My personal opinion is that LFS devs should give us the source code of the graphical engine, so that experienced people can work on improving it (or share it to trusted people).
Then, people can send their work to the devs, and so Scawen can choose to implement it (a bit like the translation process).
The only restriction will be to not overload devs with "new super cool feature that need to create super high 8K textures with normal maps and specular maps and 4000h to implement it" and respect requirments from the devs.
LFS has a wonderful and powerful community, I think it could ne great to give us the opportunity to improve our favorite game that made us live on someway.
Unfortunately if I look at the date and look at my lists of things to do, Westhill will not be out by Christmas. Maybe I can get the new paths system test patch released. I'll see if I can prioritise those tasks. Though it's good I didn't rush that out, as I just came across a change that needed to be made to the TV camera selection system.
Okay, thanks for your reply. That's really great that LFS is getting a big refresh ! Keep it up guys !
I'll probably work on a XR gauge when the next version is out.
EDIT : @Daniel : Please do a correct XR positioning for background (align the 3 little gauges and let people move gauges everywhere (like the fuel gauges on the closest little gauge (left one in LWD). PM me if you need more explainations Thanks
Oh, that's bad, I prefer to add this texture only on the interior mirror so, or a generated texture at pit exit.
Scawen said that he'll work in 3D mirrors for 0.6G, but nothing happened, so we'll wait for it after Westhill update.