Was think exactly the same thing, very well written. But, he's not such a great orator is he, he tends to emphasize all the wrong words, reminds me of an old boring geography teacher.
However, i don't think he stood a chance from day 1. George Dubyah saw to that many many years ago. And besides the USA was in desperate need of change (even if it's only a perceived changed) Lets just hope Obama and his crew are able to sort out all the mess he's just inherited.
Whichever way you look at it, it's a momentous occasion. Although i'm sure he's not the first black president, always thought that was Morgan Freeman
Lol, been there myself a few times. The last band i was in i was the singer and the song writer, but thanks to a chemically enhance memory i'd be buggered if i could remember any of the songs i wrote. There's a vid somewhere of a gig we did with Thrilled Skinny a few years back. I've gone blank, so start ad-libing. Then you can see the drummer look over to the bassist and mouth "What the f*ck is he doing now " Then the basist and the other guitarist standing either side of me slowly walk forward and try to work out what chords i'm playing. Both look at each other and give another then walk back and just start playing whatever the hell they like. At the end of the set you can hear someone say "Wow, free-form jazz punk, cool" We were very much ahead of our time, shite, but ahead of our time
Anyway, current standings:-
McCain 76
Obama 175
270 needed to win, looks like it's gonna be a landslide
Neil Morrissey, the guy from Men Behaving Badly ? wow, does he live in York then ?. I caught a bit of his new show the other week. He and a pal are trying to open up a pub in Harrogate (i think) and make their own beer. Sounds like an ideal job for you there Kev, the resident drunken troubadour. A 21st century Jake Thackray, or Ivor Cutler
Hmm, well this is all very interesting, but, no one seems to have noticed that a particular Mr Alien T seems to be having a few life issues at the moment.
At the start of the thread he was a good old proppa Jock with a very cultivated, dry Scottish wit. But after a few too many whiskeys and having obviously read to many of the posts in this thread it would now appear that he's been turned into a rampant homosexual and has moved to a drug ladened coffee shop somewhere in Holland You alright dude ?
If you ever doubted a feeble and suggestive mind can be easily swayed, then there's yer proof right there.
But back on topic. It's quite clear that the term "a free and fair society" means different things to different people, and i guess it always will. We don't live in an ideal world, and i very much doubt we ever will. But it would be nice to reach a point where we don't judge and condem a person just because they have different 'tastes' to us. It would be nice if everyone just 'got on' with each other. Not that i'm against the odd argument here and there, but it would be nice if the human race could just grow up a bit. Unfortunately self righteous stupidity seems to always win over common sense and maturity.
Maybe god had a point when he sent that huge non-existant global flood back in the days of Noah. But like the complete tool that he is, he changed his mind and let a few of us survive. But just take a look at who it was he let live...Noah...a lazy good for nothing drunkard...is it any wonder we turned out the way we did.
Am i gonna have to read through all 28 pages of this thread to try to find out how we got to that point ?. On second thoughts, i don't wanna know. Seriously, i really don't wanna know
Anyway, i know it's late in the day, but, i just wanna say what a thrilling end to what turned out to be one of the most exciting, frustrating, puzzling and dramatic seasons i think i've ever seen (and i've seen quite a few). Feel really sorry for Massa, he drove a near flawless race despite all that pressure, yet it was in the (last) lap of the gods as to who would become WDC. On the whole i think the right man won it in the end despite making all those rookie mistakes. Either Massa or Hamilton would have made a good F1 Champion, but perhaps Lewis brings just that bit more attention (and controversy) to the sport, which can only be a good thing. Only a fool would think he doesn't fully deserve it
Damn bloody buggery and blast. I had a feeling Rubens was gonna pull one out the bag at his home GP, so i took a punt and gave him Boredays seat. If i'd not swapped the team around i'd have moved up to 7th .
Anyway, congrats to all those who finished ahead of me, you god damn cheating FIA bum-boyz, enjoy yer stinky useless chavy, nazi style base-ball hats
Anyone wanna tell me what all this LFS BATracer, KY stuff is ? an english translation would be good...
