As has already been said, attaching a small engine/motor to the wheels isn't really possible. So i guess the next thing to look at would be some sort of fixed fan arrangement on the wheel itself, although i can see problems with this too.
Just thinking while i'm typing, but how about a fixed fan on the wheel hub, with some sort of venturi tube type (or a pipe) thing to direct air onto the fan. But have a movable flap in the end of the tube to direct the passing air away from the fan when in normal flight. It would be light, wouldn't take up any extra room and is almost maintenance free, and very cheap.
Yunno, there could be a few bob in this if done properly. Might be worth checking the patent office to see if anyone else has done it before.
Edit: Oh yeah, on topic. I'm with Mr Rodgers on this one. Is been done to death and back on every single flight forum and website, whether sim/rc/real or otherwise on the net, so, we'll see how long it lasts here. I'm guessing not long..
The thing that's catching my eye at the moment is his claims that 'unnamed enemies' are behind this. So that'll be someone with an axe to grind... hmm, now who do you think that might be ?
and Nihil, yeah i hate the expression 'politically correct' too (and what it implys too). If there ever was a contradiction in terms then this has to be it. Maybe we should think of a new phrase to explain it, 'fluffy bunny lifestyle' or 'Dudley Doo'right syndrome' perhaps
I'll admit i've only been skim reading this ongoing discussion with half an eye, so i didn't realise it was more of a philosophical discussion rather than a biblical one.
However, i have noticed in a few of your posts, that you, as a christian, seem (and i'll emphasis the word 'seem') to be using non biblical philosophical reasoning to explain the existence of God. Odd, but if thats what you want, then that's fine by me.
If i've completely misunderstood then please forgive me, which for a christian should be second nature
Just a very quick reply, it's 3am here and i need sleep so i ain't got time to argue right now, but
Romans 8:29-30
For those whom he (God) foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the first-born among many brethren. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called; and those whom he called he also justified; and those whom he justified he also glorified.
I agree, that's how my mind would see it too. But then again i'd also say they'd have no neighbours to start with coz they all got so pissed off with the drumming they all moved out and the house fell down
But, for the question in erm question, i think it's safe to assume they don't expect you to get down to the hour/minute/second of the birth of twins...
Maybe, but just imagine that we here in this forum got hold of that vid. Imagine how much stick you'd get from us ! you'd never live it down, and no one here really knows you.
Now think how your work mates would react if they found the vid ! people you see everyday, people who do know you ! They would make your life a misery, and the embarrassment would be intolerable.
Like it or not, we don't really live in a politically correct world, not everything's as sweet and rosy as we hoped. We don't live in a world where 'anything goes' no matter how much we want to.
edit: good spot there Hyper, i didn't even realise it was a link.
frokkis quote edited, maybe you chaps should do the same
Yeah Tristans right. But i know how confusing it may seem. You have to remember that it's a question set by a mathematician. And their logic is very different to what you or i would call logical. Mathematicians as a rule have no sense of humour (as we would know it), and therefore won't add anything to a problem like this if it had no bearing on the end result. They wouldn't just throw in a line for the sake of it. i.e if something isn't needed it's removed.
So, the line about the house number is included because it is part of the equation, so it's important to the overall question, because only 2 of the possible 'products' are matched i.e 13 (as Tristan explained above). Then tie-in the clue that there is an older son, and that leads to only one possible conclusion 2, 2 and 9. If the house number wasn't important then neither would the drum line. And if that was the case then there would be no possible way to answer the question, something a mathematician would never do.
It's a stepping stone kind of thing, one thing leads to another and in the end you get to the answer.
Mathematicians are an odd bunch at the best of times, but the only way to understand this sort of stuff is to think like one Which is why i chose hitting things with a hammer as a career !
When i first saw it i thought it must be fake. But as time has passed, and we've had no comment from Maxi, i'm starting to think otherwise. And, the latest word is he's in consultation with his Lawyers....
Whether it matters if it affects his ability to do his job or not is immaterial. He'll be hounded out of his job for sure. Who'll be able to take him seriously anymore within F1.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a few non-team T-shirts popping up in Bahrain this weekend.
Thanks for that Jak. Although all i get in the spreadsheet is the above information and a flower
It does seem a really high figure, especially when we factor in all the problems mentioned by David below. But for the sake of argument lets take that figure as approximate.
As you say it's a very very difficult figure to calculate, but, population growth rates usually factor in all of the problems you mention.
However, we thankfully have a starting point on how to calculate this number. The bible gives us a few clues on how to begin.
The bible claims that Noah's 3 sons lived for an average of 500yrs each. It also tells us that collectively they fathered 16 sons during their life. Lets double that to include unmentioned daughters. So in a 500yr time period they collectively fathered 32 children. I'm absolutely hopeless at maths, but i make that out to be about 5, 6 or maybe 7% annual growth rate. So maybe Jak wasn't too far off in his assumption. And, i think it's not unreasonable to say that the offspring of Noah's sons would have kept at roughly the same growth rate.
So, for the sake of argument, lets say the worlds population according to biblical reasoning was around 1.2million at the time the Tower of Babel was built. Over in Egypt at this time, we know from their records they were well into their 6th Dynasty. We also know that they had their own unique language, religion and culture. We also know they had a population of approximately 2million, probably more. We also know that over in China the Xai Dynasty was in full flow. They too had their own unique language, religion and culture. We also know they had a population of approximately 2million, maybe less.
