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My order!
S2 licensed
Of course its still on, why should we assume otherwise? Developing a game takes time, just be patient.
S2 licensed
Quote from Toddshooter :Chris anyones pic rocks beside your avatar Jack how long ago was that pic taken? I thought you were much older than that.

That was start of September, I am nearly 17 but I don't think I've changed much since.
S2 licensed
All your gang thoughts are true - I was actually caught totally randomly with a camera in my face and my only known reaction was to put my thumbs up and do a dodgy smile.

Also I do look too young to be in college, and I'm not a chav.
S2 licensed
Went out yesterday to a place called Monk Farm, about 20 miles away from York. They have loads of animals such as deer, cows, alpacas, wallaby's, baby goats+lambs and pigs that seemed to be as large as small horses.

Good day out, once you get past the kids play area (that was packed) you'll be pretty much on your own to look at the animals in peace - I was amazed at how many little people were in awe of the wallaby enclosure. We sat and watched this Wallaby on the ground for about 30 minutes, with its stomach moving around and then all off a sudden out of the blue a baby's head popped out from the mothers pouch - I think we got to see a pretty rare sight.

Anyway, enough of the review - here's some photo's. Although I'd like to say that it was quite late in the day and the way the place was built the sun always seemed to be behind what I was taking pictures of - bugger.

Please please please click on the full view links, the quality is much better. If you are new to deviantart - just click on the picture if its small - it enlarges it to proper size.
S2 licensed
Video is a little length but as a technical demonstration of your skill - I don't think anyone can fault it! Nice looking HD to watch it in too, at least you were bothered about quality too.

Good job.
S2 licensed
As I've said many times over MSN, brilliant work mate! I'm excited to see what Arias has.
S2 licensed
Great find, Ebay is amazing for cheap film cameras.
S2 licensed
A quick test of the motion blur technique Lynce told me about - works much better than my old method! Cheers man.
S2 licensed
I feel dirty posting in a thread with such fast people. I honestly don't get how you just pick a combo, do 20 minutes on it and beat the World Record.

I bow down to you all.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :Lol! You watched Jason Manford on Live at the Apollo too!

That scouser impersonation had me in tears... What ya doin over ere in liverpooooiiiii....iiioooooolll

So I asked this man and he said.......................................... 'Cos thats a word in Liverpool!

I think Jason Manford is the best man ever.

I'm not spamming, trust me!

A hideous picture of me from our College trip to York - about a week after we started in September. Anyone who lives in/been to York know which chippy that is?
S2 licensed
There have been so many posts regarding a GTR Scirocco, I suggest you either use the search function or head over to the Scirocco discussion thread also in General LFS Discussion.
S2 licensed
LMAO I was like 7 years old and was obsessed with the teams that won - hence the Man U shirt.

I don't even follow football anymore.
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Oh owch Stupid wind.

And on a related ish note.

Physics Rule 1: Dont Piss Into Wind

In the same way, don't spit while riding a pedal bike as fast as you can.
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :kinda' smelly for demo racer's first post, who joined not a long ago.....

Edit: and who got 0 km in LFSW stats, too...............

What difference does that make? All you ever do is whine at demo users on here.

He posted a some info and a link to the beta - calm down!
S2 licensed

I was a stunner back in the day, chicks would come running. This is me hugging Pamela Anderson, although my mum wasn't the best photographer and cut her off.
S2 licensed
Nice job getting all this setup - great addition to an already popular server, its gonna be heaving!
S2 licensed
Unlucky man, glad you and your family is okay though - that's the main thing.
S2 licensed
Good, pointless fun - I like!
S2 licensed
You should log in to your friends account and post on that, to avoid the wave of "CrAcKeR!!!1" posts from trolls.

The latest version of LFSTweak can't do anything but change whatever you see on the box, its only the older versions that can do wheel size..etc.

Maybe in a future update it will work, but for now there's no way of doing what your asking.
S2 licensed
S2 licensed

Sent you a PM!
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Can't speak for myself obviously but apparently the "Fleshlights" as they are called are very good... :o

But then again, people that play WOW would need a fake one. They don't understand the concept of Women.

*awaits flaming*

I'm hopeless at woman and wow! I think its one of lerts' paradox.
S2 licensed
Quote from ponczak :ok, but if we won't get new patch in this month, you'll eat your shoes. what do you think about this bet?
(no offence, just joking)

In reply to the link in your signature - you say no other sim has the same developer-customer relationship?

Yeah well find me another sim that is made completely from scratch by three people, devoting their lives to keeping us happy.

Maybe you lot should be a little more thankful for what they've made so far.

If Scawen is taking his time, it means he's doing a proper job. Not just some silly bodge 'here you go now shut up' job. He clearly doesn't care about all you whining, so doing it does nothing but annoy the sane minded people around here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :I haven't checked the replay, but using wallriding to gain an advantage is cheating in my book...

It is cheating but I was thinking on more of the large scale, the other 21 of his world records can't all be done using the same wall glitch - he's still a bloody fast racer!