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S2 licensed
A 2 hour session @:

S2 licensed
Dodge this!
S2 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :This is a joke, right?


Quote from TehPaws3D :Say Whhhhaa- If you're talking about regular house hold names, Turtle Beach, Then Skull Candy, Then Logitech, Then this "Steel Series"

Out of all my time playing Counter Strike Source I never ever heard anyone, Ever say Steelseries. Care to enlighten me? Is this the brand used at public lan events?

You'd be hard pushed to find any serious european gamers wearing Turtle beach or skull candy.

Its Razer, Roccat, Steelseries, Sennheiser over here.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :more for hardcore shooter gamers I suppose? Never had visual problem with racing sims, not like you have to pick out braking points from 5 pixel wide objects.

btw this one from their site is pretty cool...although I am not into MMOs.

Steelseries do make a few genuinely amazing bits of gear, the headset I (and about 50% of professional CSS players) use is from Steelseries, some of their latest mice are alright as well but mainly they just sponsor the best teams in the world and the make them wear and use rediculous things to make them sell.
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Not really "ha ha" funny, but meh.

Would actually be quite useful inside a survival bunker!
Wheel..Check, Pedals..Check, Glasses?
S2 licensed
THAT'S RIGHT folkes, another item to add to your list of must have racing accessories.

S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Love :lovies3d:
S2 licensed
Just did about 8 laps on Mazda/Road America - managed a 1.14.604, that's on the bend config, though. Trying some on the full course now!
S2 licensed
Quote from StableX :Awesome mate. Good luck with that. The Mazda is really popular and has a lot of great people that race it. I'll be there next season too!

Great stuff, you'll be able to watch me beat everyone! (as in, beating them to be the first one who crashes every time)
S2 licensed
Can you both shut up

S2 licensed


S2 licensed
Took the plunge and bought both the Mazda and the Falcon, luckily I love both of them! Managed to get a couple tracks for the two seasons as well so I can always have at least one C class road event to drive every week. Roll on season 4!
S2 licensed
Quote from TehPaws3D :I don't know, But it makes me want to say a internet one liner every time I view a page or two in this thread...

Oh screw it, Just coming out with it.

hopelessmenontheinternettalkingaboutwomentheywant lololol.

I feel bad for you but at the same time, I could laugh for hours at this thread.. I wish I knew what emotion that was.

You have essentially summed up the topic in hand yes, congratulations.
S2 licensed
FFFUUUU change the thread title! I keep getting excited when I see it.
S2 licensed
Thanks for all the help! I'm all signed up and going again. Now just to decide what to race, Looking at the S.4 schedule its going to cost about £60 for the full V8 Falcon series, and around £90 for the Star Mazda.. Would help so much if you could try out a car before you buy it! I'm tempted to go for the V8 series as I'd much prefer that type of car but, what if I hate the way it handles.
S2 licensed
Anyone got any promotional/refferal codes? Has to be available for a reactivating account.

Going to take the plunge and start Racing (i) again.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Kinda abandoned the server on the wrong layout since no one was on, will fix it.
S2 licensed

Last edited by mcintyrej, .
McIntyre's Time Trials!
S2 licensed
Good evening,

Just dropping a shameless plug into my server, Its main use is the Hotlap Night's (more info on that in the other thread in the next few days) but I thought rather than have an empty server sitting around I'd put it to some use.

I'm going to rotate a few autocross timed layouts on it, so please jump on and set a few times! The layouts are usually quite short + fast paced - I try to keep them quite flowing and adrenaline filled.

Anyway, enough drivel - Join and see for yourself!

McIntyre's Time Trials!
S2 licensed
Maaaan I used to love the original RPG but then 20 different copies all sprung up because everyone wanted to be the admin with all of the money..etc (Kinda like the cruise servers of LFS)

Mainly did it as an art though, rather than a game.

S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :
That's sad to hear mate.. no way you can get her now, she just want to be friends? I hate it when that happens.. been there done that several times but hurts as much each time..

Yeah she does still want to be friends, but its just going to be mega awkward whenever I see her, oh well - at least I have my hillclimb layouts to hug.
S2 licensed
No copying other logo's.
Respect other's and their logo
Don't copy and fake showoff with other people stuff.

But, one of your "logo's" even has the brush description and link on it...

And you didn't make the DMX Logo