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S3 licensed
screens? WE WANT VIDS!
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Well apparently life is like coding

still need to work on those priorities. Please rest a bit more till you get that sentence just right. then start working on getting it wrong all over again
S3 licensed
i bet thats a viewer.exe grab
S3 licensed
heheeh katrina freaks
S3 licensed
Quote from XCNuse : what about the high res skies? that was graphics related

correct, but i dont handle in-game gfx coherence
S3 licensed
if you want a progress report load lfs.exe

thats your progress report.

the whole freakin lfs is a progress report.

anyone wants to get busy, how about counting the amount of public builds since 0.04 ? all patches etc.
then get that number and check the amount of times people like kunos or isi games or simbin or westracing or iracing post about their games.
youll see that even just with actions and no words lfs crushes everything else as far as progress showing...
besides, scawen, as aim already set the goals for S2 so its not like he would say anything really new. its work thats left ahead not creative writing.
Although, just like u , i'de like a oneliner here and there, just saying "physics are progressing nicely" and "please excuse the mirrored texture" and maybe dreaming, who knows, one or two max renders from eric, with the caption "digital image taken from live for speed".


ps: this post is dedicated to richard towler. get well, sick bastard.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
scawen had close to nothing on that game...
whereas the west brothers...
debug tir.exe and youll see wsc dir structure etc...
empire owned the code for wsc and adapted it for tir via a small team. how close it was for the realthing no one knows. lets hope it was not close at all, cause tir blows.
a few nice touches here and there but never physics related.

Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
correct, but i dont handle in-game gfx coherence
S3 licensed
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
here's why:

anything that takes full advantage of ageia makes it impossible to run on normal pcs. therefore shrinking madly the target machines lfs can run on.
if you gonna use ageia just as extension eyecandy, it makes itself useless because its not vital for the game.

sad but true.
S3 licensed
Quote from djellison :That smoothing works inbetween the physics of the game, and your wheel, right? So it's already been processed - the smoothing has already been done by the time we see the in-game steering wheel moving.


believe it or not, i wrote the looong reply to your original post (thanks for it) 2 times . thats how we found the freezing/submit bug on this forum (actually not just this one, any that would use vb3.07).
please refrain from making this thread a long discussion about nothing, coz as i said in my 30 min reply, you'de be basically right, i agree, according to the info you have now and according to the physics then shown in vid(still some of it now).
honest i tried replying twice, lost 1 hour that day. when i have the time ill do the effort and post here or pm u the reply accuratly.
basically ya conclusion isnt much dif from what i was trying to test with vid and what was reported as one of conclusions.
but ill give u more info when i have the time and patience.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
AHAHAHAHAH gold thread!
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But I don't think he really wants his money back. It's (unless I'm wrong) an LFS mickey take of rFactor.

you are right
S3 licensed
Quote from RichardTowler :is it possible to get a refund on LFS? because the game I want has come out, and I don't have enough money to buy it and as it costs almost the same I could buy it with a refund of LFS.

S3 licensed
Quote from Gunn :But isn't the chase cam only for viewing? Not for driving?

but even if it was, which it isnt, my post would stand. control and physics feel, comes from referencing. void doesnt cut it. brain needs easy to read references. if you are dynamically changing them all the time u make ya brain think a lot more, and read a lot less out of it. especially since this dynamic change is a layer of interpretation on top of another thats already complex (the core physics engine) and totally unrelated to it.
you are just adding noise, thats even unrelated to the core (the worst kind), to the interpretation.
this is so obvious and so basic, that i see that even base subjects on which we should agree are a subject of "opinions" therefore i dont wanna post more on the subj. please understand me, not ego or anything, its just useless imo. better than knowing how to talk is knowing if that talk is reaching anyone. here it couldnt since basic principles arent even accepted.

btw u liked the trees on the downhill of so? same principle as here but relating to speed feeling.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
Quote from RAYfighter :. I agree that the chase cam does not prove the sim qualities of the game. But the use of wheels cam was great IMO! Everybody talks load of crap how damn realistic they game is - I say show me! From the wheel cam I could clearly see that the player really HAVE to do the driving and the car perfectly listens to his actions.

never said wheels v wasnt great love in fact i played with it for the first year and a half, till i got the custom cam implemented due to scawen listening to good suggestions, so i could do my usual hood cam like in n2003. i said why it isnt real (coz it makes invisible what isnt therefore should be considered an analysis tool/feature more than anything).

if you dont know me, its not my problem,but please keep personal reviewing out of it. all the best and keep up on the opinions of the game.

i said im done on suggesting stuff for lfs in here for the meantime, and i am. thats all. dont make more of it than it is.
S3 licensed
yeah the first thing that pops to my mind when playing n2003 is "ARCADE OMG."

