I think maybe a phone forum would be more suitable, its more likely someone there has one and you'll get more feedback on how it works other than "It doesn't play lfs".
The 9400GT isn't really a good card anyway, even though it has 1GB of memory your not really going to use that considering the power of the card.
More RAM doesn't equal speed, despite what a lot of people think.
Also, to the Crysis FPS questions.. Crysis is a terribly optimised game. Even the first versions of Far Cry 2 ran better than Crysis, they also look much better too.
I feel so horrible for crashing out someone at the fast chicane on the back straight, as soon as I went to lap him I realised I was going to hit him and couldn't steer away and he spun.
I didn't catch who it was but I'm really sorry.
Anyone got the final standings?
Oh and by the way, awesome battle with De Souza all the way through the first half of the race, some great passes.
Another brilliant and thoughtful comment from Luke.
Your overclocking things, which means you've voided the warranty. I've never been one for overclocking graphics cards, for the 1-2 FPS increase it gets you in most games (especially LFS being CPU based) its not worth halfing the life of your card.
You may have just nacked the card up by overclocking it. Take all the bits out of your computer, get the dust out of them and rebuild it. If it still doesn't work try another graphics card to see if its the 9800 that you've broken.
You don't use FFB? Your wasting a G25 then if you don't use it. The FFB on a G25 helps you feel when a slide is coming so you can stop it before it happens.
The id Super Pack on steam is £18, for about £100 worth of games. I'm only going to get it for quake 3 mainly - are there actually any online servers still? Do people play on them? I probably won't get it if its only going to be me online by myself.
So if anyone has it and 2 minutes to check for me i'd be greatful!
Have you thought about using risers for your pedals? If you have a G25 take out the screws holding the pedals in, slot in some risers on the pedals and see if it helps. All you'll need is an alan key and if you dont want to spend much just a bunch of 5-10 washers would space the pedal out somewhat.
Ignore the trolls, its what they do best.
Also unlucky with the karting crash, I hope you get better!
A limited setup is going to be the best thing about this car, racing will be brilliant and hot lapping will also be really competitive and not about who can make the most unrealistically fast setup.
Also - all of the people who are complaining about it being delayed and that LFS isn't worth the money and that they didn't want to pay wages they wanted to pay for development, i'd love to see you in a team of three developers who pretty much dedicate their lives to this game and the community. Its their game and they do what they want with it, we only pay for a license to use the product. It said nowhere that you were buying a finished game.
You should read more before throwing your money at something rather than just complaining.
I kind of respect the fact he just stood there and ducked, despite the fact the guy could have been throwing bombs at him or something.
Or maybe he still stood there because he's stupid. Mind he'd look even more stupid if he walked out of a press conference because someone threw their shoes at him. Or would he?
What an absolutely pathetic comment. The only posts you make on this forum have less than 10 words in them and are usually pretty offensive. You couldn't be more of a troll if you tried.
Fasttrack - have you actually met her mother? If you have why not try and sit her down and talk to her about it - if not why not meet her and show her how nice of a guy you can be and she might warm up to the situation?
Rfactor only has like 3 cars in the demo? Also, have you actually played a licensed version of Rfactor? I doubt it - so you shouldn't really call it rcraptor.