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I love big oval racing.

There's just something about doing 140 with a guy 2 inches to your left and a guy 1 inch to your right.

Race was going well, I was mid pack around 9th or so, a wreck infront of me ensured that I had at least some damage on my first race. Was catching back up to the pack when the pits opened, I panicked and jumped in to repair (not possible I guess?) As I was coming out the pack JUST passed me and I ended up a lap down and in last. Bit of a stupid move but I didn't really have any idea what was going on at this point - finished a reasonably respectable 12th. Out of 12 finishers.
S2 licensed
Its Silverado time!

Did one final time trial to bump up from 3.99 SR and I'm currently installing Silverado + New Hampshire.
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :He should be fast-demoted then, to a D class?

He was already D class, can you be demoted to Rookie?
S2 licensed
So here I am batting it out with a bunch of pro's on late model, doing really well considering I've not raced it at all, I'm in a solid 4th place lapping well and I come up behind the 2 last place drivers. They're blocking and swerving everywhere - bumping into me giving me safety warnings. They blocked me so much I ended up losing a place because of it and I lost .1 SR from the race - upon checking the results I see that the guy doing all the crashing has 0.55 Safety rating. Yes you read that right - 0.55. Totally appaling if you ask me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :lol just raced there myself in the Rookie Legends I must have been in a different split.

I finished 2nd with the 2nd fastest lap, although the winner and myself got lucky when a crash took out the 1st and 2nd place runners We had 5 cars (1st - 5th) running in a convoy well cool.

Its such a cool....'Feeling' when your running inches from 3 other cars at full throttle - and because its the same turn over and over and over and over again mistakes are a lot lower than they are on a circuit, and I love beating the Americans.

NASCAR here I come.
S2 licensed ... =2110547&custid=28690

I like to think that it was my speed that let me beat Mike + Ant, but it wasn't. They crashed into each other.

S2 licensed
Quote from MattxMosh :Us old folks call that film.

They do, but when I don't have a film camera.......
S2 licensed
I'm almost C class oval, yippeeee!

Been showing the yanks how its done. Can't wait to get into the Silverado.
S2 licensed
Something very strange happened in that race.

It was spec racer, I had a really dodgy setup on where a tiny dab on the brakes at any point would swing the rear end out for some reason. I ended up getting about 8 incidents - so I was expecting maybe +0.02 SR or something like that.

Half way through the race I did probably the best iRacing drift ever. I held it for about 5-6 seconds at a really nice angle, all the way around the outside of the corner. This was by accident of course, having pulled out of it as I drive away this voice from no where says "NICE HOLD" even though there was no transmitting graphic when someone usually speaks - I ended up getting +0.50 SR to my name despite all of the other incidents.

Do you get extra rating for saving a really really really long slide, or something?

Skippy in 6 minutes.
S2 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :They will change it. My name was my dads name before they changed it :P

I think I was Julie McIntyre for a while. All the american dudes saying WELL DONE JULIE NICE JOB suddenly stopped when I became Jack.
S2 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :We are all in the same split What iRating are you?

Only 1164 on road, I'm nearly 2.1k on oval.

My race was a disaster - was in 3rd but got taken out by an idiot so ended up having to tow, still managed to get 5th from that anyway and got a nice boost of SR.
S2 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :Indeed we are

E - And Jason Lovett, and Wilko

See you boyo's there.

Edit: No I won't - none of you are in my race.
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Yesterday evening, it was in text chat. I called you spazijack but then realised that's Sedgwick

But yeah Road Atlanta is lush (© wilko) in the skippy.

Hah may have been why I didn't notice - I really like R.A although I seem to have trouble just lapping consistently - I could race the balls off someone and do 2 seconds per lap faster but I'd be going off every other turn, thats why my SR is only 1.7.

You racing this next skippy in 15?
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Oi, next time reply when we say hello to you in a practice session :|

I can't say I noticed you, when was this?! I have music on 80% of the time anyway so maybe if you were speaking I didn't hear you.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :If you meet the MPR and reach 4.0 you get fast-track promoted, rather than being above 3.0 and waiting.

