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Quote from shiny_red_cobra :Explain.

Err, well, if you bought a house in the US, you'd have to live there
S2 licensed
Quote from Hankstar :Yeah, what he said^

Errr Hank, you might wanna read the thread that's got him so riled, see if you think his rant is justified

Unless of course it was only the bunny sex you were interested in...

And welcome back, i see you haven't changed much
S2 licensed
Woah, completely forgot about this.

Thought i was in for a terrible result, but looks like my nearest competitors were just as bad as me. Still in 6th place

Anyone know who this Vitellus Racing is ? He seemed to appear from nowhere and he's not even listed on the first page of this thread would be good to know who it is we're gonna beat up at the end of the season
S2 licensed
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :On the bright side, houses should be cheaper than ever in the US now.

To true. However, i can see one tiny flaw in your argument see it ?
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 :If you do feel the urge to respond to this post, at least try to show a bit of maturity, there's a good chap...

Well that didn't work then, did it.
S2 licensed
Nah, F1 has a history of playing political games with this sort of stuff.

Nothing i've read has even remotely linked Alonso with BMW. (so that probably means he's already signed a contract :tilt But no. The problem with Alonso is he simply will not join a team that won't give him number one status. Kubica has already committed to BMW and i can't see him ever agreeing to playing second fiddle to Alonso. Come to think of it, if Massa does win the WDC this year, i can't see him agreeing to it either. And Kimi...not in a million years.

Yeah STR and Force India would love him, but as you've said can't afford his wages, so they're a non starter. Honda ? would they really agree to a year by year contract ? I don't think they're that desperate tbh, could be wrong, but i'd be surprised if he was driving for them next year. So that really only leaves him with one option of staying with Renault next year. And, although i'm not an Alonso fan, i think that's probably the best thing he can do.

Renault have really improved in the later half of the year. And they've got some really smart guys in the team, so, with all the new regs for 2009, there's every chance they could build a very very quick car. Personally i think they'll be better off than Honda, despite Ross Brawns input.

[edit] Aaaacctually, i'll have to take some of that back after reading this would seem BMW might be interested in him after all even though he has said he'd like to stay at Renault because he "feels at home with them". But has also said he wants to be in the most competitive car on the grid. Interesting, very interesting...
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :so the us has decided to pick up communism?

Believe it or not, that's actually one of the reasons the Senate said no....the mind boggles. Seriously, these guys are the most powerful bunch of people on the planet and they still think it's the 1950's.

So who's gonna tell them Buddy Holly died.
S2 licensed
You just don't know when to quit do you sunshine...

Listen buddy, no one, not me, not CSU1 not his father nor any one on the entire planet has to justify their personal preference's when choosing which operating system into their personal computer. And since when did you become the mouth piece for Linux ? What makes you think you have some divine right to decide who can and can't use a bit of free software ?

CSU1's original post pointed out that both he and his father are new to Linux, and that it's perhaps not as user friendly as it could be. My post only confirmed this.

The sad fact of the matter is i'm probably not that much younger than CSU1's father. And i guess like him i never had the opportunity to study computers at school. Infact we didn't even have a computer to even look at never mind play with. So i, like CSU1's father have come to computing rather late in life. After using Windows for some time and having come to the conclusion that it's actually a heap of crap, have sought out suitable alternatives. Personally i have been using Linux Mint for 2 or 3 yrs, and i love it so much i even gave the developers a few quid as a simple gesture of appreciation. It's not without it's foibles, but maybe with mine and the communities financial help these problems could be rectified, who knows.
Thanks to the synaptic package manager i have very few problems installing new applications into the OS. But every now and then an issue like the one mentioned above comes to light. i.e having to open up the terminal and mess about with the internal structure of the OS. And i'll happily admit that at first glance it can be rather daunting. As someone else mentioned in the thread, with a bit of background reading there shouldn't be to many problems with installing it correctly. Granted it would take me a heck of a lot longer to read-up, put all the instructions into a geek-speak translator, (yes, it can be like a foreign language to some, but then again, you seem to be pretty intolerant of those who have a limited understanding of your language) and then perform the required actions. Thats fine by me, i don't mind taking my time over it, but why is it such a big problem for you, and what the hell has it got to do with you anyway ?.

