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S2 licensed
If you can give me a logicial explanation to why talent is purely based on natural ability and whilst drivers like Fangio and Senna (read this quote carefully: "On a given day, a given circumstance. You think you have a limit. You then go for this limit and you touch this limit and you think 'Ok, this is the limit'. As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and the expereience as well... you can fly very high" -- Ayrton Senna) and Fangio's quote about style improving over time.

Look at the end of the day, I want to mention 2 things, first of all, I don't appreciate others saying that I'm a shit driver because I know I'm very good (modesty mode: off) and secondly, so our opinions differ but I know that for a FACT that no driver just jumps in a game for their first time and can be amazingly fast.

Btw, Ray, didn't we used to exchange last place back in ERRC days?
S2 licensed
yes, I live in Cairo, you are correct . I'm just stating that my home county in Ireland is Donegal .
S2 licensed
Right ok, you lads go on believing what you believe. Senna himself stated that when he was very young whilst racing in karts, he was usually a back marker because everyone else was more "experienced" then he was but as time went on, he came to beat them so its quite obvious that there was "talent" involved there .
S2 licensed
Quote from MrSkill :You overestimate yourself Leprekaun.
It's not only about how much training you got, an important factor is talent.

I've raced you several times and you're about my pace, but bawbag or reppohc are driving on a much higher level, even with less training and a worse set they would still be faster than you.

I see. Well, let me lead you to a few quotes here.
"Style improves with time, nobody is born with it." -- Juan-Manuel Fangio

"Quite often on the track when I want to go faster, I don't drive any faster, I just concentrate harder - which makes me go faster. By concentrating on the braking, by concentrating on the way through the corner, by concentrating on the amount of throttle I can get on out of the corner. Just by concentrating that little bit harder all round." -- Jim Clark

"On a given day, a given circumstance. You think you have a limit. You then go for this limit and you touch this limit and you think 'Ok, this is the limit'. As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and the expereience as well... you can fly very high" -- Ayrton Senna

Lemme also say, there is no such thing as just being fast (you're so called "talent"). FYI, I'm a very modest person when it comes to commenting on my driving and you can ask some of my friends around here and they'll tell you that. In terms of being confident, I know I'm capable of being as fast as Ray or even for a higher aim, being the fastest racer in the LFSW. Capability and actually being that are far apart, I know that I'm far away from being the best but I would consider myself an average player in the LFS community in terms of my driving ability. Jonesy, if you go on thinking that someone else is better, would you not lose the drive to try and beat them because you know that they're better than you due to some divine intervention? would you not go crazy?. I believe that ANY driver, and I mean ANY driver can be the best, we're all capable of doing it. The factor that divides those who are insanely fast and those who are extremely slow is down to the determination, experience and understanding of the driver. Its basically about the will to improve or to be the best. I know I want to be the best and that drive is increasingly getting stronger everytime I improve. Call it sad if you like but I know that for sure, Senna, Schumacher, Hakkinen, Alonso, Raikonnen (the list goes on and on) all wanted or want to be the best. As Senna said in this interview ( "We are competing to win and the main motivation to all of us is to compete for victory, its not to come 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th. I race to win as long as I feel its possible. I race designed to win". So there you have it, thats how Senna looks at it and thats how I look at it too. This doesn't mean that I'd do exactly what Senna used to do when he made contact with other drivers, no, I believe in racing with nobility and respect towards other drivers.

You lads have missed my point. Have a look at this part of my post:

"I never stated that setup is the sole reason for someone being faster over another, a lot of it is to do with track time as well as car time(how much you've driven that car) so to me, its no surprise that Ray is able to drive really quickly as he is the hotlap rank leader so I'd say he's driven the LX4 the fair bit."
Last edited by Leprekaun, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Jonesy_ :Yes, he got lot of experince hotlapping that magnificently hard combo one needs to complete the main rank with lx4. The damn oval, so how does it tell you he has lots of experience with it?

Don't think you got my point either Jonesy. Its about comparison, comparing my track time to his. If you look at his LFSW stats compared to mine, its obvious he's driven it a lot more than I have.

<- YAY! 500th post!
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's not because he's much better than you are?

It seems like you're doing a lot of whining about so-and-so beating you because he's got a better setup. Why not just learn how to set up the car and get on with it if you're so quick?

^ Thats harsh Kev, real harsh .

