You know when you're turning old when unpacking the groceries you take the new tube of toothpaste into the bathroom, only to discover you've already got 5 unused tubes sitting on the self. Then when you do the "fantasy lottery win" thing, you realise your dream garage consists of a green Maserati, a 7 seater people carrier and a Ford Fiesta diesel
Although if you had a small pressure valve in the bulb to expel the excess water, in theory you could make it go on forever. All you'll need is a constant water supply to keep the beaker at the correct level, i.e a rain gully, or even a stream. Then simply attach a little electric motor to the pivot and hey presto you've got yourself a mini generator and all the worlds energy problems are solved. You'd make millions
To be perfectly honest, i still ain't got the faintest idea what the hell Lerts is on about here, but, at least it keeps him off the streets
Yeah, that's what a gimbal does. This seems to be the only Spanish wiki page i can find on the subject Maybe you can find more, (i don't speak a word of the language so i'm not much use there)
Think of one of those large ship compasses in old wooden boats. No matter how much the ship moves up and down and side to side the compass always stays upright.
@ Lerts, It's highly likely that i've completely misunderstood the description of this invention. But are you saying you've invented the worlds first mercury filled gimbal ?
If it were me i'd include a light hearted section to it. Something like a bit of LFS gossip from the forum. Or maybe a few lines on the current state of play in the V1 championship. A progress report on some of our real world racers i.e Norbi and Tristan etc. Maybe even a regular column from one of the forum wits or perhaps even a "thought for the month" by Lerts
Nothing unusual about it though, just a routine check. I'm certain Mclaren have nothing to fear, it's not like they'd ever do anything dodgy now is it..
Hmmm, got to admit i've never played any of the previous Fallout games. But judging by the vids this latest one doesn't seem to be doing anything new. Just picked up a copy of Stalker this evening (Yeh for supermarket bargain bins ) And at first glance they seem very similar. Although the bullet cam - or whatever it's called - looks pretty cool. Similar to Sniper Elite but with more gore and bigger bullets.
Just read today that all violent computer games are to be banned in UK prisons to all inmates except those on suicide watch Yeh, this'll certainly cheer them up
Good choice of smilie. I've had a good look round most of the F1 news sites and none of them have mentioned this. Where are you getting this info from Diablo ?
Yep that's about right. Think that works out to around £7 per gallon
[edit] actually i think thats wrong, probably nearer £5.50 (was using the wrong conversion rate, not used to this new fangled poncy European litre stuff) But it depends where you shop. Saw it at £1.40 at a certain garage earlier this evening.
Finally got to see the full race on iPlayer, and it was as good as i thought. Best race for years tbh.
I'm not a fan of Stoners by any stretch of the imagination, for the same reason as many have already mentioned, he is a whiney little git ain't he. But i have to admit, for such a puny little fella, he must have balls the size of Ayers Rock.
There was a moment in the race were they had the telemetry from both Stoner and Rossi's throttle and brake inputs. Rossi's inputs were much smoother and progressive. But Stoner seems to use the throttle and brake like an on/off switche. Guess he just lets the TC sort out the mess. But to be able to hang on to it at those speeds when it's kicking and bucking like a wild donkey with a red hot poker up its arse takes some guts.
If i were a betting man i'd say it probably is big enough. We're all ears, do tell.
Did you just make that word up ? if so, i like it. No idea what it's supposed to mean, but it does roll off the tongue nicely.
live edit..ahhh you mean the adverb of lascivious, <insert little vomitting smilie that i can't find in the thing>
[edit] Bollocks, far to slow again, was searching the net trying to find out how to spell ewwww, as in 'ewww that's disgusting' (i really suck at this interent foruming stuff, i really should quit it.)
Damn bloody chuffin power cut, only saw the first half of the race then half the city went down. When the power came back on they were all standing on the podium, and i got a bit distracted by the podium girls errr who won again ?
Will have to wait till it's on BBCi to see the whole race. But the first 15 laps or so looked fantastic, a real classic. Although another nasty highside from gorgeous George.
That's brilliant, sounds like just about anythings possible.
I use this primarily in ArmA seeing as it's the only way to keep control of your Ai squadies. And if you spend a lot of time programming it you can get to the point where you're almost having a full blown conversation with them .
@Turbo Dad, pleased you got it going I'd definitely recommend going through as many training programmes as possible to get the system tuned to your voice. The quicker it recognises the words you're saying the quicker it is to perform the action. I've trained mine up so now it give out the commands almost instantaneously in ArmA.
Incidently, you can use this to do just about anything. Turn on the lights, switch on the indicators, even look left and right. Basically an key command in any game can be done by talking to it, the only limiting factor is how programmable the game itself is.
Well technically they were the same person, so in one sense they were simply having sex with themself. Which kinda explains everything if the forefather of the human race was a certified wanker !
But i'm old, and things don't work as well as they used too
Yeah. That's part 1 of the trilogy.
If do hire the film just make sure you get the subtitled version Half the time you haven't a clue what the hells going on even with the subtitles, so without them you'd have no chance. Also, it's best if you haven't seen the DiCaprio version, otherwise you'll kinda know the ending.
Oh dear, unfortunately i'm a fellow computer dyslexic too
So everything i'm about to say will probably be complete pants, but, what the hell...
If you're using WinXP i think you'll need to download and install the file SpeechSDK51.exe from here ... 1B4530&displaylang=en (may need to scroll down) If you're running Vista, then your guess is as good as mine
And as far as i know/remember thats all there is to it. Although there is a training programme in it thats definitely worth doing so it gets to know your voice and accent.
Hopefully someone in the know might see this thread and confirm or correct that advice. But i had to download an extra programme to get mine going, and i'm fairly certain it was the one above. But it was a while ago so...?
Don't you believe it. I live in the city only 400yards away from the nearest exchange. Paying for an 8mb connection but i'm lucky if i see anything over 1. It's all down to the quality of the wires yunno.
However, i have heard that BT are planning to overhaul the entire network over the next couple of years so 100mb connection rates should be commonplace in high density areas, and at least 10mb in the most remote desolate parts of the country, like Sunderland, and Wales..