You do realise that personal insults on this forum usually result in a ban. And you've openly admitted that your intention was to insult me. Do you need to do such things to prove to the world how smart you are ? do you need to belittle a total stranger to give your ego a boost ? Or are you just a self righteous bigot who thinks he has some divine right to lord it over anyone you have decided is as thick as pig shit ?

Yunno, i'll openly admit to not being computer savvy, i've mentioned it on several occasions in this forum over the years. At most i only ever get a bit of friendly ribbing from the other users, and that's fine. But your reply was nothing short of childish playground rudeness. Grow up dude, for your own sake grow up. Otherwise lifes gonna be really tough for you, and you'll end up a sad, lonely, bitter old man.

If you do feel the urge to respond to this post, at least try to show a bit of maturity, there's a good chap...
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
S2 licensed
Quote from samjh :As for Alonso, the 2009 driver market pivots around that guy. It just goes to show how highly the teams regard him.

Except for the teams that have already said they don't want him, MacLaren, Ferrari, BMW, Williams, RBR, Toyota, STR and Force India

Having said that, i was reading the other day that there's been a few rumours flowing round the paddock saying that although Kimi has signed a contract with Ferrari for 2010, many expect that he may well not see it through. Apparently there is a clause in it that gives Ferrari the right to pay him off after 2009, and that had led many to think that Alonso will be at Ferrari in 2010. These rumours go on to say that Kimi was only given an extension to his contract in order to get him to agree to help Massa win the WDC this year. Obviously rumours are rumours, but far stranger things have happened in F1 before.
Last edited by Mazz4200, . Reason : added a missing smilie
S2 licensed
Interesting line up. Then again, any commentary team that doesn't include James Allen works for me. Although it would be a shame to loose Ted and Louise.

Jake Humphreys does ok on MOTD so why not give him a few weeks to settle in and then we can see if he's up to the job. Seems like Lee Mackenzie's been involved with motorsport for a while so i don't see any problems there, and she's not to bad on the eye either so i'm not complaining. At least she'll be better than that silly bint ITV hired a couple of years ago (forget her name, the one married to that rower, yunno that pillock who does BSB, James somebody ?).

But it's a long way off so we'll have to wait and see if this is the final line up.
S2 licensed
Quote from Psysim :I think its probably more that Linux is jibberish to you. It all vanilla to me. If you have Linux installed, here's some advice, remove it and go back to windoze.... your just not ready for it yet. If that is the case, why are you bothering with a thread that revolves around Linux? You think a suppository is only something you should poke up your @$$?


Are you trying to systematically insult, offend or patronise every individual member of this forum ? Nice one Bud You're cool, real cool...
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 :Haven't seen it but how do you 'incorrectly enter' the pitlane?

Dunno but, apparently being a bit German helps. Guaranteed grid penalty if thats the case.

But if you're an ex Ferrari driver or an Italian National then no matter what you do or how dangerously you do it, you'll get no worse than a few pennies taken out of you're multi million dollar wages. No conspiracies here then...move right along please.
S2 licensed
Quote from arco :What about XBMC? Beta versions for Linux, Windows and Mac just released.

That looks really good.

But, this is where Linux really starts to p*ss me off. If you follow the Linux link from that site then you're presented with this And as a self confessed computer illiterate, that page might as well be written in Ancient Hebrew for all the sense it makes to me. Clicking on the links in that page only adds to the confusion of what the hell am i supposed to be doing ? On one of the links it tells you to follow a path in Linux to a particular application so you can set things up to add a new suppository or something . But the Linux version i'm using doesn't have anything remotely like that quoted path, or even the quoted application.

