Not a bad idea, but if you mean the thumb axis as one of the rotary knobs then it wont spring back which might cause a few problems.
I've not done it myself, but i'd try putting a little spring into the slider recess on the throttle and using that as a brake (yes, i have this joystick too, the Pro Version though )
To be honest i probably worded it incorrectly, and it was a bit of an ambiguous open ended question.
N.B All i've been trying to do in this thread is get the believer to look at the Bible in a different light, and get them to see what it's really saying, as opposed to what they've been told it says. And see how it compares to the real world that we all live in. Which will hopefully get a few thinking and asking questions of their own belief system and chosen religion.
Not that i want to de-convert anyone. Rather, get people to have a long hard look at what they've dedicated their entire lives too, to see if it really does cut the mustard, and really does do what it says on the tin. (If they're brave enough)
It's not my place to tell people what to think, but, hope people will think.
Yeah, it basically was trading this for that and seeing which books fit with the overall scheme. It was by general consensus rather than one bloke deciding what was best. It's not really a case of tonnes of crap was submitted, rather, if the New Christian books didn't follow the theme of the Old Testament then they weren't considered for inclusion. It's important to remember that the Old Testament made hundreds of prophecies about the coming Messiah, what he would be like, what he would do, and what would happen to him. So it wouldn't really be in their best interests if a text claimed he was the illegitimate son of a Roman Soldier, or that he wasn't descended from King David, or that he didn't die on a cross and lived to a ripe old age. If Jesus really was the Messiah, he HAD to fulfill certain criteria to prove he was the Messiah. And luckily he did fulfill those criteria, because the books chosen to be included in the New Testament tells us so......(somewhat convenient, if you ask me )
An interesting little aside, if you were to nip down to your local book shop in the 17th and 18th century and pick up a copy of the King James bible, the contents page would look a bit different to what you'd find in a King James bible today. Have a look at the attachment below, see if you can spot the difference
It's true what you say about the book of Revelations, it only made it in by the skin of it's teeth. Probably because it is a kind of an ending to the story. And yes, it is a very odd book, and very difficult to interpret (which was one of the reasons it nearly didn't make it)
One of the big problems with the book of Revelations is that man gets a hold of them and will invariably try to fulfill the prophecies in his own might. Contrary to popular opinion Hitler was religious, he was raised Catholic, and his ultimate plan was for world domination, a one world government, a 1000 year Reich (or reign) and he even attempted to put a 'mark of the beast' on the arms of the Jews (all biblically prophetic 'end time' events). The mistake he made was believing he could do all this in a very short period of time with military power alone. Whereas the capitalist believe it best to use mainly economic and social might, and do it over a much longer timeframe (although a bit of military power always comes in handy for those troublesome nations)
I'm not saying we are in the 'End Times', but checkout all the stuff about the Illuminati, the Jesuit Priesthood, lead by the 'Black Pope' (named because of the colour of his robes, not the colour of his skin) the 'Club of Rome', and the Bilderberg group. It's interesting stuff.
I don't know if you know, but one of the 'End Time' prophecies in the book states that Davids temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. And every year a group of American Evangelicals fly over there, hire a big truck, and drive a huge foundation stone (apparently from the original temple) up to the site where the temple stood. Unfortunately the site is in a very very sensitive area, i.e it's on the most important Islamic Holy bit of land on the entire planet. So, not surprisingly they get turned away. But they still keep doing it, everyday for a couple of weeks. So not only do we have the evil corporate capitalists trying to fulfill Biblical prophecy in their own power, but we've even got Evangelical Christians doing it too ! It's dangerous stuff if you ask me...
It may have been a throw away line, but it raises an interesting point, that the believer should think about
Where do diseases come from ? Would a loving God build man in his own image stuffed to the gills with every single disease going ? Or as many claim, disease somehow came to life because of sin ?. But if thats true, then doesn't that mean a force other than God has some sort of creative power, or at the very least, the power to turn good bacteria into bad bacteria ?
If God made man to be perfect, and made a perfect environment for him to live in, then why did he give him an immune system ? Perhaps with God being so wise and all, he built in a 'just in case, emergency only' programme.
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
Reason : Slight edit to take away any ambiguity (hopefully)
I've had one of these for a while now (it's not a new wheel), and i've got mixed opinions on it tbh. I don't rate it as highly as Darin does though.
The overall quality is not as good as a DFP, the buttons feel a bit 'cheap' and the rubber grip on the wheel isn't of the same quality. Yes, some have had problems with the paddle shifters breaking (although i've had planty of TM wheels over the years and never had a paddle break), but a big plus point for Thrustmaster/Guillemot is their customer service. I think you'd be hard pushed to find a more helpful bunch in the industry.
Whilst the FFB is very strong and comparatively quiet, the steering is very slow, probably due to it being belt driven (although i've never heard of a belt falling off as someone claimed) And it doesn't have the finesse of the DFP. It's good but not great.
Can't really comment on the pedal unit, but one of the big plus points with this wheels is the progressive paddles, i.e two extra axis, so you can use them for a clutch or smooth look left/right, or indeed throttle and brake.
I got mine cheap from eBay. But if i'm honest, i'd be pretty miffed if i bought it new at full price.
To sum up, if you're coming from a DFP then i think you'll be disappointed, but if you're coming from something cheap and cheerful then i think you'll like it, but see if you can find a cheap one on eBay first.
