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S2 licensed
Just do it. If I ever have trouble concentrating, I just stop thinking about trying to concentrate and I just do the work. The worst thing to do is put it down and try and pick it back up later, that makes it even worse.
S2 licensed
This was the idea I had a long time ago before I made mine out of an old shifter.

Labels just incase you can't read them:

Metal Pole
Flip all 180 degrees (upside down)
Part to trap pole
S2 licensed
Nice job, is the kart wheel lighter? Or heavier? And does this have an impact on the FF strength/speed?
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Oh come on lol, it's one simple "o" , damn english langauge, DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!

The simple 'O' is a huge letter in english, for example - If you remove the O from count, you get a much nicer word.
S2 licensed
Did you know that Lamborghini being a tractor manufacturer is quite well known?
S2 licensed
LFS Username: mcintyrej
Preferred Number: 37
Real Name: Jack McIntyre

S2 licensed
My first proper public skin, took quite a long time and there are some small little details that aren't 100% perfect, but I'm happy with it.

S2 licensed
Quote from el pibe :okay , there is this SR dude named turkey that banned me from the server because i '' wrecked '' him in T1 at S06R.

i think that he dosen't know that with the XRG i had to drift T1 and therefore i was slower than him out of the corner. and because i was slower out of T1, i allways got hit from behind and fly towards him.

i dont have the replays to prove my point. but still, it isnt a reason to ban me

Its not a hidden rule that you have to drift the XRG. Maybe brake a little earlier, control the throttle more?
S2 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Thanks for reply, i tried 360 degrees before posting, it was too hard well not really but i wasnt too good, i tried 270 and im good at it

See, once you get good at 270 move up to 360 and just try and spin the wheel faster. When you get up to 720 or higher you'll have developed your own techniques of spinning the wheel around fast.
S2 licensed
People use what they are comfortable with. Use the search function and find out how to setup your DFP for LFS and beyond that its down to personal preference, start with a small rotation like 270, then work up to higher numbers like 540, even 720 or 900 if you get good.

There isn't really a "winning" setup. I attached some drift setups for you to try, too. These are both downloadable along with lots more from the 3id Setupgrid.
S2 licensed
Perhaps post a printscreen of said newsletter? For some reason it sounds like a plot to get more people signed up to the 4Players Newsletter service.
S2 licensed
To be honest, If Scawen, Geraldine, Eric and Victor are sat on a beach in Hawaii sipping champagne, bloody good on 'em! At the end of the day they created a business and if they have made lots of money from it then their business has succeeded.

I'd love to see a developer's comment on this.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 : ... /b/b3/Hurricane_Elena.jpg

Some asked what the 'coriolis effect' is, and Wikipedia gave me this answer

The coriolis effect is the spinning of the earth isn't it? I've heard it used in sniper terms where a shot would be so long that they had to take the earth's spin into factor, as in the earth would have literally rotated around the bullet as it was in flight.
S2 licensed
Quote from pacesetter :We've come down in numbers today, Klaidas Gasiunas has left for XFusion Development Team, and JackMc Intyre has now left and is racing with Jack Sedgewick. We wish both good luck in the future.

Thanks James, Has been great to drive in your team and your all top people! Good luck to you too.
S2 licensed
Quote from [DUcK] ::inq:

I was waiting for this one to appear.
S2 licensed
It seems this track attracts lots of buggers (bug users).

The XRG world record is .3 seconds faster than the 2nd place, most likely due to a huge wall hit in the same place. ... mcintyrej_SO2R_XRG_104110

I've only just started lapping this so my time isn't great, but these bug abusers should be wiped from the scoreboards, to be honest.
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :this would be SWEEEEEEEEEEEET for patch Z!!!!!!! please, its more important that the scirocco now...

We're already on patch Z and no, its not.

You can't make interiors like that, especially for a demo user who doesn't have access to the XRT.
S2 licensed
Quote from Danny LFS :Just a question about tweak: Do I have to have an S2 license to use tweak, or can I use with the lower (S1) license?

PS: It's because:

1) I don't want to create a new thread about this.
2) I am already getting money to buy a license.

If you pay £12 for S1, your basically paying £12 for Tweak. If you pay £24 for S2, you get hundreds of online servers, great racing, drifting, cruising action and the ability to use tweak and other mods.
S2 licensed
Quote from shaun463 :Where is the guy going to live?

I'm sure if fire was raging towards my house I'd rather have it knocked down to prevent other people's houses being burnt. Insurance would take care of the rest.
S2 licensed
Try going faster through the first chicane. I've hotlapped that combo a lot and you can take the chicane full throttle if you turn in at the right point.
S2 licensed
I agree with Turkey saying that the FOX server has calmed down a bit, I was on last night and for the most part it was great clean racing. I also think the GTi server will calm down, once all the nubs go back to their cruise and drag servers! (I'm not saying that all cruisers and draggers are crap by the way.)
S2 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I don't bump and I'm a double champion

Have you ever been karting at Teesside? I was there once and there were two people on mega fast karts, one with hair resembling what I remember is yours. Bit of a random chance, though!
S2 licensed
Quote from FaFaDOD :over 35 fps its smooth and lag less you shouldnt be able to see the differences i tried :3 i'v 10 to each eyes btw but i'm a bit stupid too but that doesnt matter try it yourself ^^

I've played competitive FPS (first person shooter) games for a long time, and I can reliably say that 60FPS is much much much easier to play at than 35.

I didn't get any FPS drop installing this patch, either.
S2 licensed
Quote from FaFaDOD :any way turn the vertical sync and your game gonna be way smooth and its locked at 75 fps .. between 75 fps and 1000 fps you shouldnt notice a difference you tv is at 29.97 fps when i play a game over 35 fps i'm fine so dont worry

TV programs are broadcasted at 29.97 FPS in NTSC regions, around 25 in PAL. Although your TV can probably show much more than that. If you don't notice a difference from 35 FPS upwards then you either have something wrong with your screen or your eyes are a little broken.