Why on earth it has to be soooo complicated to download and install a new programme into arguably the best OS out there really really frustrates us non PC geeks. Still, i can live with these frustrations if it means i don't have to go anywhere near anything made by..(shudder).. that other company

/end of rant, thank you, carry on...
S2 licensed
Yep was just about to mention this in the other thread.

Seems really unfair to me. He innocently entered the pitlane, was fined $10,000 and given a grid penalty. Barrichello gets innocently baulked by Nick so aborts his lap and gets a $10,000 fine for entering the pitlane. And Trulli spins it on the pit straight, drives the wrong way round the track towards a very very fast blind corner, pulls into the centre of the track to pull a U-turn into the pitlane, and gets a $10,000 fine.

The only consistency here is the money the FIA are making out of it. They should just put a toll booth at the pit entrance to save any unnecessary paper work.
Last edited by Mazz4200, . Reason : nice spelling batman...
S2 licensed
Quote from Mazz4200 : i can run at the highest resolution, with a full grid, at night in the rain without any problems. And the in-game graphics settings are all on medium to high, and it still looks great.

Just need to correct myself here. I've just had a quick look and, apparently it doesn't have night racing In my defense it does get really overcast and gloomy in the rain and you get that helmet visor cam thing in the Radical too. Or perhaps i should get some proper light bulbs in the room.

Quote from Hyperactive :I'm off to play some GPL

Yeah, i've heard that new rain mod is something else....oh no, that's not right is it

You have no idea what you're missing bud... drivin in da rain iz da'bomb....or something like that
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :Nah, I just bought gtl to drive the historix cars. I'm not too interested about any mods either. 90% of rf mods are just awful and I'd guess the numbers aren't any better on gtre. Wait and see I guess.

You'll prolly get the gtre for 50% discount anyways in few months, more value for money then I'd say though

You can put all the GTL cars into Evo, and trust me on this, the tracks look and feel at least 3 trillion times better than those in GTL. Honestly, i took the Radical around Imola and i was struck at how much better the EVO version is, it was almost like driving a different track than the GTL version.

Something else worth mentioning is how well it plays on my very very humble spec PC. I've got a stock e6300, Nvidia 6800 G(somethingorother) 2gig's of DDR 1 400 (thingy ?) (can you tell i'm not a computer bloke ?) And i can run at the highest resolution, with a full grid, at night in the rain without any problems. And the in-game graphics settings are all on medium to high, and it still looks great.

And anyway, how can you baulk at spending a little over 20Euros for 2 full games to keep and cherish forever, after you'd said you'd happily pay $20's a month for iRacing for a full year Tight wad
S2 licensed
From what i've been reading, a lot of people have been comparing the game as a whole to Rfactor with the real feel mod. But it seems the general consensus of opinion is, it's similar but better than RF. Can't really comment as i've never felt the need to get Rf, but i will say GTR Evo is definitely SimBins best effort to date.

The physics can't really compete with LFS or iRacing, but that's not to say they're bad. The cars never leave you with a WTF moment, but they're not quite as sublime and perhaps don't have those delicate little nuances that give you a warm glow in the pit of your stomach (know what i mean when i say that ?) Maybe i'm not the best at describing this sort of stuff. Perhaps things will improve when i sort out the wheel remoteness problem and get a few decent setups for the cars.

Bottom line is it's only £18 GBP and you get GTR Evo and Race 07 for that, so it's not gonna break the bank is it. And apparently there are a million and one tracks, cars and other mods to be found out there in interweb world, so it'll take a while to get bored with it.

Trick is, to go into it with an open mind and i think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how good it is. But if you expect it to be a competitor for iRacing or even LFS then i think you'll come away slightly disappointed.