Quote from obsolum :No, if you get your SR up to 4.0 you get promoted "instantly".

EDIT: beaten by a few secs

I've been waiting on 3 SR for ages.........
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Class C now. Did a perfect race at LRP to boost myself over the line. Not bad in a week. went from 3.5 to 2.5 and back to over 4.

Your up to class C, wait a second - don't you have to wait until the next month?!
S2 licensed
Quote from JO53PHS :Is there anything wrong with the IS version of this lens, out of interest? I've seen this which looks good value (assuming it actually is in good condition). It's bound to go up in price quite a bit though (£281 currently)

I'm guessing you recommended non-IS simply because it's cheaper?

Thanks for the advice, btw

If you can afford the IS version - don't get it.. Get the F/2.8 non-IS instead. You get your low light performance and a nice F/2.8 to play with. Many regard the 70-200 as a perfect portrait lens - especially the Canon L twins. You'll see more wedding photographers with this lens than you'll see without.
S2 licensed
This morning I had some fun - I taped over my LCD screen and set the stopwatch for 10 minutes and ran about the beach trying to get the best photos I could. I tried to focus on the wood texture of the groyne and the sand.

The rules of the photoshoot:

Checking your LCD is forbidden - trust your exposure.
Use an external lightmeter - I used a 50 year old manual one.
36 shutter presses maximum!
If your hardcore you have to wait 24 hours before you can look at your photos - I'm far too impatient though.
Primitive darkroom techniques only in photoshop, however I admit to doing some sharpening on these.

Its actually brilliant fun, you get some great images and I've found that my keeper rate was a lot higher than usual because I was taking much more care when taking each photo.

Here's the best 3:



S2 licensed
This is probably the cleanest race I've ever done.

Started from the pitlane due to a PC crash so was only just starting as they were past turn's 1 and 2, I fought back with massive concentration and care not to go off the road and managed to work my way up to 2nd by the end.

Great race! ... =2095063&custid=28690


No this was the best race ever: ... =2095251&custid=28690

Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Are there C class races throughout the day as well? It seems all of the series only run at night unless I am mistaken. I bloody hope so!

S2 licensed
Are there C class races throughout the day as well? It seems all of the series only run at night unless I am mistaken. I bloody hope so!
S2 licensed
Its a shame the SK and the Late Model are run at ridiculous time of the morn, I bought the SK and fell in love with it during testing and now I can't even race.
S2 licensed
Quote from Drift King CZ :Might meet ya there again

BTW sorry about one race we had, I think it was Spec Racer at Laguna.. had some connection issues... it kinda lagged on the start and then suddenly GREEN GREEN GREEN, so obviously half a grid passed me and then someone spun while I was in outside -> f*cked car. Then I was pissed and I think I bumped you a bit Jack (wasn't for a reason, just didn't pay attention correctly or smth), at least if I recall correctly. Sorry anyways.

Thinking of to get Jetta or Skip Barber or both, but probably only Skip Barber .

EDIT: Well, or I might get both . Also found out that with all those tracks needed for the rest of Skip Barber's and Jetta's season there are not many more ROAD tracks left which is useful.

And not mention I have the Dallara and Indy which are completely useless for me right now since I can't drive them :|.

Hehe I'm not sure it was me you hit - I don't think I've had an accident that wasn't my fault yet. My road rating is terrible - I'm like 1.2 safety rating, however my oval rating is almost 4 and my rating is 2.1k.
S2 licensed
Quote from R34GTR :I have the Mazda, the Falcon and Jetta car wise. As for tracks, I have Road Atlanta, Brands, Infineon and New Hampshire

I'm usually in the Solstice though, can't wait until Tuesday when it's back at Laguna. Though I will probably also running the Falcon there to work on my MPR

Laguna is one of my faves on iR so we'll get some good races going. Hit me up on MSN or whatever when you want to!
S2 licensed
Quote from R34GTR :We need to race, Jack!

We sure do! What content do you have? I'm limited to all the starter stuff + this and next week's skippy series.