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Quote from NewAssault :Just tried updating my monitor drivers, and it was pretty outdated.
still getting "monitor going to sleep" message 2 mins after joining a server.

Edit: it's not just TF2 now, it's ALL my games :-(

Sounds like graphics card then!
S2 licensed
Quote from NewAssault :Everytime I join a server in TF2, my screen goes black and says "monitor going to sleep" :-( I've checked all plugs and wires, nothing wrong, and the monitor is still connected, I can walk around and shoot and everything....anyone knows how to fix this?

Change your resolution/refresh rate. Right click on the game in steam > properties. Then go to 'Set Launch Options' and type:

Quote :-w 800 -h 600 -refresh 60 -freq 60

Then test it out, if it still doesn't work, try:

Quote :-w 800 -h 600 -refresh 60 -freq 60 -dxlevel 81

If that still doesn't work then its a graphics card problem, update ze drivers.

S2 licensed
Quote from Lionclaw23 :Sam, any chance you will host again today?

CB! I remember when we used to drift together, with your blue car.
S2 licensed
Last week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well. Waking up on that morning, I went downstairs for breakfast, hoping my wife would be pleasant, say, 'Happy Birthday!', and possibly have a small present for me.

As it turned out, She barely said good morning, let alone 'Happy Birthday.' I thought, Well, that's marriage for you. The kids though, they'll remember.

My kids came bounding down stairs to breakfast and didn't say a word. So when I left for the office, I felt pretty low and somewhat despondent.

As I walked into my office, My secretary Jane said, "Good morning, boss. And by the way, happy birthday!". I felt a little better that at least someone had remembered.
I worked until one o'clock. When Jane knocked on my door and said, "You know, It's such a beautiful day outside, and it IS your birthday, what do you say we go out to lunch? Just you and me..." I said, "Thanks, Jane, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's go!"

We went to lunch, but we didn't go where we normally would go. She chose instead at a quiet bistro with a private table. We had two martinis each, and I enjoyed the meal tremendously.
On the way back to the office, Jane said, "You know, It's such a beautiful day... We don't need to go straight back to the office, do we?"

I responded, "I guess not. What do you have in mind?" She said, "Let's drop by my apartment, it's just around the corner..." After arriving at her apartment, Jane turned to me and said, "Boss, if you don't mind, I'm going to step into the bedroom for just a moment. I'll be right back." "Well, all right...," I nervously replied.
She went into the bedroom and, after a couple of minutes, she came out carrying a huge birthday cake, followed by my wife, my kids, and dozens of my friends, and my co-workers, all singing Happy Birthday.

And I just sat there.

On the couch.

S2 licensed
When you think about it, its quite stupid being annoyed about someone posting frequently on an internet forum.
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :It sounds to me like you're all too hung up on sex. I can think of better ways to spend time, sex is quite fun but the clincher is that it's free *shrug* If it cost me money I wouldn't bother with it, but as it's free it's basically something to do when the telly is crap.

I don't get why so many people are all so hung up on sex like it's some ultimate declaration of life long love. Sex is a past time and nothing more.

Leave it too long and it's always a disappointment, the first few times with someone are always awkward. You need to learn each others responses and descover what works for them, and if you wait ages all this expectation builds of what it's going to be like.

So to all you virgins, and those of you above talking like virgins: Get over it already. Seriously.

I tried to write this post, but ended up contradicting myself 2510 times within the first sentence, you did it much better. Its an addition, don't be afraid to admit you like it, even if your a moral king who believes sex = nothing. Obviously it doesn't, its fun and enhances relationships.
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S2 licensed
Quote from danowat :Achievement unlocked - Tristan agreed with something you said.

ROFL! This had me giggling.

If the snow subsides I'm off to GAME to get a trade in quote for my 360 + games. Could someone who's driving with G25/27 message me!
Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :avid fan, havent bought it yet knowing what a timesink it would be, can't afford to waste that much time/money though :P

constantly watching day9's netcasts&dailies, keeping myself up to date with ze news on, and whenever i have the chance, i say 6pool or 5rax reaper.

and dont forgot to construct additional pylons. you dont want to be supplyblocked :P

Get yourself acquainted to cheese counters & you'll be climbing the ladders in no time. most of these lower tier players know how to cheese, but they are nearly always going all-in and hardly ever have a follow-up. Scout as early as possible and always expect cheese.
head over to liquipedia to read about strategies, most cheese's are described there, as well as counterstrategies -

I've pretty much just perfected my anti-6 pool, I did it by practicing 6 pools and seeing what makes it harder to run, I can beat them 100% of the time now, its amazing how many people GG and leave after their 6 lings don't even make it into my base.

Day9 is amazing! Above anything, he's just hilarious:
S2 licensed
Quote from hyntty :You Englishmen are now officially declared the stupidest people on earth :|

I can understand paying for a Swedish plate

But WEN7T wtf? Unless you're a seventy year old chinese bloke that does not spell anything, ergo it's worthless.

WEN = Wendy, which I dare say is much more popular in England than it is anywhere else.
S2 licensed
I'm still debating whether to swap out the Xbox for a PS3 and pick this up, the only thing is that I'd want to use my G25 - which would defeat the point of console gaming for me, as my console is in my warm bedroom where I can heat up in bed, rather than in my FREEZING pc room.

