Well he wouldn't really need to say I don't think - this is a far-fetched guess but possibly the XRR rear wing is different because of the XRT skin? I've not checked but maybe the little XRT wing is mapped the same, and he wanted the evolution from XRT > XRR to be consistant.
Anyway, I don't think its really a bug - but I can see what you mean and how it sounds like one.
You've misunderstood what he said - he doesn't want to see the player above LFS he's saying that whenever he plays LFS in full screen the player is over the top of LFS - I think.
@BOSCHO - It might be a "feature" on the player? Check through the menus and options to see if there are any "Always on top" tabs that are turned on.
@UnknownMaster21 - I'm guessing that this isn't really a bug - its just down to the way the skin is mapped onto the car. When you make a 3d Model and apply a texture, you need to tell the model where each bit of the jpeg file goes onto the skin - This is called mapping - Scawen probably mapped the FZR and FXR in the same way, but just did the XRR differently.
So its not really a bug in the meaning of the word.
Don't take my definition of "mapping" to be true, I'm relatively net to 3d stuff but this is the way I see it working - or at least the way I've done it myself.
Find an original song that no one has used before - also I don't think the pace of the movie clips really fit that song - they're slowed down and that's a quite fast song.
Problem today for me - I'm not using Z13 though I'm still on Z10.
I was driving around using mouse & keyboard, and I hit the sound reinitialisation key by accident. Now this was when I was at high revs in the BF1 - I think this is crucial to what happened next.
Straight after that the sounds went really high pitched. After a while of beeping the horn in the tin tops I realised that it was playing all of the sounds inside LFS sped up - as you'll see from the video when I use my Ghost busters horn, that's normally perfectly in time and in tune.
LFS Username : mcintyrej
Real Name : Jack McIntyre
Team : CoRe Racing
Eligible (Hotlap of AS6 in under 2:50.18) : 2.48.42 (not HLVC, but I did this with mouse at 11:30pm - I can do it again tomorrow if you want)
Preferred Number : 537 - if not available i'll take anything.
Its just a little blower that lifts the dust off the surface of your sensor. That spot does look quite like a large dust spot - although I've never really seen a blurry one. The blower's are only £10 or less - so even if that doesn't fix it then you've got one for the future.
Length - 93 seconds
Resolution - 1280 x 720 (HD 720p)
Frames Per Second - 59.94 (Double-NTSC)
Codec - WMV 8000kb bitrate, also encoded into X264 MPEG.
Time taken - 55 minutes for filming & editing.
Render time - 45 minutes for uncompressed AVI, 50 for WMV