Then maybe someone should tell that to God himself. By all accounts he's going to throw many many billions of us into the pit of Hell for the rest of eternity, for exercising our God given right of 'free will', and choosing not to believe in him.
I'm sorry Mike, but you seem to have a very naive view of the word of God. I'd suggest you do a little bit of research about that particular quote. You may be surprised by what you find !
Oh, and the Bible doesn't preach love for all, not if you read it properly, which is another thing i suggest you do
Reasonable USB pedals for less than £20, nah, ain't gonna happen unless you get really really lucky on eBay.
You can get USB rudder pedals for flightsim for around £20, but, there not even worth it. They're basically the cheapest set of pedals from the crappiest wheel setup on the market but with the inards from the crappiest joystick. Stay well clear is my advice.
You could, if you're feeling adventurous, make a clutch pedal as NZ(Hun) suggested. It's not hard.
Seriously, you'll want something with a high tempo that doesn't batter your ears. So why not listen to something that is easy to listen to and puts a smile on your face.
Well if ColeusRattus was correct then it was at least set in that time period (nearly). 1979 is almost in the 80's, and i guess i've always been a few years behind the fashion
But, as DWB hinted at, a 2006 movie ain't allowed . The OP PineFin only wanted pre 2000 films, and you don't wanna make him angry, you won't like him when he's angry
Thats a tough one, but i had that same stripy black and white wall paper in my bedroom as a youth, so i'm guessing it's from the early to mid 80's, if that helps anyone ?.
Don't forget, in a public professional sporting environment what someone says and what someone thinks or does aren't necessarily the same thing. There's and old saying over here "Actions speak louder than words"
(note the thinly veiled dig at Hamiltons recent speeding ticket in paragraph 4, the guy just can't help himself)
Anyway, it doesn't look as though he's going down without a fight, however, his presidency is up for renewal/vote/whatever ? next year so it's my guess we won't be seeing him for too much longer, regardless.
Would that be Dionysus, otherwise known as Bacchus the Greek God of Wine ? wow, shows how much attention i was paying to that vid, i didn't even hear his name mentioned !
Anyway The Bacchus was my local when i lived in the city centre of Newcastle about 70yrs ago. Great place, always full of goths and punks ahhh happy days, ohhh to be a teenager again.....
Not been down that part of town for years, wonder if it's still there probably a trendy wine bar now, or an estate agents
I'd suggest having a look at the website that vid came from (the vid is on the "home" page)
As that linked page says, don't just take their word for it, rather use this information as a springboard for your own research, then come to your own conclusions. I don't want to get into it to heavily right now, but i will say with regards to all the 911 stuff. Some of the clips and info used come from well known conspiratorialists (is that a word ?) and some of them have been known to ermm..lets just say, they've been known to embellish certain facts from time to time.
While it's always possible, it does seem very unlikely. If he did exist he was only one of several messiahs doing the rounds at that time. And it would seem if he did exist he certainly didn't have anywhere near the impact on the population that the New Testament would have us believe.
One of the golden rules when starting a new religious concept is, be ambiguous with your methodology, yet direct and clear cut with your rules and regulations.
And therein lies the greatest problem with all religious belief. How can one ever know if they've chosen the right God if they're never allowed to ask difficult questions of that God. But lets be honest about this, if you where selling yourself as a deity, wouldn't you put that clause into your manifesto too ?
A word to the wise, when investigating this sort of stuff, try separating God from the religion. From my own investigations of religion, i have to say, if there is a God, a real God, then all the worlds major religions do nothing but claim him as their own, then try to define him based on their own particular morals and views on life in general. If, for example you spend a great deal of time studying the bible, you'll discover that it doesn't paint a particularly glowing picture of "The Lord God Almighty", infact if i'm being honest, i'd say if the real God is the God of the Bible, then the Bible is more of a hindrance than a help to him, and by some margin !
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
Reason : spelling, grammar etc
The place finish bets are becoming tricky now. Massa seems really quick over one lap, but will he ever finish a race this year ? The maccas seem off the pace of the fezzas, but are the fezzas reliable (they've been whinging about the ECU again), and both the BM's and the Williams are in with a shout of a podium and even a win if conditions allow.
Then your RS teacher was lying to you A lot of 'believers' tend to re-translate the bible when they suss-out that it doesn't fit into the 'real' world.
For the ancient Hebrews, and the bible, a day is from sun-up to sunset, and the dark bit in between is called night. (See Genesis 1:5) Basically it is a normal 24hr cycle based on the earths rotation, just the same as everyone else uses.
That 'Unit of Time' thing is simply a cop-out, to try to explain that the world must have taken longer than the claimed 6 days.
As for on topic and Niko's strange 'provement' things. I've been involved with various religions for over 30yrs, and i can honestly say i've never heard those terms before Just sounds like new age hippie bullshit to me !
Yeah thats what i told him too, but it seems as though he's a hard chap to please.......hang on, i've got an idea...
SamH, we've worked out the answer to your riddle, it took a while, but i'm absolutely certain we've got the answer. Infact i'm so certain it's correct that we won't believe you if you say it's not.
And behold after much 'deep thought', the answer to your question is: 42
edit: oh bollocks, too slow, again...
seriously though, i havn't a clue about this sort of stuff, so i'll have to leave it to the others. Infact, the only reason i'm posting in this thread is i can't sleep, and i'm a bit bored right now.
Although i didn't remember the name of it i did see this years and years ago. It's not a bad movie to be honest, not great, but not bad. The one thing i do remember is the guy nicks a bright red Corvette and blasts it round the city. Well, wouldn't you !
I'm quite into the post apocalyptic type of movie. And I've been meaning to see "I am Legend" but never got round to it, it must be better than the original Chuck Heston film !?!
To my mind it's impossible to answer with the information you've given. We'd need to know the acceleration figures of the plane, it's overall weight, the strength of the (presumably) oncoming wind. Which way is the conveyor belt moving ? is it on an aircraft carrier moving at 30kts ? When you say long, do you mean time wise or distance wise ?
Basically, i'm both stalling and giving excuses, coz i literally wouldn't know where to begin.
It does make you wonder why they're not using them though. I'm not sure the weight would be too much of an issue what with modern alloys and all. Maybe these previously patented designs didn't have a cutoff valve. Without it i can see that it may upset the aero a bit and effect the handling.
Oh well, guess i'll have to make my millions from my other invention, 'Soup Pie'....