I've only tried the Caterhams and the Radicals, not even so much as looked at the other cars tbh, but they are both very rewarding, fun cars to drive. Perhaps the lower powered Radical has a bit to much grip for my liking, but it's nothing a decent setup can't cure And some of the tracks are fantastic. Istanbul is great, Brno looks plain but is really satisfying when you hook it up, and has a few hidden bumps that can easily catch you out, and Brands Hatch is a lot more challenging than i was expecting, and is all the better for it.

Go on buy it, you know you wanna, what you got to lose ?
S2 licensed
Mixture of Melbourne, Adelaide and Macau, perhaps with a little bit of Hungaroring thrown in too. I'm really likening the night racing though, but still 50:50 with the track layout. It's technical, but maybe a little too technical which spoils the flow of the thing.

Oddly i think Valencia has a much better layout, more of a drivers circuit, more fun. Maybe they should switch to night racing too, so the surrounding scenery wouldn't look so desolate.
S2 licensed
Maybe it's a G25 thing ?.

I'm using a TM RGT which admittedly isn't the easiest wheel to setup, but it does feel remote, bit like driving a modern car with overly servo'ed power steering. Will change a few things maybe tonight or the weekend see if i can get this thing sorted.

Gotta say i'm loving that banshee wail of the Radical, and the Istanbul circuit is fantastic, and what about the rain, and the tyre scrub sounds, and the....
S2 licensed
Looking good so far. I think this night racing really works from a spectators point of view. It makes much more sense to do this in a city, the backdrop really adds to the the overall atmosphere (for a TV viewer) whereas it was a bit flat at the MotoGp event earlier in the year with that track being stuck in the middle of no-where.

Not sure about the track yet though. There seems to be a few to many corners, and some of those little micky mouse chicane things look like they could cause problems in the race, especially if it's wet. And the pit entry and exit look quite dangerous.

Busy downloading Alonso's lap so it might give me a better idea of the track itself.

quick edit: Trulli a bit naughty !!, you joking ?, that's one of the most dangerous things in F1 i've seen in years, you simply do not drive the wrong way round the track. Especially on such a fast, blind corner. He's an experienced peddler, he should know better. He deserves a huge whacking fine for that, maybe even a grid penalty.
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
S2 licensed
I agree, it looks stunning, especially earlier when the light was fading and seeing the skyscrapers in the background, really nice.

But WTF was Trulli doing ???
S2 licensed
Hmmm, there's a heck of a lot to like about this game. Unfortunately, it's let down by pretty average force feedback and the fact you have to fanny on so much with getting the wheel setup in the first place.

I've been at this for 4 hrs straight and i still have no idea which way the front wheels are pointing or what they're doing, and perhaps most importantly, what they're about to do.

I've tried some of the suggestions in this thread and some from RSC (after wading through the crap) And it is getting better, but it's still light years behind LFS. Am i missing something obvious ? is there a 'turn off power steering' button or something ?

It would be a real shame if this level of control and feedback is as immersive as it gets, coz as i said before, there is so much to like about it. But so far it's only telling me what it's going to do after it's done it, and that means it's not as fun as it could be/should be, and it is getting to be just a bit irritating tbh.

Will keep on trying different settings though...
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :wouldnt it be simpler that its business and the fia shaft anyone whos winning regardless of his cars colours?
also how much longer till we get to the point where bernie and ferrari get more business by conspiring with george bush fly planes into the wtc and blame it all on bin laden who somehow finances mclaren?

Not forgetting that 'special deal' Luca gave Bernie on a little white Fiat Uno..

Yeah, late i know, but i not been on for a couple of days. Anyway, onto Singapore and some more Hamilton bashing no doubt.
S2 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :Nico Rosberg on the Williams Simulator (of this circuit):

Looks immersive.

Nice, me want...

It looks a very 'busy' circuit, and from that vid i couldn't see too many obvious overtaking spots. With diminished lighting, rain and a packed grid i reckon it's gonna be a long, tiring race, no doubt with a few safety car periods thrown in to, just for good measure.
S2 licensed
He should keep his wacky ideas to himself and concentrate on his rallying...