Again, can't argue with you there either. I come from a generation where BL cars where the ONLY affordable cars to buy in this country. Owned a few myself. And yes, they are/were as bad as you'd imagine
I'm gonna own up here and admit to knowing absolutely nothing about TATA. In fact i'd never even heard the name until this thread came along. So all i've got to go on is this little Nano micro-car thing.
I do hope you're right about them being able to do a good job, i guess only time will tell. Perhaps i've just got the Rover/BMW deal at the forefront of my mind and can only see a sad end to this deal ? Maybe i'm being too pessimistic ? We'll see.
Who truly knows. With a bit of investment in the Indian infrastructure, there's no reason at all why they couldn't move production there. I personally don't think they will, but, with much much cheaper labour costs etc etc, it's not beyond the realms of possibility.
As a Brit and a fellow petrolhead doesn't that make you just a little bit sad. The loss of our motoring heritage, our proud and at one time, world leading inventiveness and creativity being stripped down to nothing but a name, a badge stuck on the front of a foreign car. Do you not have pride in your own nation anymore ? Wouldn't you like to see British companies building cars as good as if not better than the German counterparts ? I know i would, and not out of some reverential jingoistic flag waving exercise. But simply because we've got the talent in this country, we've got the experience in this country, we've got the resources and the money in this country. It seems the only thing we no longer have, is the will. And that makes me sad...
And this is coming from someone who's first motoring love is Italian cars from the 50's,60's and 70's ! I'd rather have any Maserati over the best Jag ever made, any day of the week.
Really don't want to get into this argument, but just wanted to answer this one point/question.
Yes this did happen, in the season he broke his leg at Silverstone. The whole team then focused itself around Eddie Irvine in an attempt to win the championship, even after Schumacher returned to the other car.
Can't even find the right words to express just how jealous i am of you right now...A constantly changing showroom full of the best Italian cars from the 50's and 60's, man does it get any better or prettier than that ?. One day...
Incidentally, that avatar of the Healey, wasn't actually a Healey It's one of those replicas built by a company called Sebring International. Which (i think) are made in your neck of the woods, Wisbech or somewhere near there. I know that you as a purist wouldn't like it, but for me, the hassle of owning a classic that breaks down every few miles is too much of a pain to contemplate. But having something modern and reliable, yet looks like an old classic British sportscar really appeals to me. Problem is, the cheapest ones are 35K, so just a tad outta my price range atm, but, one day
True, true, but it just goes to show the class divide in this country. No way in a million years would you want to have that sort of thing in an inner city comprehensive school, especially not with live ammo. If we had one at the school i went to, no teacher would last a week !
Ahh, well that makes sense, a school with it's own private rifle range, very sensible !
Dunno ?, I've been here for a few years now, so maybe you've seen a couple of my other posts ?
Ermm.. it's just a pic from Google, not sure of the source. But it's a Maserati 3500GT.. don't tell me you may have had this very car through your showroom
Just exactly how much of Norfolk do you own ? Is your family part of the landed gentry or something ? Should we be calling you Sir, or Lord, or maybe both ? Sir Lord Tristan of the Turnip...
Anyway, on topic: I quite like guns to be honest, don't own one, but i'd really like to go to one of these American 'gun theme park type places' yunno those ranges where you can tryout anything from a cap gun to huge whacking machine guns and bazookas and all. I'm still a little kid at heart, and if i could, i guess i'd still be playing cowboys'N'injuns. Sometimes being an adult in the UK is no fun at all...
@ Xaotik Yeah, that was the first thing that came to my mind too, which i guess is why i've got an uneasy feeing about it.
To be honest i'm not all that worried about Land Rover, it's in a healthy state, has a loyal following, and has the best brand name out there in it's segment of the market.
But I've always had a bit of a soft spot for Jaguar. My uncle had a couple of Jags, and my father would always 'borrow' his XJ12 whenever we visited, and his XJS was the first car i ever drove . Problem is, thanks to those bloody Germ-ans and their chuffin precision engineering, they've stolen the core customer base from Jaguar. It's no secret than Ford have been propping up Jag for years. Look inside any of their cars from the last few years and you'll see nothing but the Ford's Group parts bin. Plus they really have been stuck in the past in relation to their car design, like that horrid S-Type in its woeful attempt to harken back to the Mk3, and the X-Type's attempt to be a mini XJ for the masses, but was nothing more than a Mondeo under its skin. Perhaps the new XF is a step in the right direction, and perhaps it will save the company, but for me it looks too much like a Lexus, although the interior does look funky (thats going by pictures, not seen one in the flesh yet)
Thing i'm most bothered about is, Jag can no longer rely on that Ford parts bin to save costs, so what are we gonna get now ? A Sat-Nav from a TATA Nano in the next gen XK, switch gear from a TATA......'whateverothercartheymakethingy' in a new XJ ?
