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Quote from Mp3 Astra :Brandons, I find it odd that your avatar is focussing on the guy's crotch ... Unless it's a visual metaphor showing that soldiers have some serious balls?

Serious, tough, combusting balls.
S2 licensed
Got it working, its awesome!
S2 licensed
Tried to play it earlier but Steam said it was unavailable, and now I've been sucked into a 3 hour WOW raid. Looks like I'll just have to stay up till 2am playing BC!
S2 licensed
Quote from Stigpt :Sorry, but I couldnt take seriously any game that boast "superior balistic model" and the bullets when shot bring their casing along for the ride....

I don't see the casings there, just the compression mark around the edge of the round where the casing had been pressed on. Pretty detailed texturing although the line is far too dark - I see why you can think that the cases are still on.
S2 licensed
I spent the past 3 days preparing things, crafting little gifts and suprises, frantically tidying the house for our big day in together.

She didn't turn up.

S2 licensed
Tried a lower resolution? Might be the source of your problems.
S2 licensed
Preordered this morning and played around an hour, the sound quality is unbelievable! Graphics and gameplay aren't too shabby either.

So far its a brilliant game, I loved BF2 and still played it up until yesterday when it broke (black screen then crash on launch, just installed 1.5 - if anyone knows whats the problem i'd appreciate the help!)

Will be good to play with some people I know later on.
S2 licensed
Definately gonna have to try and get the original WA working and play it all day, such a good game!
S2 licensed
I think if the title was "Oddest Racer using LFS" I'd be in with a shot!
S2 licensed
Pictures, videos, writing, poems, dances..... Gather as much stuff as you can to show how much of a death trap your living in and take the bastards to court. I'm sure it would be easy pickings for any soliciter once you show them the case.
S2 licensed
Technically not a pic, but both beautiful looking and sounding cars. I never realised the F50 sounded so good!

edit: This too!
Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Tell her to get out and get your mate back, bro's before ho's! Plenty more girls out there, but not as many best mates.
S2 licensed
Quote from simulation :Definatly A ...because the the amount of force needed to tear off a sh*t ticket (while not producing any rotational forces) is less. ...Yes i'm aware that contradicts itself :P

I do rather A....not sure why though??....maybe it's a psycological thing ??

"sh*t ticket" LOL!

Yes it requires less force, but means you can't do the cool guy thing and pull it really hard to unroll a huge length, screw that up and then experience maximum comfort.

Why am I talking about pooing on the internet.......
S2 licensed
I've been studying Ansel Adams for my A level dissitation and I must say, one of the best photographers I've ever seen.
S2 licensed
Love the top 3 but the bottom one seems to still look to "digital". Can't put my finger on why though.
S2 licensed
The crap printers at my college easily handle ~600mb files so if you find a specialist printing place you'll be fine.
S2 licensed

S2 licensed
Hmm well the thing is my parents can't afford to pay for anything unlike 90% of my friends and who all get put on parents insurance..etc It would cost near £2000 to be put on their insurance, which is something they just can't afford and most likely will never be able to afford.

(pisses me off that the pig thick people at college get brand new 10k cars and then crash them a month later and their parents dont even care, when I get straight A's and don't get a thing)

Rant aside, my dad said any time I want we can go out to an empty carpark and have a drive around.

And whoever said they had 200-250 hours before getting their license, that's about £5000 worth of lessons......
S2 licensed
On an unrelated note, I've got enough money for 10 driving lessons. My mum passed her test back in the day after 12 lessons, is it realistic with modern regulations to hope to be able to pass after 10 hours? I've driven my dads old peugeot around a carpark and it was pretty easy, as well as karting..etc.
S2 licensed
Get over it, its a game.
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :

Don't worry I laughed

She had uh........ "shower" hair
S2 licensed
Steelseries Kinzu - From a Gamers Perspective
S2 licensed
Just a review I wrote for another gaming forum, if you don't play CSS or games like it you might not understand what I'm talking about half of the time, but I thought I'd share this here since there are still quite a few FPS people about.

Quote :Steelseries Kinzu - From a gamer's perspective.

NOTE: this test was done using a low sensitivity, results may differ using a high sens.

On paper the Kinzu is an almost perfect mouse, aside from the lack of side buttons. Good CPI settings, 1000hz as standard and a really attractive, comfy shape. I was really pleased with the Kinzu when it arrived, until I plugged it in. In windows its fine, the mouse works without the drivers installed but when you use it like this, frequent disconnects are common. I installed the drivers and was still relatively happy with how the mouse was working.

At the perfect time someone asked me to mix, so I took it as an opportunity to give this mouse a keen test and see how it performs in game. I was expecting performance similar to the MX518, however I got no where near this.

After sorting out my sensitivity I tested the accleration, upon moving the mouse slowly (2-3 inches per second) it works well, quite accurate and smooth. Moving it at a medium pace (around 8 ips) there's a whole load of positive acceleration. I checked the drivers and I'd indeed unticked the acceleration - so this was coming from the sensor. Then to my great surprise, moving the mouse fast, but not unrealistically fast like some testers seem to do - It totally skipped! no tracking at all.

I found myself wanting the game to end so I could take this mouse off and never use it again, the inconsistency meant I couldn't aim with any real trust that the bullets will go where I want them to, pushing onto bombsites I didn't trust the mouse that if someone was behind a wall next to me I wouldn't be able to turn around fast enough before the innevitable happens. It felt like for the entire game no matter where I was looking or how fast I was moving around, I was on the edge of the mouse not even tracking at all which really made it alkward to play with.

Upon leaving the game I instantly uninstalled the drivers and put the mouse back in box, I'm intending to get a refund - if they'll accept one.

Sensitivity used while testing:
1 in game

(I also tried other sensitivity combinations and polling rate changes, no sensitivity made this mouse better, its always shit.)


Build quality: 8/10
Desktop Usability: 8/10
Gaming usability: 2/10
Sensor: 3/10

Overall: 4.5/10

tldr; don't buy

S2 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Yes it does. Obviously you're sexually attracted to someone if you're having sex with them. (Unless you're a pornstar, then you're just trying to make money) It's definitely a kind of love. There are many different kinds of love. It is possible to love more then one person, obviously. Humans are just greedy though and want to be the only person loved by their significant other.

I think jealous would be a more accurate word than "weird." Don't feel different though, most of society feels the same way as you. I truly don't understand the notion of feeling "weird" just because someone loves the same person I do. What if they loved her before you did? Do you still feel the same way?

I don't think Jealous fits to waht I'm thinking in my head. If I'm just in love with the girl and nothing else then it wouldn't be so bad, but if i'm in a physical relationship with her and she's "openly" seeing another man in the same way, that's just wrong.

"Open Relationship" is just a kinder way to say **** buddies.