It would actually be a nice idea to have an internal resolution option in LFS, to scale from 0.5x to 4x the resolution of the screen, with a supersampling shader pass to filter it.
With a setup like that and you're having a cracked LFS, what a waste.
I suggest you to delete this video or buy an S2 account before the mod see you, cause it's now reported.
True that. And also true that LFS needs at least an overhaul to the first time experience to make the new player as familiar with the game as possible.
For now, LFS just asks for controls, color and setup for the XFG (why there is this screen here, it's totally useless and makes people think that the paintjob and setup will be set once forever), asks to accept EULA and boom, you are left on the main screen, no idea on where to start.
IMO, LFS needs at least to ask if the player want to do the training, and if he clicks yes, launch the first lesson of the training mode., remove the car setup screen and guide him better on what is what.
For example, it took me several years to understand what the CT bar meant.
To get back on the subject, I think LFS should be sold in a platform like GOG or Steam, but not until S3 has more content, graphics engine gets an overhaul and first time user experience (FTUE for short) is corrected.
Seems easy to implement and a nice feature to add to LFS (there should be an option to disable it and one to enable it on GTRs and single seated only though)
Just read the thread, I totally agree with Dave, illegal S1/S2/S3 servers are destroying LFS's legal multiplayer.
A official server hosting and official server hosters would be a nice solution, or just add user login into the dedicated server app so that DEMO users can't create licensed servers.
Nice update Scawen ! Too bad I can't try LFS with VR
From what I saw while people trying LFS in VR, it seems really "harsh", no tweening, no screenfade, etc. You should consider these in the future, they greatly improve the feel of a finished product and hurt less eyes in VR (for example a screen fade on when going from menu to the start of a race).
First, XRT and DEMO dosen't match since 0.5Y, and then the record is bad quality, CTRL+F to hide UI, thoses black bar are ugly, and a better computer would help record at 1080p 60 FPS.
I guess you're just a spammer even if you have almost as much experience as me on this forum.
Again an useless thread with the same answers given multiple times each year.
Oh, I forgot that LFS uses half spherical reflection to reflect world, so object that are too far away are not rendered, you're right, not a far clip problem.
What are the things that will be developed on theses test patches now that you fixed the crash and smoothed MPRs ?
EDIT: Can you take a look on my request list that I sent by email a month ago BTW ? Thanks
Nice, replay are more smooth now, too bad multiplayer is still blocky.
BTW, since we have a test patch and it's a quick thing to do, can you increase the draw distance of the reflections ? At least add an option to do so please.
Yes, it is portable, but S1/2/3 license needs to be reactivated on each computer.
You are not concerned since you are DEMO, but keep that in mind if you upgrade.
Nice, high resolution default skin with baked ambient occlusion is an excellent idea !
Can you make them use a linear color space by the way, so that we have more realistic color for LFS without having to use pow() function in shaders (they are quite taxing on GPU)
Interesting, what is the main focus of this test patch this time ? Graphics improvements ? I think Cascaded Shadow Mappping would be a real game changer for LFS, it will change the look of each tracks and cars.