Yeah, sorry about that, it was a confusing post. I've been down the pub all night, and whilst i'm a strict teetotaler, it would appear i've perfected the art of becoming extremely inebriated via osmosis
Unfortunately society likes to pick and mix it's moral and ethical codes, and most of the time it's not too fussy where these ideals come from, be it religion, philosophy, fashion, or even the bloke down the pub who can give you a good tip on the horses.
The problem when extracting certain rules and regulations from religion is it tends to bring it's own moral high ground and it demands respect even though it's unmerited and undeserving. And its usually based on an unprovable and unworkable set of criteria written in ancient manuscripts about one guys personal epiphany. And lets not forget that back in those days communities were much much smaller. And whilst certain rules and regs might work well within these small close knit groups of people, they seldom work on a global scale. Don't know if you know, but Marxism is essentially based on the biblical principles of sharing and caring, sowing and reaping, everyone being equal etc etc. And look what happened to that...
You're right though W4H, why should society enforce these things on us just coz the bible says so. The problems start when these religions gain political power, and before you know it we've got religious communism. It's one thing the wording of the American Constitution in particular was very keen to avoid. But look at how much political might the christians have in 'Middle America' these days. They could actually sway the election either way. It won't be long before we have Monty Python doing "No one expects the American Inquisition" jokes. Repent, give your life to jesus, or we'll invade your country and nick all your oil....
Definition from Strongs concordance http://www.blueletterbible.org ... m?Strongs=G3120&t=KJV The words effeminate/catemite and homosexual are essentially interchangeable, as is the next line in the passage "nor abusers of themselves with mankind".
Unfortunately no matter how much positive spin you put on it, the bible does say this kind off behaviour is unacceptable for a believer, a follower of christ.
However, (and i can't believe it, but W4H was right on the button). When studying the bible, a basic fundamental principle to follow is to never ever take any scripture out of context. It's also imperative to have a bit of background knowledge concerning, not only the circumstances in which the scripture was written, but also some understanding of the cultural history at that time. But perhaps more importantly, it's best to understand who's writing it and it's intended victim, erm i mean, it's intended reader.
The bible is written by believers for believers. It's not written for the non/un-believing heathen (apparently we're so dumb and unenlightened we could never understand it in a month of sundays).
The passage in question is from a letter sent by the apostle Paul (who incidently was the only new testament patriach to never meet jesus in the flesh, let alone be his disciple, yet he still wrote 3/4's on the NT..) Anyway, Paul wrote the letter to one of the many churches he founded. (The Corinthians was a church in Corinth) So, Paul was saying that's it's bad for christians/the believers/the followers of christ/those in the church of Corinth, to partake in the so-called lewd activities mentioned in that scripture. It's not a message to the whole wide world about whats good and bad.
Remember that the bible has already told us that the un-believers are condemed already, so in one sense it doesn't really matter what we get up to in our spare time, we're going to hell anyway. Remember that there is no 'sin-scale' in the bible. No sin is any worse than any other, whether it be rape, murder, getting drunk or eying up someone who ain't yer wife or husband. Sin is sin according to the bible.
However, it's also important to remember that there will not be one single un-believing heathen sinner in hell because they were a bit gay, or a bit of a murder, or a bit genocidal. The only reason, the ONLY reason an un-believing heathen sinner will end up in hell is for not believing in, not loving, not obeying, and not following jesus. It's the born again, bible believing christians who willingly and unrepentantly partake in the above acts that will end up in hell. Also, lets not forget that the bible tells the believers not to judge, coz it's gods job to do that, not his followers. So any christian who does judge and doesn't sincerly repent, will more than likely go to hell aswell. (if only you christians knew what you've really got youselves into)
In a nutshell, everything written in the bible is written for the believer not the unbeliever. It's essentially a code of conduct, a moral standpoint, a constitution for the believer, not the unbeliever. And it's not a christains job to enforce this code of conduct into other cultures if they wish to reject it. Even the bible tells them not to enforce it.
