@Pine-fin, i realise you created this thread, but don't you think it's gonna be a real pain in the arse to get a screen grab from a DVD you don't own, when there are millions of film pics to be found in Google ?
After all the game is 'guess the movie', not 'who can show the prettiest screen grab'.
I'm pleased you said that, coz, i wanna say, i've seen this thread everyday since it was started, and i can't read the bloody title without getting that chuffin Kylie Minogue song ringing in me head.........and quite frankly it's starting to piss me off :grumpy:
For the sake of my sanity, would it be out of the question to ask for closure.
Sounds like a very cheap copy of the Zero Punctuation guy.
The link James posted is much better, should be posted in every sticky in every forum in every internetwebwideworldsite thingy on the err internet-web thing, and maybe on cornflake packets and milk cartons too.
What the hell would you know about OUR Royal Family and this fine nation we once called Great. It's not like you liv....oh ermm..
Hey dude i think you been here too long, seems like you've picked up some bad habits and become a stereotypical cynical old Brit (spelled with a 'g' btw)
Here's a daft little thing to have a look at if you've got MS Virtual Earth.
You have to follow these instructions to the letter otherwise this won't work:-
Pull up Virtual Earth and go find Brands Hatch.
Then when you're over the circuit put it into Hybrid Mode.
If you know the circuit, find the pit straight, and pan north and you should see a big field with marks on it like it's been used for a dirt bike track.
There's one such track that stands out the most (near some buildings) Zoom into that.
Then go into Birds Eye Mode.
Pan down till you see the track. When you see the cars lined up on the starting grid, zoom into them, but don't pan too far down.
Now follow the full GP circuit, but try to keep only one section of the road in view at a time (in places it doubles back on itself, so try to keep to the route of the circuit without seeing other sections)
Be careful at the far end (over by "DIngle Dell") sometimes it trips you back into road mode. (if it does trip out just nudge it north a tad till you can go into birds eye view again)
Then when you return to the pit straight...
Go past the start finish line again....
It's nowt amazing so don't complain, it's just one of the daft little quirky things that amuses me.....
Yeah totally agree with that, he actually seems like quite a decent bloke, for a royal. And the fact he was out their covertly shows he wasn't just doing it for the 'royal publicity campaign'.
Unfortunately now it's been leaked i think they'll have to bring him back, otherwise he'll just endanger those around him even more than before.
Ahhh, ok..in that case, if i were you i'd try and pick up a cheap but good graphics card while you're waiting for the Mac.
You'll see a huge difference in frame rates and you'll have more games to chose from too. Even my old Nvidia FX5500 played Ghost Recon and Operation Flashpoint without and problems, and you should be able to buy one for next to nothing these days.
You'll not be playing many games on a Mac though, they're not designed for gamers (unless you only wanna play Xplane)
If you're after a good gaming rig don't rush into anything. Maybe put a post in the hardware section and ask for advice. There's some real genuine computer geeks erm i mean nerds, no sorry i mean computer experts in these forums.
But in the meantime, go checkout Ghost Recon and Operation Flashpoint, they really are two of the best FPSers ever made
Yikes !! I'd definitely recommend an upgrade to be honest
Im not familiar with the GFX, so i'm guessing it's an onboard. If so, that's really gonna limit your choices. I think you're gonna have problems running anything from the last 3 or 4yrs
I'd highly recommend Operation Flashpoint and Ghost Recon (the original) if you like open roaming shooters. Or if you prefer linear/follow the carrot type games, have a look at Call of Duty 1 and the early Medal of Honour games. (although COD is heaps better than MoH)
Other than that, there are plenty of other arcade type shooters, but they're not really my thing, so can't really give many recommendations.
But seriously, think about getting a proper graphics card, it'll be just like getting a new PC.
Hawaii is 10 hrs behind GMT, so if we look at the times of the various posts of these three guys, then this school seems to be open from 6.30 am till 10pm.
I'm open for correction, but, something here doesn't add up