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Couple of portrait shots. I wish I'd saved the replays from earlier, me and Spanky were having fun down Kaido and on that rally circuit in some old classics.
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XBL - CarbonCX

Forza 3! :munching_
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Just an eye-candy shot to show how good this game looks. Its stunning!

I'm going on now, I've made my long track drifter (R33, RWD) and I'm gonna make a light one for twisty tracks & downhill, probably an RX7 or something along the lines.

Gamertag: CarbonCX
S2 licensed
Quote from kamkorPL :My first vid in fm3. S14 - stock, lightly tuned, and mid/lightly tuned. Should be working in HD later.

Video exporting feature is really great. The only minus is the fact that it takes long to upload clips from game to with my bandwidth.

No video effects/filters added. All in-game footage.

Great driving mate, nice to see the transition (pardon the pun) between LFS skill and FM3 skill.

Are you using a wheel?
S2 licensed
Three shots from today:

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Had my first couple of runs down Fujimi Kaido in a Trueno and I only have good words to say.
S2 licensed
Just got in from town with FM3 going on now, gamertag is "CarbonCX"
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Quote from Klutch :But it IS the internet.

Yeah, but not every site has to be the same. The majority of this forum is mature, although it may not seem like it at times.
S2 licensed
Gonna pop out later and try and pick this up, if they have it in stock anywhere!

Gamertag is "CarbonCX" for anyone that wants to add me.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :You post up a picture. ON THE ****ING INTERNET. And don't expect bad replies?

Are you dense or just ****ing stupid?

Bloodplay does not mean blood drinking.

This isn't 4chan mate...
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :You posted a picture up of your girlfriend and only expect good responses?
Obviously people will have different tastes, and i think shes fugly as all ****.

hardly a troll.

He posted up a picture of his girlfriend and didnt expect to be judged?
I'm obviously going to say whatever i want on the matter.

This isn't a fricken competition to see who's got the best girlfriend, I don't know where you got the idea that this thread is for getting "responses" over our loved ones...
S2 licensed
Quote from gacek1 :i dont care what you say, she is my gf and i love her
she is 16 and even if she looks young i dont care about it..

Good on you mate, ignore the trolls.
S2 licensed
She only looks young if your trying to make her look young.

TBH I hate people who say stuff like "You look 12". Especially the ones at college who as me how old I am. If they used their brain for 2 seconds they could figure out I'm at least 16 SINCE I'M AT COLLEGE.
S2 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :Now I think it's the red one It's a but confusing because noone has never seen this happening. But here is a demonstration of my opinion.

Here is a natural situation being happened on Earth. If you pull the string, it will tighten. The gravity is always directioned downwards, into the centre of the Earth.

When you would "zoom out" until you'll see entire globe and longhten the string around the Earth, the force would still be directioned downwards, to the centre of the Earth. Here is the red one animated (the bottom part should be floating too). Everywhere you "zoomed in" on the string (like in the first natural pic), the forces would be two oriented to the left and right (pulling), and one downwards (to the globe centre).

And here is the blue one. First, I imagined it as a ball (as some other people did). If you pulled the string, nothing would happen because of the gravity oriented downwards and because of friction of the ball/string. This is a solution which can be realised on Earth, but actually, the object is the Earth itself, so you shouldn't compare it to a ball or something placed on Earth and being pulled down by the gravity.

Just my opinion, nothing else.

I underlined the key word in bold italic underlined red. Sure you can pull a string like that when the points you are pulling apart are prefectly across from each other - but when you introduce a loop in the string, to pull the string tight - you NEED to decrease the size of the loop. Hence why the string tightens and wraps around the earth.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :If you pull a string taught it will automatically go into the shortest possible length.

That is why, if you pull it between two people, it is a dead straight line.

If you wrap it round an object (ignoring gravity for a second), then it will take the shortest path - that will be touching the object.

Imagine it on a smaller scale with a football - would you expect string to float?

This thread concerns me greatly.

We think alike. My friends wont grasp the concept that to pull the string tight, it would need a point of contact for it to be pulled tight against. But they just say "No you dont you can just pull it tight anyway"
S2 licensed
Quote from boothy :Shooting a rally as in signed-on media rally or just shooting from the public areas making a few bob?

I'd say the 1Dmk3 might be overkill, either the 40/50D would be more than enough of an improvement over the 350D.

If you need the extra zoom get something 300 based, even a fixed focal length (mmm Canon 300mm 2.8 L ). If not get a 2.8 as it will be useful in November Though it does all depend on your budget, as it will eat into your profit.

Well its not a major rally, my dad's in the local motor club and one of the people planning the event asked if I could do it, havn't found out the minor specifics yet.

Renting the Canon 300mm F/2.8 prime would be £76 for the whole weekend or £50 for the day. However the Sigma equivilant with the same focal length and aperture, is only £53 for the weekend and £35 for the day.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Is it special levitating string or normal string?

Normal string
S2 licensed
I'm shooting a rally in November and I've got a dilema.

I currently have a 350d and a 70-200L F/4, I could shoot the rally with this and get quite satisfactory pictures at no extra cost.

Or, I could rent either a higher end camera (50D or maybe even a 1Dmark3) or a really good lens like a Sigma 120-300 F/2.8.

The pictures are going to be sold so the better the pictures, the more chance I'm gonna have of selling more.

Advice please!
String around the earth
S2 licensed

I had this debate with my college friends today and it was pretty much half of the group vs the other half. Here's the theory:

If you had a peice of string long enough to circle the globe - Disregarding mountains and terrain changes (ie. a totally perfect sphere) - if you pulled this string tight, would it circle the earth without touching the floor? See diagram:

The red string is the theory that the other people have, and the blue string is what I think would happen.

Discuss, red vs blue.
S2 licensed
Really lucky, The architect who designed a train platform that is angled downwards towards the rails should be given 40 lashes!
S2 licensed
To be brutally honest, lightroom is pants!

I tried it out for a while and it was just an arse to setup to my liking, and I couldn't really get as good results as I could from the good old photoshop.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Yes.

As you are UK I guess you drive on the right of your car, so you would probably set set 0 right monitors and 1 left monitor.

Set "monitor angle" to be the true angle that the second monitor is set relative to the first monitor (e.g. 30 degrees).

You can also use an offset to improve the view, as you can see in the attached photo.

Looks brilliant! Thanks for the in depth reply.
S2 licensed
Having not tried it this may be a silly question, but....

If I have two screens, one in the center and one to the left, is there support to keep the center screen as it is normally in LFS, and then for the left screen to just carry on the view on that side? Like a 3 monitor setup but with no right monitor...
S2 licensed
So you guys are saying if S3 got released with 30 real world tracks & 400 customizable cars you'd do nothing but bat an eyelid?
S2 licensed
STILL no hatchback S13.