Oh, and watching videos on youtube it seems there's a massive amount of steering lag when using a wheel? Is that only the animation of the driver lagging or is there actually a big delay when driving?

BAH choices.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :i got it but i darent venture online yet since my mechanics still suck
thanks to day-j though i now at least know what im doing wrong

Add me on, we can train up together!

[email protected]
S2 licensed
Quote from jonmrbean :Try these people :-

I have sold & bought a plate from them in the past without any problems.

Had already put in for a quote from these, they offered £1500 for it, if there aren't any better ones then I think we'll probably just settle for this!
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :So even though there are like 250.000 combinations with WEN in it, it is considered special?
And even then, there would be like 1400 different plates with WEN and 2 characters in it.
I'm not really into it, but then again, we haven't got personalized numberplates here.

They aren't £1 to register, she got it about 20 years ago and even back then it cost my grandad £400.
S2 licensed
Quote from BlakjeKaas :wenseventy?

special much?



The pattern seems to be, the less extra letters it has along with the name - the more valuable it is. 7T has a nice ring to it as well, compared to WEN 8PZT
S2 licensed
Must....... Not........ ARGUE
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Quote from EliteAti :LoL has ~3 million players, of which about 2/2.5 are active everyday.

HoN is an updated port of DoTa (Defence of the Ancients if anybody doesnt know)

while LoL brings up something fresh to the table with its unique playstyle and importance of teamplay, you cant win 4v5 in this, unless you outplay opponents easily.

Everyone claims that LoL is free, well it is, but the developers use hideous strategy to make consumers pay for content. Too bad i spent alot of money to that game before realizing what the hell i was doing.

E: Post 2000 damnit.

I guess its kind of a PS3 vs Xbox thing - each have their advantages and this argument could go on forever. Its probably best that we both just stick to our games before this ruins my SC2 thread!
Selling "Cherished" Numberplates
S2 licensed

My Gran's just bought a new car and she has her own personalised plate that she got about 20 years ago, its a really good private plate - try and guess her name from it.


Yep thats right, christina! (Not really, Wendy of course). She wants to sell it and get some money from it so we have put in a retention and are getting valuations - luckily the first few valuations all average out at a whopping £2000, a lot of these websites are trying to force a "SEND IT TO US NOW, BEFORE ITS TOO LATE" strategy, which makes me think that its worth a lot more if you know where to sell it, and that they'd make a healthy profit. Although £2k isn't something that either of us would turn our noses up at!

Does anyone know the best place to sell the plate? Things like auctions and Ebay are a bit risky for her as there's no guarentee you'd get a good price for it - compared to sending it off to one of these companies that we've never heard of that for all we know could be a scam. Hopefully someone on here has had experience with a good company and could point us in the right direction.

Thanks 'lot!

TL;DR - Best and most reliable way to sell a valuable cherished numberplate?
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :Thats what an idiot thinks, but lets not forget the facts.

LoL has way bigger playerbase and is way more popular + competitive.
LoL has won some awards and has been in much bigger tournaments than HON will ever be.

The interface is much easier and clearer, and the game is much more user-friendly.

But ofcourse if you want to go for worse, then its alright.

What im trying to say, that even though LoL is far superior to HoN, both are wasting your time racking up wins/losses 1 by 1.

Bigger playerbase than HoN? There's like 40k online constantly for Hon, and I swear LoL is free..

It just seems like a noob friendly, free HoN to me.
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :Pretty cool game, but in the end big waste of time just like League of Legends.

LoL is a big waste of time from the start, HON is much better.
Starcraft 2
S2 licensed

Anyone else play Starcraft 2? Its pretty much the biggest game on earth, so I'd be suprised if no one else here plays it.

Its Dreamhack at the moment, myself and a couple of my mates managed to be the first players cast on the livestream, even though we're not there. We were on 3 times with live viewing figures averaging about 2200!

I'm only bronze by the way, new player - my mates are mostly Plat/Diamond, so they're teaching me quite well! Except I can't get out of this Bronze league because of the cheese strats that people run.
Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Shouldn't be that hard to think the design yourself? mine is basically just 3 chipboard plates put together with the other parts of cockpit.

It'd be easy, was just wondering if anyone had anything to make it easier.
S2 licensed
Quote from JackDaMaster :

Try this son

Quite useless! Just shows you how to take them apart, which I've already done.

B for effort though Jack, I'd like to see better in the future.
G25 Inverse Pedal Design
S2 licensed

I'm wondering if anyone has even a rough set of designs for the inverse-pedal mod, using the G25 pedals. I'm about to knock up a set and wondered if anyone had any measurements or advice before I start bashing wood!

Thanks a lot,
S2 licensed
Quote from seinfeld :350 buks? its 79 buks from JB hifi in Australia
1000 cars, 70 odd tracks, guaranteed updates,
infact an update of 150mb was released on the day it was sold. (today)

if you havent played GT5 prologue, I suggest you do , the diff simulation/ tyre grip is amazing, it is not an arcade game, it has fully working clutch model, the whole lot, its an amazing game / full damage model/ including changes to handling with the damage, toe camber it all changes when damaged.

I don't have a PS3, therefore GT5 wouldn't cost me "79 buks".

Your trolling is flawed, as all of your opinions happen to be wrong.