Unfortunately a lot of believers like to use this percieved moral high ground to look down on the non-believer, it's gives them an ego boost, makes them feel better, and gives them more self-worth....although self righteousness is a sin too...
So my message to all the believers in all the worlds. Go play yer silly little religious games if you want, be happy. But please keep it to your side of the fence, don't tar us with your brush, and if you do want to debate your personal views on life, the universe and everything, please do a little bit of research first to at least try to find out why you believe the things you believe, and what the bible really says, as opposed to what you've been told it says.
So, back on topic, and as W4H has already said, why worry what the bible says about your sexuality if you don't believe a single word that's written in it.
You might be already married without even realising it
But seriously, i'd say each to his own. It's only religion that's propagated the myth of marriage, yet few of the religious marriages are anything but. If we really want to get into the christian interpretation of marriage, then all our REAL spouses are the first girl/boy we shagged . So if we didn't marry the person we lost our virginity to, then we're all nothing but sinful adulterators, prostitutes and whores, nice.
Best of luck with it if you do decide to build it. And if you do lets see a few pics so we can have a good laugh, erm so we can congratulate you on all your endeavours.
The topic slipped into X-Plane talk. As has already been said, it's X-Plane that has the 70gb world scenery package, not this new helo sim. Dunno how big the file is for this new game ?
Wsinda sounds like he knows what he's talking about.
But i will add, if you do use particle board then you must, MUST get a good quality face/dust mask. Especially if you'll be using MDF, as it's got lots and lots of very nasty stuff in there that you really don't wanna be breathing into your lungs.
Only just noticed this thread and i've not read it all, and don't know if this has already been mentioned. But if anyone's looking for new scenery files then there's only one thing i'd recommend, and that's Tileproxy. As far as i know there's versions for both FSX and FS9. Not used it myself for sometime, and Google Maps and MS Virtual Earth had tried to put a block on the amount of tiles you could download in a certain period of time. But if you find an area of top quality maps then it's simply unbeatable for scenery. Give me a few mins and i'll try to find some vids.
There's a fantastic high quality vid somewhere on the net of a guy flying around the Canary Islands and The Grand Canyon, but i'm not having much luck finding it...
But here's some screenies from it http://edtruthan.com/tileproxy/
Just noticed the vid is in he link at the top of the page
Yunno what she's thinking, she'll have seen the front covering on a speaker and thought that's all there is to it, and not realised there's a big wooden box full of electrical stuff stuck to the back of it. Women, i used to think they did this sort of stuff to be all cutesy and alluring in a needing a man sort of way. But i'm coming to the conclusion they really are that stupid. Either that or they're all completely bonkers and really do come from another planet......Mazz runs off to get a flame suit and full body armour just in case Becky reads that bit.
It largely depends on how you'll be working it. If you'll be hammering nails or even putting screws into the side (i.e into the joints of each layer) of it, then yeah it'll most likely split. But it you're drilling into the face/front of it then it should be ok, but remember to use proper wood drill bits and set the drill to a low rpm otherwise you'll end up charring the wood around the hole. .
Although i've never used birch ply, most other plys can chip and fray at the edges sometimes when you're cutting it, especially if you're a bit cack handed. Although a decent wood saw and a guide block should minimise this.
But i'd say if you already have the plans for this thing, then just stick to them, even if it does recommend using ply.
Oopsy, sorry, i had wondered why you of all people in here would have been confused by the word foam
But yeah, as far as i know it is simply a chunk of foam padding. But being F1 it's probably derived from the space industry and costs 50K per square inch.
Sounds like utter madness, actually it sounds like the FIA are fully involved in running the series. The words piss up, brewery, organise and couldn't, spring to mind
Yeah, i've seen that vid before, it's hilarious. Bit like an opposite version of James May at the Britcar 24 last year. Drives out the pits during qualifying, does an out lap, then comes back into the pits at the end of his second lap convinced he'd done a full bore qualifying lap. Guess it's all to easy to get stuck in the moment and not realise what's going on around you. Or in Mays case, completely fail to get into the moment at all.
