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S2 licensed
Great job on it! Keep up the good work, I love watching your movies.
S2 licensed
Quote from Zay :i would really like 2 see lfs hurry the hec up and realese the scirocco.then id like 2 see them realese some real cars not ones lfs has made up,cars like light ones like lotuses would be also like 2 see a car that is acually ment for fricken rallycross.

Real cars in LFS:

LX4+LX6 (pretty much)
UF1 (pretty much)
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :WHY, oh WHY do people have to bring up old teams and such...

(Bear in mind, Top Secret used to be a LFS drifter back since '06, stopped at Q4 of '07 though for some reasons)

Can't people use their imagination for a teamname, instead of getting a copied name which teams have used and it's taken from a real-life brand? ...

my faith towards LFS is losing.

Racername: TopSecret Angel
Join Date: Apr 2008

Maybe thats why?

Good luck with your team!
S2 licensed
28 - Living on a prayer - Bon Jovi.

S2 licensed
Those were both 1/1600 @ F4 - was the fastest I could get without using too high of an ISO.

Thanks DWB.
S2 licensed
Couple bird photo's - Its quite hard to do wildlife with a 70-200!

S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :yes you are right.
My dad bought a V8 4.4 BMW engine range rover.
Its for towing my brothers race car though.

S2 licensed
The DFP is a great wheel - it works great on PC and its much much better than the Momo. I don't think you'll be dissapointed if you get a DFP.
S2 licensed
Quote from Amynue :I saw his posts, but if all they need to do to release the patch is Scirocco, why the f*** is it not done yet?

Because its not finished yet, stop whining.

People are starting to get so rude about this - its pathetic.

Also - You clearly didn't read his posts if you think that all they need to do is release the Scirocco.
S2 licensed
I can fouch for the Ka being a good little car, we have a standard Ka, its cheap to insure, good milage, although it lacks in pulling power somewhat I guess your death Ka would be suffice for your needs.
S2 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :Forbidding people to speak about Scirocco is communism

I don't mind people discussing the Scirocco as a car - I just hate it when every post is just "Its a shame its not out yet" or "I can't belive they missed the deadline".

Or whining should be banned, at least.
S2 licensed
Quote from harjun :when is this car getting released?
I'm a bit bored of the cars now

Only Scawen knows, and if your bored with all the other cars now then I can't see one new one bringing you back to LFS with huge enthusiasm...
S2 licensed
You havn't installed your graphics card driver - which is pretty essential for running 3D stuff.

What is a racing car without a driver?
S2 licensed
Quote from rockclan :Probably something really cool

Probably not, I wish all the Scirocco threads were locked and people weren't allowed to talk about it. Would make this place a much nicer one!
S2 licensed
Yep - this server still up? I really fancy trying it out!
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :Don't arse about with the computers, they are set like that for a reason.
Contravening measures to protect the PCs would be sternly punished I imagine.

It does seem you have a valid point though, can you take it up with your Design Tutor ?
If he/she can be brought onside then you may be able to get the IT bods to alter the settings for you.

Have you tried bringing in a different mouse?

Tried a different mouse but it makes no difference.

Will ask the IT guy a bit later and see what he says.
Disabling Mouse Acceleration on College Computers
S2 licensed

At my college they have these super duper Dell XPS Pc's that run like crap on the network. Being on a computer design course, a decent mouse is quite essential for things like photoshop. The mice here are the crap standard dell ones, they're probably okay if the sensitivity isn't 3cm = 2000 pixels.

Anyway, mouse sensitivity is turned on too which makes these mice useless. Is there anyway to disable the mouse acceleration without being able to access control panel? I can't install programs either so I guess i'd have to run it from a USB stick or whatever.

Anyone heard of a thing like this?

S2 licensed
Team Name: That Bloody Northerner
LFS Username[s]: mcintyrej
In Game Name: [TBN] J.McIntyre
Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
I take it you mean you are wanting to report a driver. You can't officially report a driver unless its a serious incident that puts your accounts in risk or something.

You can report the driver to the admins of the server, if they are online at the same time or if they have a website with a report system.

Hope it helps, maybe someone from brazil could translate what I said?

edit: Damn garph and your to-the-point posts.
S2 licensed
Quote from X-Ter :Jakg, I don't know what you're problem is, and it's not my business to stick my nose in it, so I wont. But Race2Play offers good, clean racing, monitored in real time by admins, on very stable servers. Stats are kept, rankings and scoring are properly done and the site is stable. There's nothing to complain about, what so ever. Most series, regardless of sim, is free to participate in and doesn't cost you a dime. What is there to complain about?

The fact they only use the demo cars? Which leaves a pretty boring league in the same old same old cars.

I was hoping for some better racing in things like RAC, LX6, RB4, FO8.
S2 licensed
I actually laughed out loud - gold!
S2 licensed
I texted climb to 88808! Go Chris Moyles!
S2 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Oh well a FPS thread.

How many FPS do you think I'm good to get with a C2D P8400 @ 2.26Ghz, 4Gb of 800Mhz RAM (DDR2) and a 9600M GS? At 1280x800. Hopefully it will be over 100FPS will all the goodies to the max and a shitload of textures!

I wouldn't get too excited, I have a C2D @ 2.8Ghz, 8800GT, 2gb Ram, and i get aroud 80 on average with eye candy on.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Yah, there's 4 jacks in this series

Reppin' the J name y0!

Decent race for me, although there were a few moving hazards in qualy from a certain unnamed pink car, race 1 was good some good action all the way through on really cooked tires and had to go before the feature race.
S2 licensed
Quote from stickylfs :WTF i donwloaded the first that appear in page, and:

Your using an MX440 - thats a really bad graphics card compared to what you need to run LFS with a mod like the bloom mod - i reckon thats your problem.