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S2 licensed
Quote from Franky.S :not a nice feeling that.

Pretty sucky! It's like... She's the "one" as well. Well at least I think she is.
S2 licensed
Spent the morning on this, went a bit OCD on some of the details, but I'm pretty pleased with the result! Click the picture for 720p HD!

Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But what the fuuuck?
Ok I guess then, 30?

It was nice knowing you mate.

In other news - after a splendid day out yesterday exchanging gazes and 'moments' the love of my life has taken a slight U-turn and has decided she see's me as nothing but a friend.


Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Seb66 :/troll on

You mean cruising, not exploring.. right?

Yep, exploring the features of the server-side insim.
S2 licensed
Quote from A M R :yes i was a cop. probably the best cop there was

is anyone else still playing? what happened to raz and the rest of the crew?

No idea, not really been on since it changed from Fern Bay to be honest! It'll never be the same.
Wanted: G25 Wheel Adapter
S2 licensed

Just wondering if anyone in the UK has a G25 wheel adapter plate for sale - Just the standard 70mm PCD, I've seen the Chilicoke ones although I'm guessing shipping from America would take years and I'm an impatient little bugger.

S2 licensed
Quote from A M R :for some reason i just thought id check up on lfs today to see if there were any developments. sadly, no. so then i came on here and saw this thread. god its been a long time since i last played. sounds like a LOT has changed.

mcintyrej do you remember me from CC?

I do recognise your name yeah, you were a fellow Cop IIRC?
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Then you know what you need:

We are both quite into music, she's actually in a band (be it of the brass variety) and have exchanged harmonised verse on many occasion. Doesn't seem to work.
S2 licensed
This could really end up much worse than it already is.

Back on track:

My chances of getting that girl have dropped to those of scirocco release.
S2 licensed
Quote from Highsider9 :The new Scirocco Diesel. Berlin to Warsaw in one Tank.

I fear very few popple will get this.

I get it, remember it from Top Gear!

My attempt:

THE NEW Scirocco Diesel.......

(jeremy clarkson inspired)
S2 licensed
Quote from EeekiE :I'm actually trying to be serious now, not trolling anymore.

But a huge wang that doesn't get any bigger when its got a chuffy on, it still bigger than a small wang that got bigger when erect. So I don't get the point.

But either way, the joke's over now.

Don't want to turn this thread in to willy jokes, no matter HOW awesome they are. Not my thread.

/starts willy jokes thread

I'll meat you there.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :Why?

Usually whenever someone mentions both drifting and touge in the same post single opinionated people scream RACING SIMULATOR..etc at them.
S2 licensed
An unfortunate flame cloud is blowing your way my friend.

Try looking for some drifting specific forums, search engine "LFS drifting" and the likes, there are quite a few drifting communities out there and I'm sure they have competitions + leagues.
S2 licensed
Quote from EeekiE :For me it usually goes something like:

"Oh god here we go again, WHY CAN'T I JUST HAVE A DRINK IN PEACE!!!!! Sorry... I'm already dating someone else."

The trick is to say it loud, so that any other women in the area hear it too. This usually makes the queue dissipate back in to the crowd.

Then I end up feeling guilty, and bad for the rest of the night, and have all kinds of things running through my head, like:

Maybe I should wash less often, maybe I shouldn't wear tight fitting trousers and wear something with a little room in the penis area. Maybe I should stop going to the gym. Maybe I should ditch my 32GB iPhone 4 for a Samsung or something...

It makes me feel so bad

Its hard aint it.
S2 licensed
Thanks everyone for a great night! Turnout was good and apart from a few minor mishaps and some quite slow admin work from me - we had about 3 good hours of wizzing around bumping into each other.

Some combo's we did:


Will probably do the same next week, see what timing is like.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rikje :Do jacks use a different way to see what time it is?

I'm a bit slow tonight.

PM's all sent!
S2 licensed
All added, PM's going out in about 5 minutes
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :So what is the start time in UTC?

18:00 UTC / 19:00 British time, have added it to first post.
S2 licensed
Quote from manneF1 :maybe, depends if you mean 6/7 BST or UTC and how long it would appro take?

Depends on how many tracks we'd do - tonight won't count for anything other than a test to see if its fun, so as long as you can stay for at least 30-40 minutes that would be fine.

Quote from Seb66 :Doesn't CoRe have a server?

Probably, I've just come back from a massive spree of inactiveness though so I thought it might be a bit rude to come in all guns blazing demanding servers.
Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Fast Jarda


How genious! Added him.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Me and my teammate Fast Jarda want to be in!

His username? I'm adding them all on the list so I can do a mass PM with server details.
Hotlap night - idea + pilot!
S2 licensed

Long time no skid, had a browse around the forums and a couple of nights racing to get back into LFS but it all seems a bit same old, while I was out being a man lifting weights today I thought of a nice little idea we could try tonight to see if we can bring a bit of variety back into LFS.

In its basics, the idea is called "Hotlap Night". We could have 2-3 of these per week if we really wanted. Here's the setup of the night:

6/7 pm Start:
1. A random track+car combo is generated
2. 10 minutes is spent on said combo with qualifying mode - the fastest times all earn points towards a little league table + then we move onto the next combo.
3. Repeat x times
4. Tot up the points + congratulate some aliens!

Hopefully we can get it popular and have a lot of top drivers wizzing around after each other - if it seems like a good idea to everyone and the first few nights go well then it would be nice for someone to get up an automated server that does all of this by itself, that we can leave online as a public server + private it on our league nights.

Anyone like the sound of it? I'd love to give it a go tonight if there is enough interest / someone to donate us a server..

Potential Grid for Tonight:

Starting @ 1800 UTC / 1900 British time

1. mcintyrej
2. JackDaMaster
3. aroX123
4. mr_x (maybe)
5. rikje
6. Flame_CZE
7. Fast Jarda
8. Seb66
9. VTiRacing
10. Karolis[Lt]
11. jrd.racer
12. IsaacPrice
13. Denny12


Posted in General to get as many views as possible for tonight - can move to leagues if really needed!

Server is sorted!
Last edited by mcintyrej, .
S2 licensed
Quote from narkoze :Im the only one waiting more for the new smoke texture than new physics?

S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :We're just teasing Jack, don't worry. I wish I looked like someone famous, ride it for something

It is quite good in some aspects, but why couldn't it have been Tom Cruise...
S2 licensed
I wish I never mentioned it now...