The biggest difference between btcc and NASCAR is that btcc is just really rude driving. If a btcc driver makes a move it's either leave room or crash. In NASCAR is you block someone, you make that person mad and he decides to pit maneuver you into 5 other bystandards then it's your fault for making him mad in the first place.
In the btcc video Neal and Plato drove very rudely. But Neal could have easily pitted Plato and he didn't and Plato turning Neal was purely because Plato wasn't giving up the line for ANYTHING.
I'll use a non-sonoma example for NASCAR. In NASCAR, Carl Edwards waited a full lap to turn into Brad which caused Brad to lift in the air. At martinsville, Tony Stewart's brakes suddenly faded and he turned into Ricky rudd. Tony apologized over the radio yet rudd still decided to wreck him. Now at Sonoma, Greg zipadelli told logano that "you aren't a man if you don't wreck"
So how in any way shape or form is this attitude towards each other the same in Btcc, or even v8 supercars? V8S drivers rub and bump all the time yet there isn't a single revenge wreck I've seen in 2010 and 2011 so far. In fact I'd say that sometimes v8 supercars have more rubbing than a NASCAR race and they race on some of the most unwieldy tracks ever.
Maybe NASCAR drivers should watch some v8 supercar races on how to race really rough and tough without using their nuts to do the thinking
Right so that's better than getting huge for just having good racing? A racing series should be more known for it's proper racing more than the controversies. If a series is ONLY known for its controversies then there's probably something wrong with the series in question
Actually... it's not. I dont see Jason Plato purposefully waiting a full lap to wreck someone when he gets punted. I also dont see BTCC drivers complaining about "blocking" then punting people because they are "blocking". There's a difference between being rough and with lots of contact, than just being a demo derby.
As I've already said, the drivers "being the law enforcement" is a stupid idea because the driver doesnt always have the best view and or judgment of what's going on (in my opinion the drivers rarely have the best judgment during a race). I'm sure Brad felt that he was unfairly squeezed. But a clear viewing of the replay would show that Montoya did absolutely nothing wrong and Brad just misjudged the situation.
Exact same thing with Tony. Vickers did nothing wrong. Tony decided from his own limited perspective that he did and punted Vickers into plenty of innocent by standards.
Alright sure, they get publicity. But I was never one to believe that there's no such thing as bad publicity.
It's not even the fact that NASCAR racing is rough on road courses. With these heavy hard to control stock cars there's bound to be lots of wrecks.
However, a large mount of racing incidents is different than large amounts of direct revenge wrecking. Tony Stewart dumping Vickers was a perfect example of stupidity. He dumped Vickers for blocking but Vickers actually wasn't blocking he was taking a shallow line because Kyle Busch was off in the dirt and just rejoined. From Tony's perspective Vickers was blocking him. But that actually wasn't the case. So drivers taking "the law" into their own hands is one of the most retarded policies I've seen. I cant tell you how many times I've gotten angry in iRacing because i thought someone dumped me purposely when I found out later through a replay that I was just in the middle of a racing incident. Drivers don't always have the right perspective so getting angry and "doing justice" immediately after a racing incident is hardly racing.
yeah!!!! If you can't pass someone on skill and talent alone then be a man and wreck him!!!!! Whoooo a real man always wrecks when they dont have the talent to pass!!!!!
Umm... I dont really see how mustafur was trolly. He's right, this is pretty pathetic.
Like the Brad v. Montoya incident all the commentators was like "oh yeah, that was definitely montoya's fault for pushing brad's envelope" and I was like "WHAT!!!!!???"
1. Montoya maybe MAYBE squeezed a Brad a little bit. But it was so miniscule that brad's left side tyres didn't even tough the dirt. So how was that "montoya running brad off the road?"
2. So based on that incident alone, Montoya didn't do anything wrong yet he pissed someone off and that person wrecked him so that incident is 100% montoya's fault... really... when someone starts thinking with his nuts and wrecks you it's your fault?
Basically... if I was in NASCAR, I could just use an excuse that "he did X and I didn't like that so I'm going to wreck him" and NASCAR wont do anything cause it's "boys being boys". Even if X is a completely legitimate move and I just dumped him cause I can't pass him with skill and talent alone.
You said both Luizzi and Karthikeyan has shown "poor racecraft" this season then you say that how crappy the HRT cars are... so are you blaming the two driver's racecraft on themselves or their car?
DWB is right. The way I see it the DRS balances out the massive aero dependency. The DRS itself wont make the HRTs pass the Red Bulls. Maybe the advantage of the DRS is a little too big. But I'd much rather have the DRS than have massively slower cars holding up faster cars for ages and ages
BTW, has anyone noticed that Hispania out raced the Virgins on the final lap? Actually it's a job well done for both Luizzi and Karthikeyan
Ugh, he's done. He's not going to be in the 500. Shame, was rooting for the first Chinese driver to start the 500 and his qualifying laps looked good enough to put him 6th on the grid... I hope he gets a full time ride in Indy next year...
I was once at 1800 iRaitings and a high 3.9 D class. After a few days of week 13 i dropped to 900 iR and a 2.1 D class (no joke just as Oscar). I decided that i should probably stop trying to over drive everything at every corner and soon enough, after 2 days I'm 3.2 D and 1500 iR again.
The system isn't broken. It just isn't always fair. But it does balance itself out in the long run. If you are a consistent enough driver, a few incidents that aren't your fault won't really hurt you in the long run
It does suck that iRacing costs so much. I'd rather see a monthly fee + $60 for either license and $120 for both. But that's just my own fantasy.
Except that defeats the purpose of an organized licensed system?... Also a person with a high iRaiting doesn't = safe driver A lot of the fast guys are really scary to race with sometimes.
Right... because giving us your iRacing (presumably real) name is the same as posting naked pictures of yourself... :rolleyes:
It was to Simona De Silvestro. But yeah IDK why indy didnt penalize Helio for it especially since he did the same thing to Power later.
But indycar probably felt Helio's punt was a racing incident or something while they probably thought PT was being reckless. IDK it's a judgment call and I didnt see the incident with PT. I did see Helio lock his wheels up though which signifies that Helio did attempt to slow down.
Yeah I was so surprised to see him that good especially since he was mired at the back from a bad pitstop. Also, I would like to say that Oriol Servia did a fantastic job missing Power, then feeding back quickly and without any incidents. That was a great recovery by Servia too
I never said i found it repetitive i just found watching the broadcast boring. I'm sure in person i would have a totally different sentiment. But the WRC broadcasts on tv put me to sleep despite whatever's happening on screen