We also know, via the biblical account that a group of people tried to build a large tower in ancient Iraq, i.e the Tower of Babel. We know that during this build God got miffed and separated them into 70 different nations, all with their own unique language. (this is another huge topic, too big to mention here) Anyway, by the testamony of the bible itself, there were at least 70 people in this part of the world too. However, lets be realistic about these numbers.These people obviously wanted the tower to be the biggest, tallest structure ever built. So, they'd be competing against the Great Pyramids of Giza (built before the flood). These pyramids took several decades and over 30,000 highly skilled craftsmen to build. Add in all the back-up social infrastructure to support them, feed them etc, maybe an extra 70,000 women and children (pure guess) would be needed. So that's about 100,000 people needed just to build the tower.
So, this puts the worlds population totals to a very credible figure of well over 4million. And thats only taking into account 3 relatively small areas of the world.
Then we have to factor in that humans tend to be territorial, i.e they tend (on mass) to stay in the same places. So, do we now assume that only a small percentage of the flood survivors offspring ventured out as far as Egypt and and China. If so, then how much a percentage would 4million immigrants be out of the 'home nation' ? 10%, 25, 50 ? All that does is bump the global figures up even higher.
There's only two possible conclusions we can make of this. Either god gave these people supernatural powers to go at it like bunnies, and our best 'guesstimates' on re-population growth rates are way off. Or, the flood simply didn't happen.
Yeah, just found out after reading Chickenarms thread.
Really really sad news.
I've just been scanning the net and it seems as though they were off to France to take part in a race. So even till the end they were doing what they both loved.
And it seems as though David Leslie was regarded as one of the nicest guys in motorsport too.
R.I.P to everyone on the plane, and my thoughts go to all their families.
That's along the right lines, but i'll try to sharpen it up for ya'
The bible actually says that the free will it offers is, you have a choice to do what god says or not. When you give your life to Jesus, you're supposed to do exactly that. Give him your life, complete control, your opinion, desires, needs, wants, feelings, thoughts, emotions, time, body, money, indeed everything you are, everything you were, everything you'll ever be, is now HIS. You have no say in it at all. It's up to God what he does with you and your life. BUT, he gives the believer the 'free will', or the choice, whether to accept this or not, and the choice of how much of one's life they give to God.
However, it's made very apparent that if you do hold back on him and choose not to accept his will in your life then you have to pay the consequences. It's not so much a case of you having responsibilities when you sin, rather you will reap punishment whether you like it or not, or to put it another way, have to face the consequences of that sin in your life regardless. The bible very clearly states "The consequences of sin is death", now that's a way to keep the flock obedient if there ever was one ! Tough love indeed !
N.B. The biblical definition of sin is "anything that grieves the Spirit" i.e the Holy Spirit, i.e. The Spirit of God, i.e God and anything that goes against his will.
Many christians believe that the 'free will' thing means God will cover their backs and they won't have to face any punishment when they choose to ignore him and go their own way, i.e grace. But it don't mean that at all, not at all...Grace only comes into operation when you confess that sin, ask for forgiveness and repent from that sin (repent is a verb, it requires an action to be of any value) plus that repentance must be sincere, otherwise it don't mean a thing, not to an all knowing all seeing god. Apparently you can't pull the wool over Gods eyes Although many multimillionaire TV evangelists seem to think they can !
And Christians have jumped to the conclusion that everything--including the explainer can be explained by the bible..An ancient text that has great difficulty in backing up it's claims.
The bible claims that God created everything, including the various scientific laws of physics and our natural environment. Surely then, any claims the bible makes will be able to be proven within these laws of physics and the natural history of the planet. So why is there no geological proof whatsoever that supports a global flood and a supernaturally quick re-population of the entire planet only 4,500 yrs ago ? Or has god hidden the evidence in order to confound the wise and retain his air of mystery ?
From the time Noah and his family stepped from the ark to the destruction of the tower of babel was about 250yrs. If you're claiming a re-population exercise began with only 3 couples, what would the worlds population be in a mere 250yrs. And please lets be realistic here, lets not have any crazy plucked out of thin air population rates. The average rates today are 0.1% to 3% annually. Anyone fancy doing the maths on this ? it's beyond me
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
Reason : still editing, stay tuned...
I was looking at this type of thing last year. But every review i found basically said they're crap. Really low resolution making everything look really pixalated (spelling ?) and the motion tracking wasn't up to the job. And also the fact that you've got these things on means you can't see your controllers, meaning you have to do everything by touch. Might not be such a problem for driving, but i really wanted them for flightsim, and trying to find the keyboard and the right keys when you're essentially blind would become a tad irritating after a while. And they havn't really been that popular, so there must be a reason for that.
If you are thinking of getting one, then i really do recommend you do your research, they're not cheap by any means, and i don't think they do what they say on the tin. If i were you i'd hold on for a few years and wait till the technology catches up with the concept.
@Nitro...That jacket thing is £150 !!!, Give me a tenner and i'll come over there and hit you with a hammer, if you want.