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Quote from zeugnimod :Did the guy who recognised you quickly leave the server?

No but he watched me skid off violently into the wall at turn 1.

Just finished my first skippy race and got 3rd despite a couple of spins, well chuffed! My SR isn't chuffed though, -62! LOL.
S2 licensed
I'm hooked, again!

Done a few this afternoon on the short track ovals and a couple road races mostly ending in disaster.

Just bought the Skippy, Brands and Sebring - time to have some fun!

I even got recognised as an LFS driver in one of the pontiac races.
S2 licensed
I'm thinking of re-subscribing now I have a lot more time on my hands, especially over summer. Is it nowadays setup so you need to buy 5 tracks and 5 cars before you can get into any decent sets of races? Or are there still loads of races on certain combo's.

Also, is there a way I can reactivate my old account and keep my stats+purchases?
S2 licensed
Quick one of me testing my flash - people call me Bieber, can you tell why?

S2 licensed
Quote from Scatter :Wow, that's cool mcintyrej! But now I'm afraid my 50mm 1.8 will do the same eventually... I love that little lens.

I was being very violent with it though, the UV filter that I needed wouldn't come off the end so I had it jammed between my legs twisting it as hard as possible, it was either the plastic inside the lens breaks (as it did) or the filter that I still havn't gotten off un-welds itself.
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 : cant you electrical tape it back on? its a cheap lense too so yeah...

When it split apart a considerable ammount of plastic dust rained down onto my lap, immediately squashing any thought of repair.

Don't worry though, I had a fiddle around and converted it into a fisheye.

S2 licensed
A sad sad day - was trying to take the seemingly welded on UV filter off, and it asploded!

And also, a shot from this morning taken with the very thing!

S2 licensed
Who cares if they get money from it as well, they're probably the biggest dog food retailer in the UK - how can giving 5-6 figure's away to helping a good cause be a bad thing in any respect?
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Just having a play with my new flash and

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My best photo from a wakeboarding meet:

S2 licensed
Getting 22MB/S from your internet provider should in theory produce around 2-3mb/s download speeds, but that would only be to something like your own dedicated server where there are no caps.
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :Owned.

Nice job, when you die I'll make sure to have a get-together and have a ****ing party.

Jackass. How are you not perm banned? The amount of insults and pathetic little comments you give out. I guess you know your pretty safe behind a keyboard and a monitor on the other side of the world.

Serious question though, whats the polish mentality over the prime minister? Obviously the loss of life is tragic but what doesn't this mean for the politics.
S2 licensed
If your finding it hard to control the dynamics of cornering with a wheel, but easy with a controller, your just a bad driver.
S2 licensed
He looks exactly like me.

The amount of comments that I get that I'm trying to look like him.........

S2 licensed
This fooled my tutor, should have seen his face.
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :I'm sure people on here think they're all mechanics and know everything about cars.

Just sound like a load of keyboard warriors to me HAHA.

How ironic
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :Thanks!

Trick question but I say very little.

Now your definition of 'how much' and 'very little' might be different but if I end up with 20-30 usable shots from small shoots and they are often published on the same evening or next day, that isn't much time per image as I do have another day job eating away my life.

99% of my published stuff is edited some way or another. I try to do the fine tuning the crop, contrast curves, saturation and white balance to suit or enhance the emotional content that's in the shots the first place.

I do practically no pixel-based editing at all to my photos (apart from obvious image composites) as I have no PS installed on my home computer. I use LR2 for quick edits and NX2 when colour rendition and detail is critical. Compared side by side the NX2 shows just how bad the Adobe's ACR converter really is. Too bad the NX2 is such a chore to use.

Do some side-by-side comparisons of NX2/ACR!

Just a quick shot from last night, I don't really like it though. Around 60 second exposure in the dead of night, The sky is really grainy even though it was 100ISO, I guess this was just because of the long exposure.

Testing out my new red graduated filter, although the effect on here isn't very nice since the blues clash a bit with the red.

S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Im sorry but *your* doing it wrong - at 18 my car (a little higher insurance group than a Ka) is insured in my own name etc and is £1200... that should easily be under a grand in 2 years time.Very very few people on this forum drive bog standard cars. It's just the mods that most people do aren't so utterly over the top - i'm sure adding a body kit will improve the looks a little (heck you can't make it worse) but at the end of the day it's still a van... most people wouldn't spend the value of their car modifying it.

It must be the area..etc that I live in, £2000 is a standard quote for a male up here. Expect around 40% of that total for a female.
S2 licensed
Quote from sam93 :LOL! Dropping it on a calibra chassis is a dream that'll never happen. Engine will. Suspension will. Bodywork will. This is something different that is all.

I know not a lot of people have the taste of modifying cars, but I do.

These vans are cheap as chips to repair... Good for a first car. Are different and are bloody quick with a C20LET in it as there is **** all weight in it. Not the best handling car in the world, hence why suspension at the least will get done so it's more stable around corners and not like a boat.

I can get insured on an S13 at 19 for £1300... Thats with just putting a parent on the insurance. Could just do the bodywork and audio and then get an S13 at 19 which will kill my pocket on fuel but christ they are lush cars.

Pearcy what was your first car then? And I bet your parents bought it. Where as I paid for my driving test, the 7 driving lessons I needed and the van - All on a budget of £900.

I nearly bought an Audi A4 1.8T that needed the flywheel doing on it. I could get insured on it for £1200 a yr. Didn't get it though as Dual Mass Flywheels are stupidly expensive and I don't fancy replacing the suspension arms on them every year that always seems to go on them!

I wouldn't mind a golf or something similar and go all Euro on it. Euro is the best modifying scene for keeping standard parts but making them look different with smoothing.

Why don't you pearcy put a pic up of your car?

You can't get £1300 on an S13 at 19.

Its £2500 for me to insure something like a 1.2 ford ka at 20. Your doing it wrong.
S2 licensed
Quote from brandons48 :Anyone else got the XM8 Compact? Neat little gun! :]

That + Red Dot is brilliant! Just did a hardcore squad deathmatch and got 24 kills without dying - its like a 2 shot kill and with the accuracy of red dot its easy mode!
S2 licensed
Mouse & Keyboard is the proper way to go for FPS shooters. As far as cheaters go, do you mean blatant fly around the map at 1000mph cheaters? Or just players better than whiney friends.
S2 licensed
Such a good game! Been playing it a lot with two of my CSS buds, when we put our minds to it we can destroy a game and get 3-5k before bonus'.

I need like 4000 until the M95, and then once i've gotten over the 50'cal excitedness I'm gonna level up medic or assault.

Level 11 btw, friends name is "Skopey"
S2 licensed

I love it so much!

Collecting my first film tomorrow, really excited to see the results.
Web Archives
S2 licensed

Could somebody take a couple of screenshots of some old game websites for me? I'm at college and the site is blocked, but need some screenshots as our handin date is today :<

Any comparisons of websites like LFS or any other games would be very helpful!

I'll pay you in cookies.
S2 licensed
Some 35mm shots, nothing serious!

1: Bus
2: Feet
3: Mate
4: M'Lady