computer...
but anyway, its there, but i dont care about it. again a purposeless flower showing lack of route and macro plan, unless im missing something.
what i really would like is lfs ingame broadcasts from scawen or/and customizable rss feeds from lfsw. that yes, imho, makes sense.
S3 licensed
Quote from deggis :This is getting exciting...

this isn't. the patch is.
S3 licensed
thanks tonix. bmw is my fave team.
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Quote from Vykos69 :ASS aimed

did u just say, ass aimed?
S3 licensed
we already had naked spectators..
S3 licensed
i feel sorry for the dude that ate the wet pizza later...
S3 licensed
like dvorak hinted, next macOS version, will probably run windows apps directly.
S3 licensed
tiny K but big H
S3 licensed
mipmaps are tweakable via drivers and driver tweakers so that can be affecting whatever prob you are having, also.
S3 licensed
good things are coming.
indeed there was a more calm time in forum, but dev never stoped.
so its coming...
and when it comes,
it comes with a

hang on tight
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, . Reason : typo
S3 licensed
excellent. seeing you evolve in 2/3 years is scary
welldone jedi.
S3 licensed
tonix can u improve the sauber suit skin to the level of the honda? thanks
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Just something incidental while I'm coding other things and before I forget about it...

I'd like to find out how many computers still have a problem with "Haze effect". When it was first implemented, certain graphics drivers had a bug which causes the nearby track to go all white or striped, basically WRONG! It is an unmistakeable bug in Cockpit View and even more so in Wheels View.

So... at the moment, when LFS runs for the first time, it chooses the setting depending on which video card you have. But I'd like to make it ON by default in all cases. So that's why I need to find out how many people still get the problem.

To answer the poll, please go into Options... Graphics and make sure the setting at the bottom of the screen "Haze effect" is switched to YES. Then drive along 100 metres or so in cockpit view and same again in wheels view. Then make your vote!

If you do get the problem, please tell us your graphics card and if you can find out easily, which version of the drivers you are using.

from what i recall what caused those "car on white section" probs was FOG.
haze was a "safe downgrade" from that, which from what i recall never gave any extreme probs?
the only graphical glitch i sometimes still see is the shadow missing at some tv angles/distances (mostly on ati 9600 laptop).
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
gr8 vid.
the car with cam is to blame 100% for accident.
S3 licensed
instant if u using credit card.
S3 licensed
Quote from Carsten_DK :What is the meaning of annoying the costumers like this.

its a conspiracy led by infidels
S3 licensed
Quote from Fonnybone :LFSTweakS2 BetaA, edits any of the 3 demo cars to virtually unlimited
specifications. Save presets to share with friends and to use online.

I've provided 2 crappy presets i made to test, they might be usefull for beginners.

wow fantastic idea! how about providing the 3d meshes of licensed cars and tracks next? i can see this selling loads of licenses...
you know... coz lfs had this reputation of having the least friendly and timelimited demo in the world. barely played by anyone. this can change things for the better. thanks!