Whats going to happen to the quality ? Whats going to happen to the workforce after the money given by Ford runs out in a years time ?
And i guess the biggest bug-bare. Why the hell couldn't some British company step up to the plate and take it on. It's not as though we're a poor nation, it's not as though we don't have any companies that can't afford to keep it British.
Any other Brit out there wanna chuck in a few quid so we can bring back Kitty to her rightful home ?
Seriously, i got about a sentence and a half out of that Sam you know that look you get when you're telling your puppy that weeing on the carpet is a bad thing. That's me right now....
It's late, i need sleep....think i'll go and slap a pie on the barby then get me head down for a few Zs
Didn't really want to get into this to be honest, and it's late so i'll be brief, but, the definition of the word atheist/atheism has changed over the centuries.
I believe it originates from some unspellable Greek word that means Godless or actively denying Gods existence, based on what premise, i don't know ?, but it was an active not passive term, in a sense positively rejecting any deity and it's teachings etc.
Nowadays, it's come to mean similar to what you've said Hank, an absence of belief in God because of a lack of provable evidence. But this definition has been brought forward by various schools of philosophy which, i guess is up to the individual as to whether that holds any credence.
So, when the bible (for example) talks about "The Godless" it has a very different meaning and impact to what we know. Now christians tend to think of the 'godless' as those who havn't decided if god exists, don't know if god exists, or don't care if god exists. To todays christians the godless (or the atheists) are simply people who will probably become believers at some point in the future, when they hear "the truth". But back in biblical times the godless where those who would never ever in a month of sundays accept or believe god exists. Or the real enemys of the faith !
Question is, which definition do we use for such an emotive expression ? the original meaning, or this new watered down variant ? I personally believe both are ok in the right context. i.e if talking about atheism in terms of the bible then the original definition is best. If talking about modern religious concepts and beliefs then the new version is fine. Although it may get confusing at times.
I know you're a really intelligent bloke Hank, but please remember, i'm not, so i'd appreciate it if you reply, that you write in a way a simpleton can understand
I like pies i do...
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Reason : correcting the mistakes
Having just read your reply to Beano, then i think you'll have problems running Armed Assault. It sucks the life out of the most powerful computers...
But, here's a youtube clip of Sniper Elite It's not that bad a game tbh, the graphics arn't all that bad, and it does run on less powerful machines. Have a look, see if it's what you're after.
Sniper Elite has one very cool 'bullet cam' feature. unfortunately the rest of the game ain't so great. But if there's a demo, or you can pick it up for a couple of euro's it will keep you amused for an hour or two.
Or if reality is your bag, then how about Armed Assault. Making your own missions is as simple as falling of a log, but there are plenty of good quality missions to be found over at Armaholic.
As far as movies are concerned, the one that comes to my mind is Enemy at the Gate. It's not the best film ever made, and is purely fictitious, but again, will fill in a couple of hours or so
So that's what, just over 100 bottles !?! Must be hard to make a profit from that. Lets hope for a better summer this year.
Don't know how easy it is to get BBC2 over there, but did you get a chance to see "Oz and James' Big Wine Adventure" Was a good series actually. Oz Clarke is a bit of a pompous twat, but it's still worth a watch. It gets pretty technical too, especially in episode 4 when James is trying to learn about 'terroir'.
Simple, organise an 'LFS meet in the Sun' with the proviso that anyone attending has to smuggle half a hundred weight of noxious mind altering and potentially explosive liquids across the border.
Didn't BM say the same about Rover ?.... Edit: The jobs may be safe for the moment, but it's Ford who's paying to keep them safe ... r-car-giants-6323e80.html so what happens when that money runs out ? £300million will be gone in no time. And what does that say about TATA's intentions ?
Before you guys get carried away with all this Hamster talk, i suggest you go take a look at the Final Gear Forums. They've been discussing this for a while, and have realised that it's only talk, nothing else.
Although there probably will be some tie-in with TG (even Bernie's said he'd like that) Most believe Hamster ain't up for the job. Anyone who saw his pitiful daytime show, and his recent hosting of Comic Relief will know he's out of his depth with this sort of stuff.
But...but...i've already started collecting tins of meat, socks, and teaspoons, in preparation for it. Now you saying i'm wasting my time ? bollocks....
Next you'll be telling us cheese eating Unicorns arn't real
Sod it, I'm off to join the Pastafariens, you guys arn't cool anymore !
I'm not entirely sure what to make of these kinds of buy-outs. I'm always a bit scared of what will happen to these much loved and respected marques.
Proton bought Lotus a few years back promising a much brighter future for the brand, and then did absolutely nothing (except getting the Lotus engineers to have a fiddle with one of Protons hatchbacks).
So, what kind of a future will Jaguar and Land Rover have now ? or are we going to see a Tata micro-car with plush leather seats and 4 wheel drive ?
Last edited by Mazz4200, .
Reason : Forgot to add the link.