Not having a go or trying to offend anyone but N.Lamothe clearly isn't in full control of his car.
Having blocked and crashed into people all the way through the practice session he blocked and ruined J.Sedgwick's final fast lap in official Qualy #1.
Just my thoughts, I'm sure someone else must agree with me but doesn't want to say it - I think I'm fed up of being nice to people after 16 years.
Not really, if I were him I'd want to prove to the rest of the forum that I could make a very high quality product, should anyone else think of buying one.
I have some webspace you could use but it depends on how big the file is - I only have 3gb of bandwidth so the file would have to be pretty small, or you'd have to limit the number of downloads.
EDIT: Just actually read what you need right now and my webspace will work for the 1gb or so file you need, as long as its only downloaded once from there.
On a game, its not really now is it. In real life I could understand, but looking at a series of moving images the sense of speed isn't really exciting.
Just because he has those things doesn't mean he built it for LFS. There are other games out, Rfactor, GTR, GTR2, GPL, GTL - lots of games he could have made it for.
Oh another question - do you have a server? And I don't mean a crap one, 100tick - 500/1000fps - good location..etc. No point playing on a 33 tick server from Africa.
Technically, yes - but as the demo is there to sell a product, I can see complications. Also - why would they put any and every car in the free game? At the end of the day they use that as a demonstration, of what the game is like - its not a demonstration if its better than the full thing!
Good races, my first race was horrible - the whole first lap was full of driver after driver doing stupid passes and hanging me out on the grass or the slow side of the track, I lost a lot of places - can't remember how many exactly I'll have to watch the broadcast.
Maybe I'll see if I can switch to FXO, I fancy a chance of winning a race. fxo drivers wont be happy about that comment.