This is why i stopped making constructive suggestions in public sites and now i recall i must continue doing so. and i only posted a peaceful obvious fact.
Any chase cam can be considered dumb, but there are ones that are well done, and others badly done. fixed makes it more faithful to the sim.
this is so factual, there isnt even a place for discussion.

im done with this suggestions here.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
:magnify: :detective
S3 licensed
Quote from EricL :FWIW I saw it in french on Motors TV yesterday and it was clear that they think the devs did listen to the players and did not add useless features.

well , if thats so, that makes a lot more sense than in english heehheeh
S3 licensed
Quote from bobvanvliet :I would greatly appreciate a high res PSD .
LFS S2 LOGO in psd with transparency
S3 licensed

and with the small S2 alpha stamp on separate layer (in case you want it generic, without being version specific) : ... ix2005-alphaseparated.rar

have fun
S3 licensed
if youre asking me, i didnt use any. i pixelated it all over some tiny beveled 800x600 reference gif from grignon who won the contest back then.
i never really liked the logo, much less of how it looked then, think its almost unusable anywhere except in the void where it looks so-so, imo. But this s2 revision of it is the best i could do with it. Since it won, i had to stick with this, imo ugly "streetlady" and revamp it to make it presentable to ya granny.
i dunno if it was posted anywhere, but if u guys need the psd of it with transparency aa, rdy to drag and drop, just say so.
maybe nic grignon knows the font, in case he used any... but i dunno sry.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .
S3 licensed
if this review makes anything clear, is that the chase cam, as is in lfs atm, should be droped. this type of chase cam is lousy and makes ANYthing look fake and arcade. in fact if it was possible in real world to have this stupid elastic, reference less, soft-sluggish-in-the-void-floating cam, even real footage would look odd! i garantee u that.
i stress this since day 1 of the chase cam. code it properly (preferably fixed to car alignment and a bit closer) or just drop it.
the wheels view doesnt do lfs realism any favour either (making stuff disappear shouldnt be possible except in analyser F forces mode) but i can bare with that one since many ppl like it (well at least vykos)...
but man this chase cam is making lfs look like crap everywhere i see.
if my lfs looked like that ii would even touch it.
in fact if i didnt know lfs, and saw this exact same review in motorstv I WOULD RUN AWAY FROM THIS "STUPID SIM".
which obviously wouldnt be a correct decision, but thats what this ability to turn lfs into crap by pressing v, would lead me to.
i still have hope sc hears me and recodes the cam system according to previous constructive suggestions. its so obvious it hurts.
its like spending 5 years building a porsche-killer car, and then send it to "Top Gear" with bicycle tyres mounted as default instead of proper car tyres.
quite frustrating.
im also glad he spotted the brilliance of the lfs realtime pro UI (he didnt mention its vector, adaptable to any res from cellphones to 16:9 in huge res while maintaining quality of the scaling). A few cosmetic tweaks and a slight better grouping of some options here and there, and its done.

in case anyone needs to understand why a proper chase cam is important for a sim, check papy n2003 chasecam1, for example. no brainer, yet perfect for that view option.
S3 licensed
Quote from inCogNito :
PS: gunn, what's your problem? illepall

his problem was/is the same as mine. that link didnt download the file (probably isp proxy related). i know i have to wait after clicking free mode. it simply didnt do jackshit, and being bombed with ads from that page while waiting for it (assuming that if i waited over an hour i would get it) is not my idea of fun.
these ad sites, i try to avoid. thanks tweak for rehosting it.
speaking of that, greets to the mod, at least for now, for doing a discrete, non-power tripping , no-big-ego job. im impressed up to now, and i hope he doesnt turn into a timw or clones anytime soon. sobriety is the quality here.
up till now, whoever chose him, did the right decision.
Last edited by KiDCoDEa, .