I don't think you were paying attention or got my point in my post. I stated that he IS better than me because of track and car time. Those who believe that some drivers are JUST better than others is a load of cr*p IMO.
S2 licensed
Well, tbh, I'm not saying "Oh look at me! look at how brilliant I am!" but in general, I often can drive the car near its maximum potential but sometimes, there is a lot of time I can gain which just means that its a mental barrier, not a physics barrier . I understand that different setups are better for certain drivers over others, I know that but at the end of the day, its all about adapting yourself to the setup and the general characteristics of the car and then you getting the setup to make the car adapt more to your driving style. Personally, I feel that I've hit a wall now round the new AutoX course where I was only able to set a low 1:04.

I never stated that setup is the sole reason for someone being faster over another, a lot of it is to do with track time as well as car time(how much you've driven that car) so to me, its no surprise that Ray is able to drive really quickly as he is the hotlap rank leader so I'd say he's driven the LX4 the fair bit .

I'll post the setup here and you guys can have a go with it but please, for proof, post up a replay of you doing one of those magnificent low 1:03s or possibly high 1:02s with it. Just 1 little rule as well, no tweaking whatsoever, drive that setup as it is and show me a replay of you doing a lap with it. I mean, it doesn't hurt to share setups lads. I mean, sure for a league, its different because theres a lot at stake and I understand as well that this is a competition, not a fun run thing but something which I realise is that someone who's afraid to share his/her setup is someone who fears that another person can maximise it over them, putting them at a disadvantage. If someone is really confident and they believe they've extracted the maximum from the car then why should they worry about what others can do with that setup?

I'll give you an example, did you know that the setup that Darkone55 used to get his WR for BF1/AS National was actually my setup which was a tweak of biggi's as6 set. Yes, he did tweak it slightly but its basically the same setup. Whilst I was able to set a low 1:22, he was able to extract 0.6 more out of it with some small tweaks but I'm not worried about it because ok, I know he did it but it also gives me confidence of knowing that I can achieve those kind of times with it too and perhaps go even quicker. I find that sometimes the best way to find out how fast your setup is is to put it in the hands of one of the LFS aliens and see how well they do in comparison to the WR so the WR can be used as some sort of benchmark.

So in conclusion , Reppoh, if you can prove to me that its mostly to do with driving, then why aren't you willing to share your setup?
Last edited by Leprekaun, .
S2 licensed
I vote for China!!! . Have some craic over in Macau . Tbh lads, karting would be good . I think to make it easier for the lot of us, we try and see where each of us lives then we pick the most central locations for all of us (probs mean we'll be coming down to Dublin Niki ). I personally live up in Donegal and as yous know, up north is rally country so no real fun for circuit racing. Mondello sounds good tho , I was planning on heading down soon actually so would be good craic if we all had a go there .

petercollins still "S2 licenced" oh lordy! . I thought that w*nker would've got banned AGES ago.

Well, just wondering here, would it be like a LAN party meet where we all meet up with our own PCs and race away which would be cool or just hang out for a day together . Just to let you lads know, I won't be up the "alcoholic" festivities due to religious forbidding (oh wait! I'm 17 anyway! ) but hey, doesn't mean I can't drink a nice cool glass of Coke . I hope you lads wouldn't mind but I think my brother would be interested in this too. Imagine the man who taught me everything about racing and then compare that to me . He already had a go at Mondello couple years back, for me, it'll be the first but lookin forward to it .
Last edited by Leprekaun, .
S2 licensed
where do I find the bans text file?
S2 licensed
Hi all! I just wanted to ask, is there any bans text file I can access? I'd like to be able to keep track with whom I've banned or not. Thanks for the help!
S2 licensed
Well, I'm currently in the development stage of creating a new team . I myself and also friends of mine are very serious with single seaters.

My plan for the team is that it doesn't strictly focus on LFS only but the team will expand into many other sims (rFactor, F1 Challenge, Grand Prix 4, Grand Prix Legends, etc. ) as well as being involved with rally sims such as Richard Burns Rally and Rally Trophy.

If you're interested, just let me know . You can contact me through PMs or either send me an email to: [email protected] or just add me to your MSN list and I'll be more than glad to offer any additional insight that you'd like to know about the team I'll be forming.

Just so that you know, the main concern for me with applicants is personality (being a nice guy basically ), driving ability is 2nd but I don't really stress on the ability of drivers because we were all new to LFS once.
Last edited by Leprekaun, .
S2 licensed
<- Setup Whore!

I know that its more than just setup but there have been some times there where I had a new set and could instantly go 1-2 seconds faster. Definitely the last second or 1.5 seconds comes from the driver himself/herself but its nice to experiment with setups . Btw, I wanted to ask you, just to see where I was losing time, could you post a replay of you doing your magnificent 1:08s here .
S2 licensed
Quote from ReppohC :No-one going to vote for me? Hah I guess I wouldn't vote for me either...