Would that be Martin Havens (sp?) the guy so many want to front the BBC's F1 coverage next year. I recognise the voice now although i could never had put a name to it. He'd be good, doesn't prattle on like a love sick F1 wannabe
It was in a book about the history of the Maserati Marque i bought...wow maybe 10-15 yrs ago now. And at some stage over the last 10yrs it simply vanished, where to, i have no idea. I've had a good look on the net, but am yet to find the pic. And truth be told i can't even remember the name of the book, and it doesn't seem to be listed at Amazon either. All i can remember was it had hundreds of pics covering both the road cars and the race cars from the marques birth right up to the early-mid 90's, and it was big, heavy, and bloody expensive. Wouldn't mind getting another, if i can find out the name.
Well, yeah, but no. Maybe i made it sound like i'd built the thing from just a blank bit of wood. But no, there's a shop up here that used to sell 'semi' ready made necks and bodies. Basically just rough bits of wood in the shape of a the neck and body (mines the typical Strat shape). But they needed lots of finishing, and various holes, (especially in the body) needed cutting, routing and drilling for the electrics, machine heads, and that spring loaded thing that you put the strings into underneath (it's name escapes me) etc. So in one senses it was more of a rough and ready DIY kit. And it was more of a case of buying all the extra bits and glueing and screwing them in place. Oh bollocks, ok, i'll admit it, it was essentially an airfix kit that any half blind 8yr old could have done, but funnily enough i did actually have to use a junior hacksaw and several sheets of sandpaper to finish it
But the wife did a cracking job on the paint work. On the neck and fingerboard she used this lovely honey coloured wood stain which came up a treat when varnished. And the body was done in some sort of crackled antique 'off-white' colour with a shiney mottled silvery effect scratch plate. She was an art graduate so has a really good eye for that sort of stuff. If it was left to me i'd have dunked it in a bucket or hammerite and be done with it.
Stereo, it's been out for 40 years or more.
Dunno about you, but the wife used to get me with that one all the time. Whenever she wanted me to do something she'd always laugh and say, "Nah, you'll never be able to do that, you don't know the first thing about it" knowing full well i'd do whatever it was just to prove a point. Come to think of it, that's how i ended up marrying her....
Think what it would have been like back in Fangio's day. The cars didn't even have seatbelts as the drivers figured it'd be better to be flung out of the car rather than go with it to the scene of the accident. And to think most of the drivers wore nothing on their heads other than maybe a cloth flying cap. I had an old book a few years back with a picture of (i think it it was Jean Behra ?) driving in a GP in the 1950's. He was wearing an old cloth cap, short sleeved shirt, and believe it or not, he was smoking a pipe !! in the middle of a Grand Prix How cool is that Bah, modern F1 drivers, no class, no character, bunch of over-rated, over-paid whinging pansies..
There's such a great sense of personal satisfaction when you 'get your hands dirty' and make something that you can actually see and touch, something that's real, something that you can keep and cherish, as opposed to all that website stuff you do which is all electronic 1's and 0's, and is all for someone else. It's especially satisfying when you really put your mind to it and do the best job you can, you'll treasure it far longer than anything you'd buy from a shop.
A few years ago me and the missus built an electric guitar. I did all the wood and metal work stuff, and she did all the colouring, painting and varnishing stuff. And whilst it'll never be a top quality Gibson or Fender, and doesn't really have the best quality pickups. I'd never get rid of it. Other guitars have come and gone, but this one's a keeper. It's like it's got a place in me heart. Guess i'm a bit of a sentimental old fool, but, it was great fun making it, and it's totally unique. Still looks great even to this day
Lol, i never noticed he'd said "using nails in metal" until you quoted him. Feel a bit of a sucker for telling him not to use nails in his coffin, er his cabinet...