If you're in the market for a three pedal set-up, and you already have a DFP, then i'd suggest keeping it and save up for a good set of extra pedals (or even make your own).
I'm not sure why you're saying No ?. But you first claimed there were no books left out of the canonical Bible. Which simply isn't true, as i said above, check out the Apocrypha.
The Gnostic gospels, otherwise known as the Coptic gospels, or the Nag Hammadi gospels (where they were found) Were never even considered for inclusion in the final cut of the Bible. They were written by a cult (The Gnostics) who claimed that Jesus never actually came in human form, but only came as a spirit who appeared in human form. Whether or not they were written to discredit Jesus is doubtful to be honest, rather it was just yet another bunch of nuts stating what they believed, and that what they believed was right. A modern day analogue would be the Mormons.
Besides, there were only about half a dozen Gnostic gospels written, as opposed to the well over 100 texts in the rest of the Apocrypha. So they wouldn't of had much influence or popularity at all.
As i said above, the books included in the canonical Bible (the one we have today) was decided by christian communities 'sharing notes', on which books they used and those which fitted into the overall scheme of what both the Old Testament and New Testament was trying to 'sell'. And the books they didn't like, or didn't fit in with the rest of the story, were simply discarded. A bloke called Atherutier or something (can't remember his exact name or how to spell it) was the acting head of this meeting or meetings (plural), but he wasn't a political figure, just a well respected christian elder or bishop. It's been said that Emperor Constantine tried to influence the decision, but i don't know if he managed it ? Although i wouldn't be surprised if he did.
An analogue of the above would be me saying, Yeah LFS S3, i want to ditch the Oval and Drag strip, but include an Ariel Atom and a Lotus Elise, then Scawen saying, i'll trade you the Oval, but i'll give you bikes instead, but the Elise is no-go i'm afraid. Then someone like SamH saying ok, sounds good, but lets get rid of AS Nat, and have night racing instead. Then Hankster pitching in with a request for a Giant Squid and a tank full of piranhas. At which point we all look at each other, nod, and say collectively....sounds good, lets do it, "and so it was, S3 defined"
NB. i'd just like to point out that I personally have no input whatsoever on LFS S3 or indeed any aspect of LFS, and i'd be most surprised if the Devs would ever seek my opinion on the final content, although i can't vouch for Sam or Hank.
Well, i'm certainly not a computer expert, but seeing as no one else has offered any advice, i'll have a go.
It could be a few things, so:
Check all connections, cables and components. It could be something as simple as that. Try resetting the CPU, perhaps you haven't used enough thermal paste ?
Boot into BIOS and leave it there for a while and check the temperature page to see if you have a cooling problem.
If you're having a problem with MS Vista it maybe a problem with the CD, or the CD/DVD drive. If you can get another OS, maybe WinXP or Linux and see if that works. (I'd recommend getting a Live Linux CD)
If you try all that and it's still the same, then it's obviously a hardware problem, but finding out which bit of hardware might be tricky. So if you can, try using a spare HD/soundcard/Graphics card/sound card etc.
Other than that i can't really think of anything else to suggest ?
So lets hope one of the computer geeks see's this thread and can give some real advice.
I think when you use the words 'Gnostic books', you actually mean the Apocryha (which is Greek for hidden, or something like that) The Gnostic 'Gospels' where only a part of the the Apocrypha, a much much larger group of books that also included those not included in the Old Testament. And they were written at least 100 to 200 years after the books that made the final cut into the New Testament canon. And Gnostic Christianity is/was a Christian Cult.
The books in the Apocrypha number at least 60, but maybe over 100 (can't quite remember) Which is more than the 66 books of the canonical Bible itself. No way am i going into detail of what these books included in their text, i'd be here forever. But suffice to say they didn't have the info in them that the believers wanted...
The books that did make it into the final cut weren't chosen biblically at all. In simple terms, all the various tribes, groups, communities, families, especially in Old Testament times, used whichever of the available books as they saw fit. It wasn't until approximately 100 to 200 BC that they all had a 'meeting' and discussed which books they followed, worshiped, and applied in there lives. Then came to a decision on which to include in a single tome, i.e the Old Testament. A very similar thing happened with the New Testament in the 4th Century AD at the time of Emperor Constantine.
As a point of interest, if you search the Canonical Bible you'll find scriptural references to over 60 books that didn't make the final cut.
*sigh, i've been up all night, very tired, can't be arsed to proof read, excuse any mistakes, *sigh*
To the best of my biblical knowledge God never tells anyone to make "a Bible"
On a couple of occasions he tells people to write down what they have seen i.e The Book of Revelation. but he never instructed anyone to collate several texts into one big definitive tome. It's man that came up with that idea (who would have thunk it), bit like collecting together all of Jeremy Clarksons newspaper columns, calling it a book and flogging it for a tenner.
But we must remember in the early days the Bible couldn't be bought from the local WH Smiths, and the Gideons wouldn't leave them in your hotel room. Only the Churches and Mosques had them, so common man didn't really have much of a chance to investigate to any great depth. It's quite an interesting story of how and why it was first translated into English..
Shhh, but, it's so he could get both the Christians and the Pagen Sun worshipers 'celebrating' on the same day. Mainly for socio'economic reasons. Nothing to do with the army . Funny how it was the Pagen tradition that won out And funny how the scriptures don't endorse it.