I'm already down to the 1's on pb splits but I'm on the limit of my skill and/or set. Getting a 59 would really require something special IMO. Last week the times kept going down the whole week but I think that was because everyone was coming to terms with the car. I certainly hadn't driven the lx4 competitivly before last week so it took me a while to get a feel for it. But I think now that everyone is "dialed in" times should be more competitive straight off the bat. Probably end up eating my words by the end of the week though

Well, I'm very impressed with your time so far, very quick indeed. I would appreciate the setup tho .
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :Confused. So when Alonso went to McLaren why did Fisico not go with him?

He moved to a different team with a better car. Is that not what is happening? Hope so - it would be great to end up with a team mate that you hate - it'll be just like Piquet and Mansell all those years ago

Yeah, that would be really cool, Storm Vs. Lep . Nah, just messing Storm , you'd always beat me anyway . Well, I'm hoping my gold licence puts me in a team like BMW or perhaps Ferrari plz . Theres a good chance I may not be able to race in this tho as I have SAT exams during the start of the season. I'll see how things go and then decide .
S2 licensed
Quote from Zewerr :RBR is definately the most realistic (as far as physics) and the best looking (except maybe Dirt).

One game I thought really captured the sport of rally really well was Mobil 1 Rally Championship. Day stages! Night stages! Rain, Sun, Snow! And the best part, LOOOOOOOONG STAGES!!!!!!!! And more of them! Also, they had excellent pace notes, better than RBR, IMO. Unfortunately, it's old, and I don't know if it'll even play on new systems, and the handling physics are virtually non-exsistant.

I agree, I loved the long stages, 20 minutes, OH YEAH!!! . Well, something which would be really cool is if you could get a sim that has the physics of RBR and also have the classic rally cars from the 60's and Grp B cars and modern day rally cars with all the current rallies and have long stages. That said, it'll only happen when pigs can fly. Unfortunately, Richard (R.I.P.) is no longer with us so I don't see a RBR2 coming out anytime soon unless and this would be really nice, they would go on making the sim in memory of him. Perhaps a mod could be made too with some dedicated stage designers to make the long stages .
S2 licensed
Quote from Smurfen :its old skool, 5/10 needs colors and shade

Its called a personal logo
S2 licensed
Quote from SpaceMarineITA :I agree too, but shouldn't this topic stay into the "improvement suggestions" forum?

Yep! :doh:
S2 licensed
Depends on the wheel too, I hear that some stone age wheels can't run twin axis (Y and Z) for the brakes and throttle. LFS definitely supports double axis support with throttle and brake. I heard about the Wingman, it came out a while go and afaik, isn't good. I may be wrong tho, haven't tried it. If I were you, I'd go buy myself one of 4 wheels(DFP, MOMO, MS SW FFB or the infamous G25).
S2 licensed
True, come to think of it, yeah, Bawbag won't be winner this week, he doesn't care much for the TripleHead, same here really, I would either like a t-shirt or 2k high res dls . I've got my eye on that G25
Predictions on top time this week?
S2 licensed
Hi all! well, I thought I'd start off a little thread about guessing what the best time will be. I predict 59 seconds set by mr. Bawbag.
S2 licensed
rFactor (when I want to have a rush in the GP79 mod)
RBR (can't play it atm but will get in it seriously with a new wheel )
Rally Trophy
F1 Challenge 99-02(occasionally play the Porsche SuperCup, WGTS, ETCC, Porsche Carrera Cup and DTM mods)
Grand Prix 4

GTR, GTL and RACE are future games that I will be playing. As you can see, for me, its racing sims ALL THE WAY BABY!
S2 licensed
I'm very interested in competing in this . ALDI, what ya say? , team up again?
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :It's true, the LFS autocross track is perfect flat, so technically you don't need suspension.

Yeah but response is something that will be the same at Monaco or the same at a track like Sepang (just trying to think of a smooth track ), if you want the car to be edgy, stiff suspension will help, want it sluggish and calm, go with soft.
S2 licensed
Unfortunately, I don't think you can . I think its hard coded within the LFS exe itself. I may be wrong tho
S2 licensed
Well, Ray, would there be any chance you could post up an SPR in HL mode in particular where you get those 1:09s . I'd like to get really technical with the what I'm doing wrong so I will be using F1PerfView and AnalyzeForSpeed. Thanks . Btw, thank you for the setup, I'm sure it has tons of potential and you've proved that really but I just don't like the understeer in it, the car doesn't bite in for me but like I always say, its not the set thats bad, its the driving style thats different . Hannu's set for example pulls into the apex nice and easily (for me anyway ) and I can generally drive it really well but perhaps if you could post a lap of yours, I can further analyse how I can maximise YOUR setup .